The Shadows







He watched her go with a sense of failure, despair—and relief. Relief most of all, because even though she was running from him again, she was still herself. Still Grace, not bewitched by love, and he was glad.


He knew Finn would not understand, however. Diarmid supposed he could say he was getting ready to use the ball seirce and then she bolted, which was true. But he also hadn’t convinced her to come with him, and that was disobeying another order.


The back door opened, and Aidan came inside. Grace’s brother looked as if simply standing was the most he could do. He was sweating profusely, his hair still standing on end, his eyes glowing. Finn and Cannel had taught him a few things in the last hours, but learning to control his power would take much longer than that. Diarmid felt the electricity coming off Aidan now; it almost hurt to be around him.


Aidan glanced around the kitchen. “Where’s Grace? We have to meet the others.”


“She’s upstairs,” Diarmid said.


“I’ll tell her to hurry.” Aidan started past him. Diarmid stopped him. Thunder crashed overhead—very loud. Very close.


The Fomori.


Aidan cringed, looking fearfully at the ceiling. “We can’t wait. We have to get her out of here.”


Diarmid said, “I need more time.”


“You didn’t convince her?”


“Not yet.”


Aidan looked sick. “There is no more time, Derry. Can’t you hear them?” He grabbed his head. “Aaaahhhh! That screaming! I can’t stand it!”


Aidan’s hair was hissing. Diarmid put his arm around Aidan’s shoulders, jerking away again as he was rocked by a painful shock. Aidan fell to his knees, gasping. “It’s time. The Fomori will come for her. We’ll have to force her if she won’t go willingly.”


The plan had been for Diarmid and Aidan to bring Grace to meet the others a few blocks away, where it wouldn’t be so unusual to see gang members lingering. They didn’t want to call attention to themselves so far uptown. But now Aidan was right; there was no time for that.


Aidan’s eyes shone. “Bring Finn and the others here. We’ll need them to keep her safe. The Fomori are so close. I can hear them!” Aidan grabbed his head again, digging his fingers into his scalp. “Shut up! Shut up!”


Diarmid grabbed Aidan’s shoulder, shaking it. “You’ll have to get her to the back gate. Do you understand? Get her there and wait for us. I’ll be as quick as I can. Can you manage it? Just to the backyard.”


Aidan squeezed his eyes shut. “The backyard. Yes. I’ll bring her.”


Thunder shook the house. Aidan whimpered. With a last look at the kitchen door, a last wish that she was in his arms, Diarmid left. There was no other choice now. The Fomori were here.


He ran to get the others.