His words, not mine.

Cale Chambers was a hard man who was persuaded by nothing other than social status, money, and success, but at least he wasn’t cruel.

Taking over, and filling his shoes, wasn’t something I was ready for, a fact he was very much aware of given his frequent impromptu visits. I’d only just officially taken over a couple of weeks ago, and this was my father’s fourth visit.

Becoming the head of a multinational company took years of experience, but my father saw fit to throw me directly into the fire.

The door to my inner office gave way with a little too much force and bounced off the wall. I could hear my assistant’s gasp of surprise, but I couldn’t care less.

“I can’t completely take over this company if you’re here almost every day. It might confuse the employees.”

I didn’t bother with a hello or the warm greeting a person would typically use to greet their parent. The resentment I held for him was far too engraved for trivial manners.

I loved my father, but I hated him at the same time.

“I’m just checking on you,” he said while looking through the papers on my desk.

“Me? Or your company?”

That seemed to gain his full attention. He slammed the papers down and glared. I could feel the anger seeping out of him from across the room. “It’s not just a company, son. It’s an empire. One that I want you to start appreciating. Believe it or not, I didn’t just hand it over to you. You earned it.”

“But you don’t think I’m ready. Isn’t that why you’re intruding twice a week and monitoring everything I do? By the way, I’m firing your mole as soon as I find him.”

“You don’t need to find him. Owen James has agreed to keep a close eye on you and step in when necessary.”

“James? You got your VP to spy on me?”

“No, I got your VP to look after you. He’s a good guy. You could learn a lot from him.”

“Like how to be a bloodthirsty shark? Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”

“Don’t be disrespectful.”

“If you think he’s so great, why not make him your successor?”

My father rose from my chair to stand before me. “Because he’s not my son. I built this for you and your sister. I just want you to appreciate it more.”

“I appreciate it, Dad. I just don’t want it forced down my throat, and if you’re going to let me take over, then let me take over. I don’t need your watchdog sniffing around.”

“It’s just a precaution.”

“That you wouldn’t need if you had listened when I said I wasn’t ready. I don’t have enough experience.”

“Nonsense. Some of the greatest empires were built on inexperience, and do you know why? Because they were driven and they were focused. They didn’t waste time on trivial pursuits and walking on the wrong side of the law.”

I took the seat he’d vacated and leaned back casually though I felt anything but relaxed. “Meaning?”

“Your friendship with Keiran Masters. I want you to end it. “

“Not happening.”

“Damn it, Dasher. He’s a public relations nightmare waiting to happen, and I don’t want you or this empire being caught in the crosshairs.”

“No. I’ve given you enough. I’m not giving any more. He’s my best friend and more than that, he needs me.”

“He’s a grown man and he’s trouble. How long before he turns on you? One wrong move or word, and you think he won’t hesitate to hurt you or worse, kill you?”

“That wouldn’t happen.”

When persuasion didn’t work, he tried to enforce his authority. “I won’t stand for your disobedience.”

I laughed at the serious expression he wore, knowing he was completely serious about his demand. “I’m not fifteen anymore. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an empire to run, remember?”

B.B. Reid's books