The Hook Up (Game On Book 1)

He blows right past me, only to stop on a dime at the edge of the cordoned off area of the arrivals gate. For a minute, he scans left and right, his gaze never going far enough to meet mine, then he bends over, bracing his hands on his knees, and curses under his breath. He isn’t winded, but upset. It’s clear. And when he curses again, he pushes himself straight and starts to pace, as if standing still is too much for him.

Muttering and scowling, he stalks a wide circle, bringing his hands behind his neck in aggravation. The move does crazy things to his biceps, bunching them up, making them even bigger.

And all the while, I grin like a fool. I can’t help myself. I’m grinning still when his gaze finally collides with mine.

Distracted as he is, his eyes almost scan past me, but he sort of stutters and then freezes. For a moment we stare at each other. His soft lips parts and his arms slowly lower. Recognition clears the haziness from his blue eyes, and a flush of color rises up his neck.

He takes one step toward me, pauses and tilts his head to peer at me as though trying to make sure. And I smile wider. Seeing me smile has his lips curling, a slow, tentative move.

“Mac?” Although he’s at least twenty feet away, I read my nickname on his lips with ease. And then I’m laughing, a total goofball snorting.


Even from a distance, he hears me. And then he’s moving, so quick and sure, he’s almost a blur. On the next breath, I’m enveloped by a wall of hot skin and hard muscles. He gathers me in his arms and swings me around like it’s effortless. For the first time in a year I feel delicate and small. He smells of lemons and sunlight and strangely of home. I press my nose into the warm crook of his neck as he laughs and squeezes me tight.

We’ve never touched before now, never even seen each other in person.

His hand engulfs the back of my head as he holds me close. “Holy shit,” he says in a voice that’s both resonant and yet light with happiness. So many things I’ve shared with him, and I’ve never heard his voice until now. “It’s you, Mac. It’s really you.”

And he’s Gray. My friend. The person I’ve communicated with almost non-stop for weeks. And, at this moment, I don’t ever want to leave his arms.

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Other books: The Darkest London Series

In addition to The Hook Up, I write dark and sexy historical paranormal/gaslamp romances called The Darkest London series. My first book, FIRELIGHT, kicks off the series.

London, 1881

Once the flames are ignited . . .

Miranda Ellis is a woman tormented. Plagued since birth by a strange and powerful gift, she has spent her entire life struggling to control her exceptional abilities. Yet one innocent but irreversible mistake has left her family's fortune decimated and forced her to wed London's most nefarious nobleman.

They will burn for eternity . . .

Lord Benjamin Archer is no ordinary man. Doomed to hide his disfigured face behind masks, Archer knows it's selfish to take Miranda as his bride. Yet he can't help being drawn to the flame-haired beauty whose touch sparks a passion he hasn't felt in a lifetime. When Archer is accused of a series of gruesome murders, he gives in to the beastly nature he has fought so hard to hide from the world. But the curse that haunts him cannot be denied. Now, to save his soul, Miranda will enter a world of dark magic and darker intrigue. For only she can see the man hiding behind the mask.

From the Prologue:

“WHO ARE YOU?” she snapped.

The sharp query brought him to attention. He made a courtly bow.

“A concerned subject of the Crown.”

She harrumphed but did not drop her fists. Shockingly, she came closer. He backed away into the dark and collided with the alley wall. The deep-hooded cloak hid the mask he wore. Even so, he didn't want to scare her. A ridiculous notion, considering she tracked him like a falcon, drawing near, sensing his reticence and acting on that weakness. Admiration filled him.

“Lower your hood. Let me see your face.”

He should walk away. Leave her be. “No.”

Heated energy flared around her, almost palpable in the cold air. Anger made her lovely, powerful.

Kristen Callihan's books