Scent of a Vampire


"Ahhhh, that explains a lot. Hockey players. They are a wild bunch arent they?" I purposely misunderstood his statement to give myself a second to process what he said. The Jersey Devil. I remembered hearing stories about him I just couldnt remember any specifics.

"Im not a hockey player, though I do like the way they slam each other. I am the Jersey Devil, the beast they talk about around campfires. The boogeyman that scares little children." he snickered.

I had to admit, he scared me as well, and he seemed a little off.

Roberto, who had been quiet until now said, "Leeds, you are what you are. That they choose to call you a ,,devil just proves peoples ignorance. Its one of the reasons I say the world is not ready to know about the other species that are out there. Regardless how much people talk about tolerance and change, they rarely are capable of either."

"I want to think people are better than that Roberto, surely youre not that cynical. There are a lot of good people in the world. Not everyone is like those Guardians. Look at yourself, youre a good person." I said quite passionately.

"Hmmpppfff." That came from Leeds.

Roberto looked uncomfortable, "Thank you Piccolina for thinking so highly of me. You make me out to be a saint, and I am far from a saint. You have only known me a few days."

"That may be so but I know a good person when I see one and youve been nothing but good to me." I added vehemently.

"Olivia, you think the best of people dont you? I hope that the day never comes that you lose that. But if Im being honest, I cant see that happening, not with what you

95 are and what you will become." Roberto sounded sad.

Leeds stood and scratched his backside and said, "Bloody hell the two of you are making me ill. I need to stretch my wings."

"Ummm did you say wings?"

"Yeah, do you have a problem with that piccolo?"

Roberto raised an eyebrow, "Actually its Piccolina and that is my pet name for Olivia."

"Hmmm okay, then I will call her sugar lips"

In unison Roberto and I said, "No!"

"Whatever, Im gonna go stretch." Leeds looked at me with a challenge and asked, "Do you want to see my private parts sugar lips?"

"If you mean wings, yes Id love to see them."

Roberto stood. "Well, if youre going then Im going."

We went out into the night. The moon was still high in the sky. It was still a bit eerie out here in the swamp but I felt safe with Roberto by my side. As if he read my thoughts he took my hand in his and as usual, a tingle went up my arm. I shivered a little and Roberto winked at me.

I turned my attention back to Leeds who was taking off his shirt. He was facing us and as he unbuttoned his shirt he said, "When I go into town, I am just another bum that people ignore. I cover up what I am with baggy clothes and I never go out at night when my eyes glow."

I stared as he removed his shirt. His chest wasnt the same as a regular mans. It was broader and more defined.

"I dont go into town more than I have to. I dont like having to hide my wings beneath these clothes. It would be like you sugar lips, binding those beautiful breasts of yours."

I watched closely as he opened his arms wide and looked to the sky. I saw them then, spreading out from the center of his back. It looked like a membrane that was

96 connected with some bones. They must have stretched out three feet on either side of him. I wondered how he had them hidden inside his flannel shirt without anyone knowing. The look on his face was rapturous as he stretched and flapped his wings. Sort of like when I took off a new pair of high heels that I havent broke in yet.

"What is he?" I whispered to Roberto.

"As far as anyone knows, he is one of a kind. He seems to have some genetic makeup of a dragon."

"Are dragons real?"

"Well, not anymore, but they were at some time. Theres speculation that they might have been from the dinosaur family."

"How do you know all of this?"

"We are not without our own scientists and people doing research for the good of our kind."

I looked back at Leeds who stood there in all his dragon glory. "Can I touch them?"

Roberto looked uncomfortable with that request, but Leeds said, "Sure sugar lips, you can touch anything you want."

I walked over to him and softly touched his wing.

Leeds let out a moan and I quickly stepped back. "Im sorry. Did I hurt you?"

"God no, that felt so good. It has been many years since someone caressed my wings. Its very erotic you know, having someone stroke and rub your wings."

"That will be enough Leeds." Roberto came over and put his arm around me.

"Damn Roberto, why cant we share her? Im sure that you get to f*ck women all the time. Its been a while for me and then I cant take all of my clothes off or theyll see these babies. I just want her to stroke ,,em a little bit."

"Leeds, dont make me hurt you. You cant have my woman."

Before I could even say anything Leeds said, "Well

97 in that case Im going to take a little flight around here and maybe find a nice quiet place to land and get my rocks off."

He then proceeded to unzip his pants and take them off. "Nothing like flying naked to get you in the mood."

I couldnt resist taking a peek and was shocked when I saw him. He was enormous! I dont know how he walked around with a package like that. I had seen many male body parts before, working in a hospital, but I had never ever seen anyone so huge. I felt Roberto pulling on my hand to turn me away but I couldnt seem to look away.

