Twisted (Torn Series)

Chapter Four


Chloe was obviously not thinking clearly to leave Jordan and me alone in a room together after our little incident on the beach. I was still pissed over the whole ordeal, but I held my tongue as he grabbed the remote and started flipping through the channels. The television was a nice distraction; he stopped on a wrestling match and I glued my eyes to it.

I heard him sigh a couple of times, but I pretended not to notice as I waited for Chloe to reappear. I would leave him alone for Chloe’s sake, but that didn’t mean I was going to be his best buddy and sit down to have a chat with him.

We sat in silence as we watched the television for a few minutes before Jordan finally spoke. “Alright, listen. I know I was an ass earlier, but I only did it to protect Chloe,” Jordan said as he turned the television off.

I took my eyes off the now black screen to stare at him. “Exactly how were you helping her by telling her boyfriend you took her virginity?” I asked, dumbfounded by his logic.

“Chloe is a sweet girl, but she’s had a rough life and she’s been hurt. I don’t want to see her hurt anymore. I’m sure you’re a nice guy and all, but let’s be honest. You’re not really the relationship type, even I can tell that after knowing you for less than a day. I see the way she looks at you, she loves you and you’re going to break her heart. I’d rather have you do it while I’m around so I can help her out.”

“You have no idea what kind of person I am. No, I wasn’t the relationship kind of guy before I met her, but I am now. She’s important to me, and I’m not about to hurt her,” I said as my temper started to flare.

Who did this guy think he was? I knew he thought he was trying to be the good guy by protecting her from me, but he had it all wrong. I would never hurt her, I’d die first. There was something about her that had drawn me in from the beginning and I knew that I loved her. One look from her and she had thrown my world completely upside down, but I was ok with that. I didn’t need the world to be right side up if it meant she wasn’t there with me.

“Maybe not, but you will. Guys like us always screw up in the end, we can’t help ourselves,” he said as he laid his head back against the chair.

“I hate to break it to you, but we’re nothing alike.”

“That’s where you’re wrong. Chloe mentioned you’re in a band; being a football player has the same effect on women. They constantly throw themselves at you even if you try to ignore them. You and I both know you can only avoid the temptation for so long before you cave and break her heart.”

“I have no problem ignoring them when I have Chloe in my bed every night,” I felt triumphant as I saw his nostrils flare in anger. “You seem to be a little too interested in her to be sitting here admitting you’d screw up the first chance you had. If you think I’m the one who’d hurt her, maybe you should take a look at yourself.”

His eyes narrowed, “That’s where we’re different, I know I’d screw up. That’s why I have no intention of trying anything with her, I care about her too much. You’re too blinded by her to realize what kind of person you are.”

“Bullshit, you’ve been after her since the minute she got out of her car.” I said.

“Not true, I’ve been trying to get rid of you from the minute I saw you, but apparently you don’t give up that easily so I thought I’d spell it out for you.”

“Well, I’m not going anywhere so you can forget it; I fought too hard to get her to let her go now. You and I, we’re on the same side here, we’re both trying to protect Chloe. So just let it go ok? I’m not going to hurt her.”

He seemed to consider my words. I hoped I was getting through to him; I didn’t want to leave here worrying about whether or not he was trying something with her.

“I hope you’re right, for your sake and hers. You break her heart and I’ll break you.”

I had to laugh at that. I wasn’t a small guy by any means, but I had no doubt Jordan could break me in two if he wanted to. The guy was a beast and I felt no shame in admitting that. I might be cocky, but I wasn’t stupid.

“I’ll try to remember that, just stop trying to hit on my girl every chance you get and we’ll be cool.” I said as I grinned.

I knew where he was coming from now and I truly appreciated it. He was only looking out for Chloe, and if he would back off, I might even like the guy.

“Fair enough,” he said as Danny stepped into the room.

Alarms went off in my head when Chloe’s mother didn’t appear with him. There was no way I was going to leave Chloe alone with her, regardless of whether or not her aunt was with them.

“Where’s Chloe’s mom? Please tell me you didn’t leave them alone together,” I said.

He gave me a weak smile. “Nah, my mom kicked me out but I hung around to make sure nothing went down. Apparently she kicked Andrea out as well, because she came storming out of the room. I have to say, the look on her face when Chloe shut the door in her face was priceless. I thought she was going to throw something.”

