28 Days

They needed to talk.

Grabbing two beers from the fridge, Saige made her way toward him and smiled when he tugged her down onto his lap instead of the separate lounger. His arms tightened around her as he nuzzled into her neck. “I love holding you like this, smelling you,” he chuckled.

“Smelling me, huh?” Saige made herself comfortable so that she could see his face and offered him an amused smile. “What’s wrong?” She caressed along his brow and down the side of his face, tracing along the faint scars down his cheek.

“Honestly, I’m finding all this difficult.”

“Oh.” Saige dipped her eyes and wondered what he referred to as being difficult.

“Not you, Saige.” He cupped her chin. “I need space—” He quickly cut off his words and tightened his hand on her hip. “I’m not explaining myself very well.” He closed his eyes and tucked her head under his chin. “I’ve spent years in a small space where I had to wear chains if I left the cell. Now that I’m free, I need open spaces, and I’m struggling being in the city with so many people. I’m struggling being inside this apartment.” He kissed her forehead. “But for my need of peace and quiet with you, I’d love this place. You’ve only half made it a home though, right?”

She was surprised he remembered what they used to talk about—her dream place. “I used to want a lot of color and space with our books sharing shelf space, and the old, brown leather chair close by so that we could both curl up and snuggle together while reading or just relaxing.”

“That’s right, and the only thing you got right was the chair,” he observed and she realized it wasn’t a criticism but a genuine observation. “When we start to build a home together we’re going to have that color. I’m going to build us the most amazing bookcase for your books—I’ve no idea where mine are—and it’s going to our place. It’s going to be ours, babe. I can see it now.”

Her tears would soon start to soak into Quinten’s shirt but there was no way he wouldn’t know so she lifted her face and let him see how much his words affected her. “I want that more than anything.”

He smiled and wiped her eyes with his thumbs, or rather he tried to. She laughed and knocked his hands away. “I’ve got this.”

He watched her closely and asked, “So, have you given any thought as to where you want to live?”

She smiled and straddled his lap, her hands held loosely on his shoulders. “What about Montana? It’s full of large spaces and less people. We can choose somewhere that isn’t over populated.”

“Are you choosing Montana because of what I just said about needing peace and quiet or have you given it some thought?” Quinten tipped his head and watched Saige closely.

“I was thinking a complete change to Florida. Somewhere that has nice summers, but cold winters. I think we’re both ready for the change and we’ll be able to choose whether or not we want to be around people or not. Have a town close by with a convenience store. Driving distance to a larger city maybe for a once a month large shopping trip, and we need schools close by.”

Quinten threw his head back and laughed. “You do have it all planned. Anything else?” he asked, his eyes darkening the further his hands slipped up her thighs.

She grinned. “I know you really won’t like this but you’ll just have to live with it for now.” She watched him frown and continued, “This apartment is mine, Quinten. I bought it with money that had been left in a trust for me when my mother died. I’m going to sell it and get us a home in Montana that we both love. I know you’re a proud man, but until we get ourselves sorted, you’re going to have to forget about where the money is coming from and just enjoy being with me.” She bit her lip, hoping he would just agree.

“I can do that for you...but as soon as the money I’m owed comes through and I’m working, we’re going fifty-fifty, and that isn’t open for discussion.” He grinned. “However, what I might let you open for discussion is how much I want you, how much you drive me insane, how much I’ll always need you by my side, and what we’ll never discuss is who loves who the most because I’m pretty certain we’ll never agree on that one.”

Saige silently agreed and swooped down to capture the lips that always captivated her.

Day 22


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