Leeds leered at me. "You like what you see sugar lips? You want to ride the dragon now?"

Leeds flapped his wings, and I could feel the wind that he created. I watched in fascination as he slowly lifted off the ground. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen, a giant man with a giant erection flapping his giant wings and flying.

All I could think to say was, "Holy Moly! Did you say he was evolved from a dragon or a horse?"

Roberto frowned. "The last few days have been hard on my manhood."

I leaned over and kissed him. "Did you say something about a hard manhood?"

"Mmmm, yes I did." He murmured in between hot kisses. "Very hard. Lets go inside. Leeds will be gone for a while."

I couldnt suppress the shivers of anticipation that swept through my body. Roberto swept me up in his arms and let me see the passion in his blue eyes. He carried me inside and straight to our bedroom.

He set me down on unsteady legs and knelt before me. "I could spend a lifetime making love to you and it would never be enough. I need to taste you Olivia. Please dont say no" I didnt say anything as he lifted my shirt up. I heard his sharp intake of breath. "You are so beautiful here Cara"

98 His warm breath caressed my sensitive skin and my legs almost buckled. Roberto stood and pulled off my shirt and laid me back on the bed with my feet still on the floor. He knelt back down in front of me. I felt his hands on my knees and started shaking when his hands moved slowly up. The shaking intensified when he urged my legs farther apart. He bent his head and placed soft kisses over my mond while murmuring, "Mmmm, yes Cara, mmmm I can still smell my scent on you. Its making me so hot."

"Roberto! I dont know if I can handle this. Im losing myself again." I almost screamed.

Roberto continued his assault on me. "Try Cara. Just concentrate on this." He spread my folds open and with the tip of his tongue he licked me from top to bottom. "Concentrate on my tongue. What it feels like. How wild I am for you."

Through the haze of lust that was building, I concentrated on his tongue. It was wet and soft and it kept moving in the most delicious patterns, making me shake with need.

I could feel the lightening building inside me and when Robertos mouth closed on my *oris the first waves of an intense climax hit me. I came in a hot rush and still Roberto didnt stop. He spread me farther apart and drove his tongue inside me.

My first climax wasnt over yet and as he slipped his tongue in and out, an even more powerful climax overtook me, and I lost what little control I had left. I pushed him away from me until he was lying on his back on the floor. I ripped open his pants and grabbed his cock and slid my self down on him. Holding my hips, he guided me up and down. I couldnt think of anything except the electrical currents that were running through my body with every hot stroke of his cock inside me. "Yesss...I love the way your cock fills me Roberto."

Roberto moaned, "Ahhhh Piccolina. I cant hold it.

99 Im going to come!"

Robertos words pushed me over the edge, and I came in a hot rush. I felt my muscles clamping tightly around Robertos cock.

"Gods yessss..Ahhhh!" He cried out and pumped his hips hard and fast. I felt his hot seed shoot deep inside me. I collapsed on top of Roberto more exhausted than I had ever been in my life. Roberto rolled us over and scooped me up into his arms. He gently laid me on the bed and covered me up. I felt the bed move as he climbed in beside me, and I turned to snuggle close to him. The last thing I remembered was mumbling to Roberto, "I love you." and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up some time later with my stomach growling. Roberto lay beside me in his creepy death sleep. I tried to ignore the rumblings but knew that I couldnt sleep anymore until I had something in my stomach. I quietly slipped out of the bed, trying hard not to make a noise when I remembered that it didnt matter if I sang at the top of my lungs because Roberto could not be disturbed.

Laughing at myself, I sang in a rather loud voice, "Im just a love machine and I wont work for nobody but you," as I slipped on the shirt I wore last night.

When I entered the kitchen I jumped when Leeds said, "Good morning love machine."

Embarrassed I mumbled, "Good morning Leeds. Did you sleep well?"

"I didnt sleep. I was out running errands for your boyfriend. I got you some clothes, secured a car for you, and contacted your friends."

Jumping up I hugged him. "Did you talk to Janel?"

"Ill tell you if you rub yourself against me some more," he leered.

I took a step back. "You are so bad Leeds, just tell me about Janel."

"Okay, okay. Dont get your panties in a twist. I

100 talked to her and she told me to tell you that she misses you and that she is having a great adventure."

Tears came to my eyes. That was my Janel, no matter what; she always would look at the bright side. God I missed her so much.

"Did you tell her that I was okay?"

"Yeah, and I told her that you are so hot for my body that you keep tearing my clothes off."

I laughed. "I bet she liked that."

Leeds actually laughed himself, "As a matter of fact she did. She asked me how tall I was and what color eyes I have and if I work out every day. I think we would have been having phone sex if Alex hadnt grabbed the phone."