“Well if she isn’t with them then where is she?” I asked.

“Last I saw, she was standing outside the door, with her ear practically pressed up against it trying to listen. She knows Chloe isn’t going to put up with her shit and she’s scared of what she might tell my mom.”

I smiled as Danny sat down on the couch with me. It was good to know both he and Jordan were aware of what kind of person Andrea really was. If Chloe couldn’t talk her aunt out of her decision to leave part of her money to Andrea, maybe they could. That way, Andrea’s anger would be directed at them instead of Chloe. They seemed more than capable of handling her. I was still worried about leaving Chloe behind though; she was obviously the easiest target if her mother decided to go on a rampage.

“I wanted to talk to you guys while Chloe isn’t around,” I glanced back and forth between them, “Chloe isn’t here for the money, I’m sure you two have figured that out. She’s planning on trying to convince her aunt to cut her mother out of her will. If she succeeds, we all know Andrea is going to go nuts. I don’t want to leave her here by herself, but I have no other choice. I need to know that you two will protect her when her mother figures out what she has done. I’m hoping she will be with me by then, but I know the chances are unlikely.”

“I would think it would be kind of obvious that we’ll both protect her.” Jordan said.

“I know, but I needed to bring it to your attention. I don’t want her left alone,” I said as I looked at Danny.

“Of course not, I’ve known what kind of person my aunt is for a long time. We won’t let Chloe out of our sight while Andrea is around. You have my word on that. Besides, I don’t think my mom will need much convincing, she can barely stand to look at Andrea, she knows just what kind of person she is, no matter how hard she has tried to hide it.”

I nodded. “Good to know. We all know the shit is going to hit the fan before this is all over with.”

“I’ll take care of Chloe man, you don’t have to worry,” Jordan said as he looked at me, “It’s good to know you worry about her that much though.”

“You have no idea just how much I worry about her,” I said.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from my chest, knowing both of these guys would protect Chloe when I couldn’t. I knew I would worry constantly until she was back by my side, but this helped to ease it a bit.

I stood and walked to the door. “I need a smoke, if Chloe gets back before I do let her know where I am.”

I stepped outside and shut the door behind me as I pulled a cigarette from my pack and lit it. As I inhaled deeply, I felt my body start to relax. There was too much drama and not enough nicotine in the world if you asked me. Chloe was constantly on me to quit smoking and I had promised her I would. Which I would, when this whole screwed up situation was done and over with… maybe. I wasn’t sure if I could handle daily life without some nicotine in my system to keep me from ripping anyone’s head off.

I made my way across the grass and around the side of the house. I had never seen more than the front of the property and I was curious as to what they had hidden away in the back. As I stepped into the back yard, my mouth fell open. Calling this a back yard would be disrespectful, it was more like a massive sports arena.

Directly behind the house was a massive in ground pool that took up the entire length of the house. It was equipped with two dive boards and a small water slide. Next to it was a hot tub big enough to swim in, and beyond that a full tennis and basketball court stood. I walked to the edge of the pool and stared down into the crystal clear water as I finished my cigarette.

I decided going for a swim might help calm my mind, so I ran back around to the front of the house and grabbed my still damp swim trunks out of Danny’s car. There was a small changing stall next to the pool so I used it to quickly strip out of my clothes and pulled on my swim trunks. I threw my clothes on a chair by the pool as I walked to the taller of the two ladders and started to climb.

When I reached the top, I stepped onto the board and stood at the edge. Heights were never my thing, and I hesitated for a split second before taking the plunge. I felt the warm water already starting to relax my tense muscles as I kicked my way to the surface. I might not like heights, but swimming was something that I loved; something that I excelled at.

When I was six or seven, my dad bought me one of those generic four-foot deep pools you saw in almost every yard and had taught me how to swim. He had even built a deck around it so that my mom could lie in the chair and watch us as she read her book.

I smiled at the memory of her yelling at us when we would splash water at her and soak whatever book had her enthralled that day. I remembered laughing as my dad would get out of the pool and grab her, throwing her into the pool while she kicked and screamed at us. They were always like that; playful with each other, so full of love. I had spent so many summers with them in that pool or helping dad as he barbecued for his weekly neighborhood parties.

