Surrender Your Love

Chapter 26

Manhattan was abuzz with life at any given time of the day, but this morning it seemed as though half of it had gathered in the elevators of Trump Tower, waiting to be beamed up into the corporate world. Waving my temporary security clearance card, I swooshed past security, and fought my way through the crowd of expensive haircuts, tailored suits, and high-fashion accessories. At eight a.m. sharp, I pushed through the heavy glass double-door to enter the Mayfield Realties lobby, holding my head high and my back straight, even though the throbbing pain in my temples was nearly strong enough to make me puke. Of course joining Sylvie in her quest to get hammered had been a mistake, and I shouldn’t have trusted she’d stop after one drink, but as usual I had let her persuade me. And while I stayed true to my conviction to stay away from alcohol, the jet lag and subsequent lack of sleep had pretty much the same effect on me as an all-night bender. It had taken me an hour to shower, dress in one of my best suits, twist my hair up in a presentable knot, and apply makeup—enough to cover the dark circles around my eyes and the unnatural pallor of my skin, but not so much I would look like I was trying to woo the boss.

The brunette who had greeted me on my first visit was standing behind the reception desk, whispering into a sleek silver device I assumed was the newest and probably one of the most expensive phones on the market. Soft music intermingled with the sound of splashing raindrops echoed in the background, giving the impression I was entering my doctor’s office. I swallowed hard and neared the brunette receptionist, not really expecting her to recognize me. To my delight, instant recognition sparked in her eyes, and she rewarded me with a pearl-white, warm smile.

“Miss Stewart—”

“Please call me Brooke,” I said, figuring I could use a new friend at work.

Her smile widened. “Brooke. I’m Emma. Mr. Townsend hasn’t arrived yet, but I’d be happy to show you to your office.” Not waiting for my answer, she led the way down the corridor, and then turned the right corner at the huge plant I admired the last time. I followed a step behind her, through a broad corridor with see-through offices on both sides. The glass walls provided no privacy from prying eyes. It didn’t bother me in the slightest. Since my desk at Sunrise Properties had been situated in the middle of a wide, open space within James’s shouting range, I was used to having people around me at all times.

“Did you have a nice trip?” Resuming her small talk, Emma shot me a glance over her shoulder. My face caught fire as countless memories flooded through my mind. It had been a great trip, definitely one I’d never forget.

Grateful she couldn’t see me, I nodded. “Yes, thank you. Italy’s beautiful.”

“That’s true.” Her brief chuckle and sudden bounce to her stride made me avert my attention from my surroundings to gawk at her. She was tall with slim legs, a well-defined waist, and glossy brunette hair that reached down her back. She was pretty, and I wondered whether she was Jett’s type. The thought of Jett kissing her sparked an instant pang of jealousy.

“Have you been?” I asked, focusing hard to keep the bite out of my tone. Even if Jett took her with him to Italy, it was before we met. His past was none of my business, and I wouldn’t concern myself with it, just like he wouldn’t meddle in my affairs.

“Last summer.”

I swallowed hard to get rid of the sudden choking sensation in my throat. I was over analyzing. A few friends of mine had been to Europe, so what? Her statement didn’t have to mean anything.

“Lake Como was divine,” Emma continued. “And even though it’s just a lake and doesn’t really have a proper beach, I liked the privacy of it.”

Shit. She was there—at Jett’s private place, which meant they most certainly spent the night in the same house rather than in a hotel. Bile rose in my throat, and the throb inside my head turned up a notch, as I imagined her in his bed.

“His place is heavenly, isn’t it?” she gushed. “He showed me everything.”

My stomach twisted into tiny knots as pangs of jealousy hit me with full force. Emma stopped in front of another glass office and turned to face me, unaware of the hurricane wracking havoc with my insides. Her smile was still in place, and a tiny glint played in her eyes as she continued down memory lane. “Did you get to visit the beach?”

“Once.” I blushed again at the memory of Jett perched between my legs, lapping at my lady parts for the first time. He had such a gifted tongue, it couldn’t possibly be an innate talent. He must have gained the experience from somewhere, which drew my attention back to Emma, and my initial fondness for her began to dissipate into thin air. Maybe being friends with her wasn’t such a bright idea after all. I walked past her into the room, suddenly intimidated by her infectious smile and her perky ass.

“Is this my office?”

