Thrown by a Curve

Alicia glanced over to see Tara’s head resting on Mick’s shoulder. She was sound asleep.

“Oh, poor thing,” Kathleen said. “Was she up late again last night?”

“Yeah. Sam eats every three hours, and since she’s breastfeeding, she’s up, too. I get to do the diaper changes, though.”

“Now, who would have thought diapers and poop would be something you’d be excited about?” Gavin asked as he crowded into the room. He peeked over his wife’s shoulder. “You’re a natural at that, babe. Maybe we should have our own kid soon.”

“That would require you to stay in one place long enough for me to jump your bones so you could get me pregnant.”

“I’m not hearing this,” Kathleen said. “Come on, Cara. Let’s go work on dinner.”

“Making babies, are you?” Alicia asked.

Liz shrugged. “We’re practicing making babies.”

Gavin wrapped his arms around Liz. “That’s the fun part.”

“I don’t want to hear this,” Mick said from his spot on the sofa.

“Too bad. You’re stuck there with your passed-out wife,” Gavin said. “Is this what happens when they give birth? They sleep all the time?”

“The wife or the baby?” Alicia asked, nudging Gavin in the ribs.

“Both,” Mick said with a wide grin.

Alicia rolled her eyes. “I’m going in the kitchen to help Mom and Aunt Kathleen. Where’s Jenna?”

“She called,” Liz said. “Said she and Ty will be a few minutes late.”

Alicia nodded and went down the hall, meeting her mom and her aunt in the kitchen.

“Where are Dad and Uncle Jimmy?”

“Tinkering on something in the garage with Nathan,” her aunt said, giving Alicia a knowing look.

“Oh.” In other words, avoiding the women. Not that she could blame them. It got a little crowded in here when the entire family showed up. “Cole and Savannah doing okay?”

“They’re fine,” her mother said. “Still taking an extended vacation after the end of football season. I think last time I heard from him they were in . . . What was it I said to you, Kathleen?”

“St. Lucia? St. Thomas? I can’t remember which it was.”

Her mother waved a knife in the air and shrugged. “I don’t recall. They’re taking a few weeks, hitting a couple of islands to just be alone together. That’s all I know.”

“Sounds fun,” Alicia said. The two of them deserved it. It had been a tough season but a great one. Her brother’s team had made it all the way to the championship before they lost. Cole had been pissed, but he’d really clicked with the team. She was glad. Meeting Savannah had changed his life in ways none of them could have ever imagined. She’d not only changed his professional attitude, the two of them had also fallen in love in the process. Alicia was happy for both of them.

“How’s work, Alicia?” her mom asked, handing her a knife and a couple of tomatoes so she could help make the salad. The one thing about family dinners was they assumed if you stepped into the kitchen, you were there to help. No one even blinked when handed a task. She washed her hands and dug in.

“Oh, work? It’s . . . interesting.”

Her mother paused as she opened the oven door. “Does that mean you’re enjoying it?”

“Of course. I love it. It’s everything I wanted and more.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

She didn’t want to talk about this new assignment with her mother or with her aunt. But when she finished the salad and headed down the hall, Liz was coming up. Alicia grabbed her by the arm.

“I need to talk to you.”

“Okay. Sure.”

“Let’s go upstairs.”

“Tara’s up there. She just went up to feed Sam.”

“Good. She can listen in.”

Jenna peeked her head in around the living room wall. She was slipping her coat off. Her cheeks were red, and she was rubbing her hands. “Oooh, gossip? Can I come? I need something hot and juicy to warm me up. It’s freezing out there.”

Alicia hugged her. “Of course you can come.”

“Great.” She turned to Ty, who was right behind her. “You’re on your own. Find the men.”

Ty nodded and wandered down the hall. “First I’ll find the beer.”

Jenna rolled her eyes and followed them up the stairs.

Liz knocked softly on the door to Aunt Kathleen’s bedroom. “Tara, we’re invading you.”

“Hey, guys, come on in. Just feeding Sam.”

Liz pushed the door open, and they all piled in. Tara was in Aunt Kathleen’s rocking chair, Sam to her breast.

Alicia sighed. Tara looked so serene as she rocked the baby in her arms.

“You sure we’re not bothering you?”

“Not at all. I’d love the company. Otherwise, I might fall asleep again.”

Alicia laughed. “Okay.”

“So, what’s going on?” Liz asked.

“I’ve been assigned to Garrett Scott’s rehab.”

Liz arched a brow. “Garrett Scott, huh? That’s interesting.”

Jenna rolled onto her side on the bed. “He’s a hottie. Shoulder injury, right?”

“Yes. He’s been rehabbing for several months with no progress.”

Jaci Burton's books