Underestimated (Underestimated, #1)

We didn’t get on the road until later in the afternoon. I wanted to stop and say goodbye to Starlight. I didn’t know when I would see her again. Drew drank coffee and ate a pastry while we chatted in her office. I was surprised that she had known about Dawson and Lauren. She never mentioned it. I had even poured my heart out to her. She had the perfect chance, and she didn’t say a word. I shouldn’t have been surprised. She was Lauren and Dawson’s friend too. She was just that kind of friend. I was going to miss her.

“Why do I get the feeling that something is going on that you’re not telling me?” Drew asked when we were finally on the road.

I didn’t want to talk about it yet. I was sad, and needed time to deal with the fact that I had just said goodbye to a man that I loved dearly, my friends, and my home.

I smiled over at him, and he took my hand. He was learning. He knew that I needed a moment and he let me have it. Well, actually he let me have three hours. I stared out the window thinking about what lay ahead while he conducted business on his Bluetooth. I have no idea what he was talking about and only picked up bits and pieces of his conversation. I knew that he had talked to Celeste several times, some guy named Patrick with security in Chicago, and Felix the pilot.

He answered another call from Celeste two minutes after hanging up from his last call. I didn’t want him to work anymore. I was done feeling sorry for myself, and I wanted his attention.

“Damnit, Celeste. I forgot about that. Can you fly them out to North Carolina? I will go over them there, sign them, and you can get them back to Mr. Richfield.”

I picked up his smartphone resting in the cup holder without him realizing it. I switched off his Bluetooth and picked up the conversation. He looked at me like I had lost my mind when he could no longer hear her, and I took over.

“Hi, Celeste. How are you?” I asked, looking at Drew.

“Why don’t you bring your little guy and Alicia and spend the weekend on the beach?”

I watched Drew’s bottom lip curl a little, amused.

“I’m sure it will be fine with Drew. My mom has a bed and breakfast there. I will see if there are any empty rooms if not there are nearby hotels.”

“Don’t worry about him. I can handle Drew, bring your family and relax for a couple of days.”

“Okay. We will see you tomorrow. I will call and let you know about the room.”

I hung up and tossed the phone to the back seat.

“I need that,” Drew smirked.

“No. You don’t. You need me.”

“I do need you, baby,” he confessed. “How did you know about Celeste’s family? You’re supposed to think that I am doing her.”

I laughed. “You’re not really her type.”

“You’re kind of deviant.”

“I learned from the best.”

He smiled. “Do you want to talk to me now?”

I nodded. “Dawson and I called it off last night.”

“Jesus, Drew!” I screamed when the tires hit the gravel, swerving off of the pavement.

“Sorry. What do you mean, you called it off.”

“Keep your eyes on the road. I mean, I am coming home to you.”

“Are you serious, Morgan?”

“Yes, I am very serious.”

Drew hit the brakes and swerved to the side of the two lane road, causing a horn to blow past us.

“Oh, my God. We’re not even going to have to worry about it. You’re going to get us killed,” I yelled, still holding the dash.

“You’re not fucking with me right now? Please tell me this is real,” he begged.

“It’s real, Drew,” I smiled. I didn’t expect him to be as excited as he was.

He smiled the biggest toothy smile he could muster, not on purpose, I was sure. He couldn’t help it.

“I am going to spend the rest of my life loving you,” he assured me.

“And I am going to spend the rest of my life, loving you back. I am never going to bring up the past, and you can’t go all dark on me if it comes up in my sleep.” I knew it would. I hoped that eventually it wouldn’t but for now, it was inevitable.

“You’re leaving Maine?”

I laughed. “I can’t come home to you if I stay in Maine, now can I?” He was having a hard time believing what I was saying. “I’m not going to sell the house just yet.

I need to wait until this baby is born. If he has to go to Maine for visitations, I want to be close to him.”

“He’s not going to any visitations in Maine. He will be at home with his daddy, no doubt in my mind.

There never has been.”

I didn’t tell him he could flip a coin. That was his chances on being the father. He was too excited. I didn’t want to ruin that for him.

“Drive,” I demanded.

He leaned over and kissed me. I placed my hand on the side of his face and let my tongue dance with his.

Down vagina, not now.

Our kiss was interrupted by the ringing of his phone in the back seat.

“You know this will drive me crazy, don’t you?”

Jettie Woodruff's books