Taste of Love

chapter Fourteen

After Cameron had carried Madison's sleeping form to bed, he lay there watching her for a while. Taking in the features of her face, he knew without a doubt she was the most beautiful woman he had ever known. His finger traced the spots he loved; her eyebrows, her nose, her cheek bones, her jaw bone, and most importantly, lips that were red and swollen from their kissing.

Feeling his soft touch on her skin, Madison stirred awake. Cameron leaned over and kissed her. "I thought it was the man that was supposed to roll over and go to sleep after sex?"

Madison blushed. "I'm so sorry. I guess you really wore me out."

Cameron loved the dichotomy of her innocence and her passion. She was beyond a willing and eager lover while they were having sex, but then she seemed embarrassed that she fell asleep. It was just one of the traits that he loved about her.

And she always kept him guessing. She was a hard worker and poured her heart and soul into her restaurant, but she also knew how to have fun, or at least she was learning. She was a great friend, but it was a challenge to gain her trust. Everything about her simply felt right; she thrilled him and made him feel comfortable at the same time. It was an amazing feeling that he hadn't experience with anyone else.

Madison broke through his thoughts with a strange look on her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, just thinking," he said. "I'm glad you decided to give 'us' a chance. And I'm not saying that because of the mind blowing sex."

Madison reached over and pinched him as she blushed. "You better not make me regret it, Cameron Rome!"

"Never!" he promised, and sealed it with a kiss. The kiss led to more as Cameron pulled Madison on top of him. He hadn't imagined he would be ready for another round so soon, but his positive reactions to Madison were always a welcome surprise.

She could feel his hardness poking into her leg, and that alone excited her. Of all the girls that surrounded him on tour, she was proud to know she could excite him simply through a kiss.

His hands reached up to massage her breasts as Madison's hand reached down to stroke his erection. They were suddenly just as hot for each other as they had been thirty minutes ago, when getting inside the door took a supreme effort of control. Now, neither one were able to suppress their groans of ecstasy as they started what they knew would be a very good round two.

Before Cameron lost all ability to think and stay in control, he flipped Madison over so that he loomed above her. He slowly inched his way down her body, leaving a trail of kisses as he went. She knew exactly where he was going, and she lay back to let him do whatever he wanted, her eyes closed in anticipation of the bliss she knew she would receive.

Her eyes went wide open the moment his mouth touched between her thighs. He kissed her core and licked the length of her slit, taking his sweet time, tasting her as she went. Her back involuntarily arched when his mouth made contact with her *. His finger entered her slick hole and she let out a long, low moan. His mouth and finger worked in unison. There was no teasing to this, no playful build-up. He wanted to make her come, and that's what he was determined to do - to make her come hard and fast.

It didn't take long. Madison arched higher, clenching the sheets with her hands. She tossed her head from side to side. She murmured unintelligible sounds, and those sounds soon turned into panting groans. She finally came with what sounded like a mixture between a laugh and a sob. Her body shuddered underneath Cameron as he gently licked her back down to earth

Slowly he licked his way back up her body, then looked into her eyes before he kissed her. She tasted herself on his mouth and delved deeper, eager to share everything with him. It was different than the hard, passionate kisses they had exchanged earlier that night. It was tender and loving, and it took Madison's breath away.

Cameron was more than ready. He slid deeply into Madison, staring into her eyes the whole time, feeling a connection that went much deeper than what their bodies were doing. He leaned his weight on one elbow and brushed her sweaty hair back from her forehead with his other hand. His kissed her slowly, lovingly, keeping up the same gentle rhythm with his body. Madison couldn't tear her eyes from his as he moved oh-so slowly in and out of her.

The slow strokes were hitting Madison in just the right places, drawing out the inevitable orgasm, but keeping her on the edge. Cameron was on the edge too, just waiting for her. Just when he thought he couldn't hold out any longer, he felt her start to pulse around him. Her eyes drifted closed. Her hands clenched his shoulders so hard that he felt the imprint of her nails, a tiny shot of pleasure and pain.

He watched her face as she cried out his name.