When they died and I moved in with my uncle, I remember missing our pool and those warm summer nights together. It had taken me years to even be able to stand near a pool, let alone get in one. I finally took the plunge the day after I was released from rehab. I went to the city pool and stayed all day, working up the nerve to face my fears. It was one of the hardest things I had ever done, but I did it. For some reason, stepping into the water that day made me feel free and I had started to wonder if maybe my life wouldn’t always hold so much pain if I could just find the courage to let it all go.

Losing my parents at such a young age had completely destroyed me for a long time. Even after I had accepted the fact they were gone, it still hurt so much to think about them that it was hard to breathe at times. But I was learning to again, thanks to Chloe, even if I was a decade late getting started. She was my newest coping mechanism, and by far the healthiest. I felt alive with her again for the first time in so long.

I knew using women the way I had was horrible and I was ashamed as I realized I didn’t even know how many there were. I prayed that Chloe never asked me for the specifics, I didn’t think I could stand to see the disappointment in her eyes. I had been angry with her only hours before over being her third and here I couldn’t even give her a number if she asked.

As bad as the women were, the drugs were ten times worse. It had started out innocently enough, my uncle was rarely home to supervise me and I started hanging out with the wrong crowd, as cliché as that sounds. We would hang around after school, lighting up a bowl and playing video games.

As we got older and started hanging out with a rougher crowd, weed had progressed to pills, and then to harder drugs like cocaine, acid, and heroin. The highs were amazing, but always ended too quickly and I was back to feeling every emotion I was trying to numb. I started using more and selling to pay for my habit so that my uncle wouldn’t catch on.

Everything came crashing down around me when I was busted with weed. The fact that I didn’t have anything else on me at the time was my only saving grace. Naturally my uncle was called and went shit ass crazy on me, not that I could blame him. One week later, I was checking into rehab with orders to get clean or get out. I had hated him at the time, but I knew now that he had saved my life and I would always be grateful to him for stepping in and caring enough about me to do something. If he hadn’t stepped in when he did, I would be dead or in jail by now.

I had been clean for almost four years now, but I still missed it at times. When things got tough in life, my first instinct was to light up and send myself into a peaceful oblivion. Not that I would ever admit to that out loud; if Chloe ever found out that little tidbit of information I knew she’d leave me in a heartbeat. Living with her mother, she had dealt with drugs and alcohol her entire life and I wasn’t about to let it happen again.

It still seemed surreal to me even after three months of being together that she was finally mine. I knew I didn’t deserve someone like her, but I sure as hell wasn’t giving her up. I was too damn selfish for that. I wasn’t sure what I had done in life to find someone like her, but I wasn’t about to start asking questions, I just thanked my lucky stars.

I made a few more laps around the pool before making my way to the side and lifting myself out of the water. Swimming really had helped calm me, and I felt relaxed for the first time in days. Sure, we were far from done with her mother and I would be leaving tomorrow, but I knew Jordan and Danny would protect her while we were apart.

I quickly changed back into my clothes and laid my swim trunks out by the pool to dry before making my way back around to the front of the house. Just as I reached the front door, it opened and Andrea came storming out. She completely ignored me as she made her way past me and down the black-top to her car. She jumped into her car and was gone in the blink of an eye. I shook my head as I watched her speed down the rest of the driveway once she made it past the gate.

I stepped inside to see Danny and Jordan still sitting in the same spots as when I had left them. I took a seat on the couch and turned to Danny, “What was that all about?”

“What? You mean Andrea storming out of here?” He asked.

“Yeah, she almost ran me over trying to get out the door. She looked pissed.”

Jordan gave me an easy grin. “That might have been my fault. I kind of got her stirred up. She came in here to complain to us about Jen kicking her out so she could talk to Chloe. Said how unfair it was since she brought Chloe here. I kindly told her to go f*ck herself.”

I laughed. “Nice, it’s a shame that I missed that show.”

“Yeah it is, that woman is insane! Wait until I tell Chloe, she’ll get a kick out of it!” Jordan said as he continued to grin.

“I’ll get a kick out of what, Jordan?” Chloe asked from the doorway.

I jumped at the sound of her voice and turned to look at her. She was grinning from ear to ear, and I took that as a good sign.

“I take it everything went well?” I asked.

She made her way over to me and kissed me on the lips with enough fire to make my dick twitch.

“Oh, it went better than well. I’d say perfect is a better description. Everything is going to be taken care of.”

I smiled up at her; it felt like things might finally start falling into place for us after all.

K.A. Robinson's books