The Promise(Fallen Star Series, Book4)

Chapter 11


I didn t know what happened. Maybe seeing him threw me off, or maybe it was what he d said about going somewhere safe that made me think of the place where my dad resided, inside his own head, where he was trapped all alone.

Alex glanced around, confused.

Where are we?

I pulled a



I think I accidently took us into my dad s head.

Alex stared at me blankly.

You took us into your dad s head?

Things had changed since my last visit. The ocean was there, but the beach was rockier and the air was colder. The sky was full of thunder and flashes of lightening. Ocean waves crashed into the shore with the storm.

Yeah, this is where my dad lives.

How weird was this? The first time my dad and Alex meet we re inside my dad s head? I shook the absurdity away.

I wonder where he is?

I hiked up the beach, sand sneaking into my DC s. Thunder boomed above and waves threatened to steal us away.

So this is what you thought of when I said a safe place?

Alex asked, staring at the waves.

You know me,

I joked, kicking at the sand.

I like to keep you on your toes.

He pressed back a laugh and met my eyes.

So where s your dad?

I shrugged, puzzled.

I m not sure. Usually he just shows up.

The corners of his mouth quirked.

Well, it s his head so he s got to be around.

I nodded, biting my lip, trying to hold back the question I was dying to ask. But it slipped out anyway.

Are you leaving again?

I sputtered.

His adam s apple bobbed.

I don t know &

He shut his eyes, breathing in the salty ocean air.

I think I should.

I wanted to argue, yell at him, beg him not to go. But I understood. I hated it, but knew it was probably the right thing to do. I nodded, voiceless.

His eyes opened, bright green, flashing against the lightening.

I don t want to.

I was startled by the rawness of his words.

Then don t.

We stared each other down, our hearts pounding faster, electricity radiating more energy than the lightning bolts. And the pounding slowed as time drifted away and our lives started to drain.


he said breaking the trance we d fallen in to. He took off his jacket and slipped it on me, zipping it up tight.

Your dad might worry & with all the blood on your neck and shirt.

I tucked my hands into the sleeves, breathing in the scent of him.

So what did you find out on your little excursion?

I asked, trying to distract my thoughts from his scent, not wanting to be a total weirdo.

We headed further down the beach.

Not much. You?

What do you know about the Afterlife?

He hit an abrupt stop.

Why did you ask that?

Because &

I replied.

That s where my mom said I had to go.

The wind blew my hair in my face.

To visit a woman named Helena.

He shook his head, his hair stuck up in all kinds of directions.

No way. You can t go there it s the Afterlife for God s sake, as in the place where a Lost Soul goes after someone dies an unneeded death.

I shrugged, biting at my nails.

So what? If it can fix everything then it s worth it?

My answer seemed to make him kind of angry.

So you re okay with that dying. And me too, since we re supposed to be a package deal.

I placed my hands on his shoulders and he flinched.

You re going to be fine. You re going to bring me back.

No freaking way,

he snapped, moving his face closer to mine.

It should be me. You don t need to die.

I started to argue, but was cut off by the sound of a familiar voice.


Dropping my hands from Alex, I turned to my dad, giving him a small smile. But he looked anything but happy to see me, his violet eyes unwelcoming, his silver robe blowing in the wind.

You need to go, now!

I jolted my head back, shocked.

What s

A crackle of ice interjected and the rushing water rapidly froze over, the waves chilling in their place. Suddenly blacked-cloaked figures with corpse-like skin marched toward us, stirring up a cloud of sand.

The Death Walkers had returned.

Jessica Sorensen's books