It was just what he had been waiting for, and he finally let himself go too. It was her name on his lips when the cataclysm came, and it was her name he whispered as he came down from the peak. Then there was no sound but their breathing as they looked into each other's eyes, saying more than mere words could convey.

Madison lay in Cameron's arms, slowly drifting off to sleep. Just as she was on the edge of dreamland, Cameron shot up in bed. "F*ck!" he yelled.

"What's wrong?" Madison was instantly awake. Her stomach dropped at seeing him so distraught. She immediately reached out to curl her hand over his shoulder. "What?"

He smacked his head a few times, then looked at her with the most intense apology in his eyes. "We didn't use anything again. Madison, I'm so sorry. There's just something about you that makes me completely lose all rationality when I am so close to you."

Relief flooded her. "That's all?"

Cameron gave a mirthless laugh. "That's all? Seriously? You're asking that?"

Madison smiled. "It's alright, I went on the pill. You know...after." Her smile disappeared. "Anyway, I'm on the pill now. So it's all okay. Go back to sleep."

Cameron let out a long breath. He thought about the miscarriage, about the way she had cried in the hospital room. The memories were horrible ones that he wished he could forget. But as much as it hurt him, he knew that it was far worse for Madison.

"I'm sorry, baby," he told her sadly, and pulled her closer to him, trying to hug away the memories for both of them.

The days in St. Louis passed by all too quickly for both Cameron and Madison. All too soon they were standing in the middle of the airport, Madison fighting to hold back the tears, and Cameron wearing a blond mullet wig with a John Deere hat and a dirty old t-shirt. The bangs on the wig were long enough that he didn't need glasses, especially on an overcast day. The weather fit their mood, neither one happy about saying goodbye.

Cameron held Madison in his arms. "It's only a couple more weeks, then I'll be back in New York," he told her, not sure who he was trying to make feel better. After only a few short days, he had gotten very used to her being with him.

"I know, and we're both going to be so busy that the time will fly, right?" she asked, trying to put on a brave front.

He nodded. "Don't drown yourself in work again. If I hear from my mother that you are working yourself into the ground, I won't be happy."

She smiled. "We'll see. I'm sure I have a lot to do to make up for being gone almost a week, and I promised Austin some time off for covering for me."

They stood together, not willing to part. But the clock was ticking down the minutes, and soon her flight would be leaving.

"You better head to your gate, I don't want you to miss your flight," he told her with a wink, and kissed her one more time. "Promise me something?"

She looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Anything."

"No more gossip papers. You know firsthand that the things they publish are bull shit. And I promise you, these lips are meant only for you," he drawled, then pointed to his mouth before kissing her again.

"I promise," she told him, certain it was a promise she could keep. "I'll see you soon."

"I'll try to call when I can, but I've been slacking, just like you have. Only a couple of weeks, though."

She nodded and turned to leave. Cameron reached out and grabbed her hand, pulling her back quickly for a deep, lustful kiss that left her a little disoriented. She waved to him one last time before she disappeared through security, already feeling alone.

Just as she had assumed, Austin gave her the cold shoulder when she returned to work the next day. As much as it hurt that her friend was treating her poorly, she had to remind herself that she was the boss. She was supposed to be able to count on him in her absence.

Knowing that he was only going to be a hindrance with his sour attitude, she decided to have him start his vacation early, rather than a week later. She called him into her office to tell him, hoping that things wouldn't come to verbal blows. She already had a headache from all the paperwork she had gone through that morning.

"What's up, boss?" he asked, with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Lose the attitude, Austin," she snapped. "You're my friend, but I'm also your boss. Show me at least a little respect, would you?"

Austin glowered at her. "Well, after all the pictures of your exploits this past week, you think you deserve respect, do you? Never thought you'd whore yourself, just to have the attention of a rock star." He bit back. "And to think I believed that you 'just needed a break'. I should have known you were going to see that loser when you wouldn't tell me anything."

Madison's mouth dropped open as she stared at him. The nerve! She took a few deep breaths, trying to keep her anger in check. "Honestly Austin, I didn't owe you any explanation at all. What I do with my time is my business, not yours. And to call me a whore? I thought you knew me better than that; I thought you were my friend."

