28 Days

Why the hell did she ask her father about Quinten? She shouldn’t have forgotten his brother as though he was inconsequential, not after the time Alex knew they spent together, away from prying eyes.

He thought finding Saige Lockwood would be difficult. In the end it had been easy, thanks to her father’s assistant. She’d told him where Richard Lockwood would be, so all Alex had done was wait…and then follow. He’d been led right to Saige Lockwood’s door.

He’d wanted to go up and confront both of them in the restaurant, but something held him back and he’d asked to be seated in an area close enough to hear them.

Saige not knowing who his brother was, had shocked him, and kept him awake for most of the night. Although he still hadn’t worked out what was really going on with her, he was slightly relieved that he wouldn’t have to talk her into anything if she was serious about reading everything she could get her hands on about his brother’s trial.

Alex wondered whether or not her father really believed her easy acceptance to leave the past alone? Even to his ears she had sounded insincere.

He’d had it all planned in his head, what he’d say to her, or even how to go about approaching her. Her not recognizing him presented a new challenge…or maybe an opportunity.

Originally he hadn’t planned on introducing himself. He was going to just stand in her way until she recognized him. From what he’d overheard and saw, that wouldn’t work now. He couldn’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment though. He’d wanted her to be shocked and maybe even scared when he stood in front of her. He’d wanted to see fear filling her eyes as she realized he was there for the truth instead of all the lies she told about his brother.

He now had even more questions.

When Alex awoke that morning and made the decision to go straight to Saige for answers, he wondered how she would be with him once he admitted who he was and what he wanted. He was a lot different now, and so was she.

Gone was the long, blonde hair. It was now a rich, glowing auburn that fell softly around her strong chin and high cheekbones. She still had a delicacy about her that had been present before, it seemed fragile now…or maybe slightly hardened, as though she kept it hidden. He was glad she hadn’t lost the softness, it was one of the things that had attracted his brother. Nothing could change the azure blue of her eyes though, he’d know her from that alone.

Settling down in his truck outside of Saige’s apartment, he wondered what had happened to Little Miss-Not-So-Perfect. One minute she was in the hospital and the next she disappeared. He’d sweet-talked one of her nurses for information to pass on to his brother, who’d been going crazy wanting to know how his girl was. The nurse hadn’t been much use, but at least he was able to tell Quinten that Saige would live.

He hated her for the lies, but he didn’t think his brother could hate her even if she was the one giving him the lethal injection. For all intents and purposes, she would be.

She’d accused him.

It was her who selected his picture from a stack the DA had showed her. That one decision had been the start of the witch hunt against his brother.

Catching a flash of movement to his right, he sat up straight in his truck when he realized Saige was about to disappear behind the door to her apartment building.

Alex quickly opened his door and jumped down. “Saige,” he shouted, trying to grab her attention.

She paused and when her eyes landed on him, she frowned as though she tried to remember where she’d seen him before. “You’re the guy from the restaurant?”

He nodded as he walked closer, which seemed to set her on alert as her eyes darted between him, the entrance to the building behind her, and the coffee shop across the street.

“Have coffee with me.” He wanted her to feel safe so that she’d talk to him, although she’d probably run when she realized who he was.

Or would she?

“I don’t have coffee with strangers.” She edged toward the building where the doorman had appeared, wary of their exchange.

He wasn’t a stranger.

He figured that he didn’t have much left to lose. “Saige, please. My name is Alex. Alexander Peterson. My brother is Quinten Peterson.”

She froze at his words, all color drained from her face as her hand reached up and covered her mouth, muffling the gasp. “You look different than your photographs,” she stated, tilting her head slightly.

He nodded in agreement, and continued, “I’m not going to hurt you, but I really need to talk to you.” He edged closer. “Please, Saige. My brother didn’t hurt you, or those girls. Please just talk to me.” He glanced toward the coffee shop. “Let me buy you coffee. It’s busy so you won’t be alone with me, if that’s what you’re worried about.”