"Oh, Alex. How is he?"

Leeds gave me a sly look. "Hes fine. He had a lot of questions about you. How you are holding up? If youre getting any sleep. If youre sleeping alone?"

I had a hard time looking Leeds in the eye when I asked, "What did you tell him?"

Leeds stood up and came over to where I was sitting and knelt by my chair and lifted my face to his. "Whats going on Olivia? Are you okay? Is anyone forcing you to do anything you dont want?"

"NO!" I vehemently denied. "Its not like that at all. Its just that when I first met Alex and Roberto I was first attracted to Alex and he said that he had marked me."

"Ahhhh goddamn vampires. They have these old ass traditions that they abide by. According to vampire law, Alex has rights where you are concerned and Roberto has broken the law."

"What the hell are you talking about? This is not the dark ages. I have a say who I sleep with."

"That a girl. Will you sleep with me?" he wagged his eyebrows at me. I had to laugh, which I guess was his intent. "Dont you ever give up?"

"No. Not when the prize is so sweet." He placed a

101 quick kiss on my lips. "Can I make you something to eat?"

"No thanks. I can help myself. You should get some sleep."

"Actually I dont sleep that much. I only sleep once or twice a week. Its my metabolism."

"Can I ask you something Leeds?"

He looked wary. "It depends what the question is."

"Why do you live out here like this? All alone. Dont you get lonely?"


"Not ever?"

"If youre by yourself then no one can betray you." He said nonchalantly as he opened the fridge and got out some milk and eggs. "Is French toast okay?"

"That is fine. Did someone betray you Leeds?"

"Everyone betrayed me."

Leeds sat down, the French toast forgotten, as he seemed to go somewhere inside himself. "I was five years old when I felt changes taking place inside me. Contrary to what the "legends" say I wasnt born a devil and my Mother didnt curse me. It was a normal existence until then. Well, normal for a family of thirteen children, a mother who was tired all of the time and a father who was a drunkard. One day I felt on fire on the inside. I lay on the floor too sick to get up. I was pretty much left alone, which was okay with me. Even at that age I knew it was better to be forgotten than to be in someones way. That would have earned me a beating. Anyway, after three days I felt stronger. I woke up before dawn and was able to go outside to relieve myself without anyone noticing. I had a terrible itch on my back and took my sweater off to try and scratch it. All of a sudden there was a cracking sound and terrible pain. I didnt understand what it was, so I ran into the house to wake my mother. My father was there and backhanded me. I flew into the corner and when I got up I heard my mothers screams. My father began to yell; "Abomination,

102 evil spawn," yelling at me to get out, he beat me and I had no idea why. I ran out of the house so afraid and in so much pain. I ran until I couldnt run anymore. I fell and laid there for hours.

When I stood, I felt off balance. I couldnt comprehend what was happening. I had grown wings. No wonder my family hadnt wanted me. I was an abomination.

Crying, dazed and confused, I thought if I got rid of the wings then my family would take me back in. I stumbled around and found a sharp rock. That was the first time I tried cutting my wings off. God it hurt like hell. When it didnt work I was hoping I just would bleed to death. But that didnt happen. My fast metabolism healed me too quickly. So, I learned how to survive. I stole food and supplies but only what I needed. Sometimes I would go back there, watch them through the window; my tired mother, my drunken father; it wasnt too bad being on my own. I was strong and growing larger every day. The worse thing was the loneliness but you get you used to that."

When Leeds finished, I stood up and went over to him and threw myself on him and cried my eyes out. At first he didnt know what to do. He just sat there stiffly. Then slowly he began to rub my back.

"Ohhh Leeds. Im sorry for all of the pain you had to endure. You were just a child, an innocent child. God, how could anyone treat another being like that?" I sobbed harder.

"Shhh, dont cry Olivia. No one has ever shed tears for me."

When the tears quieted down I said, "Leeds you are a whole lot of weird, but for some reason I like you. You are so free. You say what you want, do what you want and make no apologies. I wish that I could be like that."

Leeds pulled my chin up to look into his eyes, "You can and you will Olivia. I just hope to God, for your sake,

103 you wont learn it the way I did through pain and betrayal."

I laid my head on his chest and marveled at the circumstances that brought me to this point; sitting on the lap of the Jersey Devil who had just possibly become one of my best friends, in the middle of the swamp and in love with a vampire. Damn, nothing could top that I was sure, until out of the corner of my eye, I saw a blur of movement and was flung from Leeds lap onto the floor.

I scrambled up, imagining how it must have looked to Roberto when he saw me sitting on Leeds lap. Only it wasnt Roberto pinning Leeds to the wall by his throat, it was Alex.

Jude Stephens's books