Austin simply glared at her. She took one more deep breath.

"Your vacation starts effective immediately, and you have four weeks. If you don't come back with a different attitude, then consider yourself not only without a job, but without a friend too." She motioned to the door, giving him his leave.

Before he walked out, he removed his apron and threw it on the chair next to the door. "Sad to see you choose celebrity dick over our friendship." He slammed the door shut on his way out.

Madison fought the tears that welled up in her eyes. She never expected her friend to treat her that way, and she hated to pull the boss card on him, but he seemed like he needed to be put in his place.

She looked at the apron on the chair. It appeared that his decision was already made.

Instead of returning to the paperwork she had been going through, she took out the stack of resumes that sat on top of her filing cabinet. She examined them all closely, pulling only four out of the stack of more than sixty. They all had restaurant management experience in fine dining, and all had worked their way up the ranks, starting as servers. Whether Austin returned or not, she needed more help due to the growth of her business.

After scheduling interviews with the four applicants, she returned to the paperwork on her desk and decided to carry on until it was done. She had far too much to do and not enough time to do it.

Later that night when the dinner crowd started to pick up, Madison went to the kitchen to help the chefs. Once everything was under control, she went to check on things in the dining room. Every last table was full, including the banquet room. She also saw quite a few people waiting in the lobby. As much as she loved all of the business, she hated to see people waiting for so long.

Grabbing one of the servers as he went by, she told him to get a large tray of mixed appetizers and set them in the lobby for those waiting.

Madison made her rounds, stopping at each table to make sure everything was satisfactory, and she didn't receive a single complaint. Soon she was at a very familiar table.

"Good evening, ladies. Wonderful to see you again!" She smiled and sat down as they offered her a seat.

"I heard that you took a vacation, Madison. It seems as though it did wonders for you," Sasha complimented. "Thomas said he would like for you to get in touch with him when you returned."

Madison looked over at Bunny, and shared an almost imperceptible smile. "I'm sorry Sasha, but I've recently become involved with someone else. It wasn't planned, but it happened. Besides, I don't think I am really Thomas's type. But I will get in touch with him and explain," she told her with real regret. She really did like Sasha and didn't want to disappoint her.

Sasha smiled. "That's alright dear. I was hoping that it would work out, but I understand when two people aren't compatible, no matter how hard they try."

"Thank you for understanding." She was relieved, though she wasn't sure how to explain about her and Cameron.

"I think I figured that you weren't meant for Thomas when I heard you had taken up with Cameron," she laughed, letting Madison off the hook.

Madison giggled, putting her hands on her cheeks to conceal the blush. She eyed Bunny, who was smiling proudly.

"I do believe I won the bet," Bunny told Sasha. "But more importantly, I am pleased you and Cameron make each other so happy." She winked at Madison. "I talked to him earlier today, and he sounded so rejuvenated. I think your visit was exactly what he needed. And obviously what you needed too. You are positively glowing!"

Madison blushed harder. "We had a great time! I'm so glad he talked me into coming. I've never done something spur of the moment like that before."

"I'm just anxious for his tour to end, and for him to get back here," Bunny told her.

"Me too!" Madison said, a little more expressive than she had planned. She shook her head in embarrassment. "Well ladies, I hate to leave, but duty calls."

They bid their farewells, and when she left, she noticed that Bunny had a smile on her face, larger than she had ever seen before.

Over the next week, Madison went into work early every morning, in order to catch up on paperwork that hadn't gotten done while she was gone. It seemed like it was further payback from Austin - he could have taken care of it all, but apparently had chosen not to do so. And every evening, she would go home and do her nightly chores, getting back into a rhythm again.

She interviewed the candidates for the Assistant Manager position, and ended up hiring a woman who seemed very efficient and had great recommendations. On her first day, Madison painted the picture for her. She explained that the restaurant was her baby, and she expected nothing but perfection from her, and satisfaction from the customers.

