Under the Gun

“How’s Sampson doing?”



I nodded. “He’s fine. He took quite a beating so he’s not healing as quickly as normal, but he’s doing good. And word is already spread through the Underworld about Dixon and about Sampson coming back.”


“Wow. That was fast.” Alex shifted in his bed, his sheets falling down, exposing his naked chest.


I sucked in a shaky breath, but got a jolt of adrenaline, and tickled my fingers up Alex’s chest. “It’s too bad we’re just friends and you’re in a cast. . . .”


Alex’s eyes flashed, his lips kicking up into that cocky half smile. “Oh yeah, why’s that?”


I reached under the bed. “Because somebunny at San Francisco Memorial loves you.” I planted the bunny-eared hat on his head and grinned.






Please turn the page for an exciting sneak peek of


Hannah Jayne’s next Sophie Lawson novel




coming in August 2013 from Kensington Publishing!


“You want me to do what?”


In all my years as the only breathing employee at the Underworld Detection Agency, I’ve been asked to do a lot of things—hobgoblin slobbery, life-or-death, blood-and-flesh kind of things. But this? This took the cake.


Pete Sampson leaned back in his leather chair, and though I usually beamed with pride when he did that—as I had been instrumental in getting him reinstated as head of the UDA—this time, I couldn’t. My stomach was a firm, black knot and heat surged through every inch of my body as he looked up at me expectantly.


“I really thought you would be excited to visit your old stomping grounds.”


My knees went Jell-O wobbly then and I thumped back into Sampson’s visitor’s chair. I yanked a strand of hair out of my already-messy ponytail—my hair had been butchered by a neurotic hoarder not too long ago and was just starting to reach ponytail status—and wrapped it around my finger until the tip turned white.


“Excited? To return to the source of my deepest angst, my inner-turmoil—to the brick walls that can only be described as a fiery, brimstony hell?”


Sampson cocked an eyebrow. “It’s just high school, Sophie.”




Most people would say that high school is the most traumatic time in their lives—myself included. And since in the last few years I’d been shot at, stabbed, hung by my ankles, almost eaten, and sexually harassed by an odoriferous troll, most traumatic took on a whole new significance.


“Isn’t there anything else we can do? Anything I can do? And I’m talking human sacrifice, demon sacrifice, total surrender of my Baskin Robbins punch card.”


“Sophie,” Sampson started.


“Wait.” I held up a hand. “Are we sure we have to go in at all? And why me, specifically? I mean”—I rifled through my purse and pulled out a wrinkled business card—“it’s been a while since you’ve been back at the Agency, Sampson. See?” I slid the card across the desk to him. “It says right there: Sophie Lawson, Fallen Angels Division.” I stabbed at my name on the card as though that would somehow give my title more emphasis. “Does this case have anything to do with fallen angels? Because if not, I’m sure there are other UDA employees who would be excellent in this investigation. And then I would be able to really focus on my current position.”


Granted, my position more often than not found me pinning a big baddie to a corkboard or locked in a public restroom sans clothes, but still.


Sampson stacked my business card on top of a manila file folder and pressed the whole package toward me.


“You should go in because you know the high school.”


“I’ll draw you a map.” I narrowed my eyes, challenging.


“And because everyone else around here—” Sampson gestured to the open office and I refused to look, knowing that I would be staring into the cold, flat eyes of the undead—and the occasional unhelpful centaur. “Well, everyone else would have trouble passing. Besides, it’s not like you’re going in alone.”


“I’m not worried about that. And hey, I’m flattered, but there really is no way I’m going to pass as a student.”


Though I’m only five-three (if I fudge it, stand on a phone book and stretch), often wear my fire-engine red hair in two sloppy braids, and have, much to my best friend’s chagrin, been known to wear SpongeBob SquarePants pajama bottoms out to walk the dog, it had been a long time since anyone mistook me for anything more than a fashionably misguided adult.


“You’re not going in as a student. You’re going in as a teacher. A substitute.”


I felt as though all the blood in my body had drained out onto the brand-new industrial grade carpet. Because the only thing worse than being a high school student is being a high school substitute teacher.


Hannah Jayne's books