Sea Sick: A Horror Novel

“He’s dangerous. What has he done?”

“I’m afraid I can’t go into that.”

Vicky sighed and looked the officer in the eyes. “This is my ward. It’s my job to look after him. If this guy is dangerous then I have a right to know about it.”

Tom shifted in his seat.

“Look,” Vicky told him. “I’m bound by the same confidentiality that you are. Whatever you tell me goes no further, but at least I’ll know what I’m dealing with.”

Tom seemed to think about it for a while and then finally let his shoulders slump with a sigh. “Okay, but you tell no one. I mean it, not even your family.”

Vicky nodded.

“The guy inside this room is Nigel Moot, a guy we’ve suspected of some pretty horrible crimes. Until now we’ve never been able to get anything on him, but now…”

“Now what? What crimes?”

“For the last three years there has been an active serial killer in the UK. We’re talking dozens and dozens of woman and children murdered and, well you can imagine the rest. We suspect he’s the country’s most prolific serial killer ever after Harold Shipman.”

Vicky felt sick. “My God! How do you know it’s him?”

“Like I said, we’ve suspected him for a while but couldn’t get anything to stick. We put his name on our alert list and when you admitted him last night he flagged on our radar. We sent someone by last night to check things out, and that’s when we found what we needed.”

Vicky shook her head. “What?”

“The photograph was of a recent victim and the necklace belonged to a woman murdered in a Paris suburb.”


The officer nodded. “The killings have occurred all over Europe and started about three years ago. Nigel Moot began a job as a long distance lorry driver around the same time. With the evidence we found on his possession, we were able to search his truck. In fact we’ve already searched it during a previous investigation, but this time we managed to locate a secret hatch at the back of the passenger cabin. All I can describe it as is some sort of shrine.”

“I don’t want to hear anymore do I?”

“Well, you were the one that insisted. We found body parts, fingers and toes, as well as personal belongings off dozens of victims. We have enough evidence to send this guy away for fifty lifetimes. Which is what makes him more dangerous than ever. The moment he wakes up, you tell me.”

Vicky felt like she was floating out of her body. The mixture of shock, disgust, and horror in her mind made her whole body feel light. She needed to sit down.

“I’m going to take a short break. I need to digest this.”

Tom nodded and seemed sympathetic. “No problem. Just remember that no one can know. The situation is volatile and we need to handle it with care if this guy is every going to face his crimes.”

Vicky floated off towards the staff lounge and was glad to see that it was empty. The last things she needed right now was people asking her if she was okay. She took a seat at one of the lunch tables and clasped her hands together as if in prayer. She rocked back and forth slightly as she contemplated what she’d just been told.

All those women. Children, too. It turns my stomach to think that I helped save the life of a murdering rapist last night. A sick, child-killing demon. I bet he’ll be proud when he realises he’s been caught. He’ll probably end up as some sort of celebrity. Freddy Krueger in the flesh.

Vicky thought about her own daughter, Heather, and imagined the monster violating and killing her. She thought about all the poor mothers that had been given the news that their children had been ripped apart by a sadistic murder – a predator of innocent flesh.