Abigail seemed to understand and agree wholeheartedly. She was a nice looking thirty-seven year old woman who was single with no kids, and always dedicated herself to her job. She had told the woman about Austin, and that he would be her boss until she was fully trained, but once she knew the ins and outs, they would be equals. Since Austin was still on vacation, and she didn't have much time to train Abigail, she wouldn't start until Austin got back from vacation. It still left Madison shorthanded for the time being, but it would be easier in the long run.

Time was flying by, but it was also standing still. She couldn't wait for Cameron to return home, yet she was nervous. Things worked well for them when she went to visit him, but how would it be when he was home full time? Would he be upset that she worked so much? Would they get bored with each other? Would she have her heart broken? How would it go after the honeymoon period was over?

Cameron had called a few times, and though the conversations were often rushed, they were full of emotion. Cameron had informed her that his final concert of the tour would be in the city, and he wanted her there

"Try to keep me away," she joked.

"Alright, I'll pick you up before the concert. I want you backstage with me while I get ready," he told her.

"I won't see you before that?" Usually they had a sound check or rehearsal the day before the concert, and she was hoping for that now.

"No, sorry. As soon as we roll into town, we have to go straight to the stadium for sound check and rehearsal. I'll only have about an hour and a half between that and the time I need to be back stage, so you need to be ready when I come to pick you up."

"I understand." she told him, happy that she would be seeing him in the next few days. She needed to think of a way to get out of work for that night. Austin wouldn't be back, and Abby hadn't started yet.

Looks like it's time to put some faith in the head chef, she thought.

Over the next few days, she was busy training her head chef Antoine on how to take care of things in her absence. He would still be doing his same duties for the most part, but he needed to make sure that everything that came out of the kitchen was perfect, and every now and then check on customers to make sure they were satisfied.

He shadowed her on the nights that she was training him so that he could see exactly what she was doing. At the end of the night, he was to clean up as they normally did, then take the till from the cash register and put it in the safe, and leave everything else for her to complete in the morning.

Within only a few nights, she was confident that he could fill in for her while she spent much-needed time with Cameron.

The night of the concert finally arrived. She left the restaurant as the dinner rush was starting, after Antoine reassured her that he could handle it. She rushed to her apartment to shower and dress before Cameron got there. After getting out of the shower, she put her hair in curlers and went to her closet to pick out a sexy outfit that would please him.

She ended up choosing her black leather pants with a silver tube top and strappy silver heels. Giving her hair a few more minutes to set, she did her make up and went all out, exaggerating her eyes with color to make them pop.

When she finally removed the curlers from her hair, she was very pleased with the results. She flipped her head over, gave it a few shots of hairspray, then flipped it back up. The curls were perfect, and fell around her shoulders and down her back. She was hoping Cameron would like it as much as she did. With a quick spritz of perfume, she left the bathroom and went to wait.

Before she could even sit down, a knocking on the door brought a smile to her face. She rushed over and opened the door, so happy to see Cameron on the other side. She flew into his arms, and he crushed her lips with a searing kiss.

"God, I've missed you," Cameron told her, looking her up and down, then pulling her back into his arms. "You look amazing, but I think you're missing something."

Madison looked down. She was dressed, her makeup was done, she had her purse. "What would that be?" she asked, her eyebrows knitted in confusion.

"This." Cameron held up his hand. A necklace dangled from his fingertip.

Madison was shocked. It was a white gold chain with a heart and key made out of diamonds. On the back of each charm was a name. Cameron was engraved into the heart, and Madison in the key.

"Oh my goodness," she breathed.

"Let's see how this looks on you."

He was delighted with her reaction. He kissed her again quickly, and she never lost her smile. She turned around and lifted her hair so that he could put it on her.

"You're the only one with the key to my heart. Just remember that," he told her as he kissed the back of her neck.

Madison nodded, not trusting her voice for fear that she would start crying. She walked over to the mirror and smiled at the reflection. The necklace looked perfect with her outfit.

Finally she could speak. "Thank you. It's perfect."

He kissed her again, and told her that they needed to leave so that he could get there on time. She locked her door and they went down to the waiting car, hand in hand.

Stephanie Nicole's books