When she nodded, I tossed my handbag on the desk and slumped into my swivel chair. Booting up the desktop computer, I figured she’d get the hint and leave. Unfortunately, Emma seemed to have taken an instant liking to me and harbored no such plan. She popped into the leather guest chair opposite from me and crossed her sky-high legs, triggering another pang of jealousy. It wasn’t her fault she was so gorgeous, and I sure couldn’t blame Jett for being attracted to her. Heck, even I liked what I saw, when I had never been one to show bisexual tendencies.

Emma leaned forward and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “Between you and me, Mr. Mayfield has hinted he might be taking me again this summer.”

My breath caught in my throat.

Over my dead body.

I smiled a saccharine smile so sweet I felt sick just imagining it. “Isn’t he generous?”

“Yes.” Sighing, she brushed her hair back. “The house belongs to his son though, and he’s not so keen on Mr. Mayfield popping over.” She trailed off, letting me fill in the blanks.


My eyes narrowed on her as my head put two and two together, and a flash of relief washed over me. She was talking about Jett’s father.

“Isn’t Robert Mayfield married?” I was vaguely aware of the idiotic grin on my face, but I couldn’t help it. Jett wasn’t a whore—his father was, which was perfectly acceptable as long as he hadn’t passed that trait to Jett.

“He’s been divorced for a few years. Told me he was heartbroken because his wife cheated on him, and this is the reason why he won’t remarry so soon again,” Emma said, probably believing every word that womanizer told her. She didn’t even know he was the cheater and not his ex-wife.

I nodded, playing along, because having one Sylvie in my life was enough. I didn’t need more friends who’d drag me to the local bar whenever yet another unfaithful guy broke up with them. But she was the only person I knew here and, most importantly, she wasn’t sleeping with Jett, so I figured I wouldn’t mind her tagging along. “Do you drink?”

“Not often.”

An evening in Sylvie’s company and that would change in a heartbeat.

“I’m meeting a few friends for after-dinner drinks on Friday night. You should come. You and my friend Sylvie will have lots in common.”

Her smile beamed back into place. “Thanks. I’d love to.”

We chatted for a few more minutes, during which Emma introduced me to my working schedule before she returned to the reception desk. At eight-thirty, the hall began to fill with people. Some walked past, ignoring me. Others peered in to introduce themselves, eyeing me up and down as though to determine whether I was fit for the job. These were the big players in real estate. While the prospect of meeting them had scared me two weeks ago, I found them no more intimidating than Sylvie’s hair stylist, who kept pursing his lips in sheer horror every time he caught a glimpse of my unruly locks.

By nine a.m. the soothing background music was replaced with the shrill ringing of phones. I began to skim through Jett’s meeting schedule for the day, officially starting my first day of work at Mayfield Realties as Jett’s personal assistant, when a tall figure appeared at the periphery of my vision.

“Brooke, a word please.”

My head snapped sharply in Jett’s direction, and my heart jumped into my throat.

Holy cow.

He was steaming hot. With that disheveled bedhead, broad shoulders, strong chest, and moss-green gaze of his—he belonged on the front page of a fashion magazine. He was dressed in a black well-tailored business suit, white shirt, and a black silk tie. His trademark upper button was undone, allowing a glimpse of bronze, smooth skin. Skin I had licked and trailed with my fingertips all the way down his smooth torso to the narrow line of dark hair that—

“Brooke?” His tone was detached, but the flicker in his eyes betrayed his amusement.

He knew I found him attractive, and he made no secret of it. Damn him and his inflated ego. Somewhere in the back of my mind, it registered that I was still staring. But as much as I tried, I couldn’t peel my eyes off him. The way his slacks rode low on his hips, emphasizing a bulge and strong quadriceps, reminded me I had rode on those thighs merely twelve hours ago. I could still taste his skin on my lips as we moved in perfect unison. Damn! Why couldn’t I get the picture of him naked out of my head?

“You want me to come to your office?” Stupid question since he’d already said so.

He nodded slowly. “Only if you don’t mind.”

“Okay.” I jumped to my feet and wiped my clammy hands on the front of my skirt nervously. Jett held the door open and motioned me to walk past, not moving an inch. I squeezed myself between his towering body and the hard doorframe, my ass brushing the front of his slacks, sending my dirty mind into a frenzy.

“This space is cramped. No wonder people can’t wait to get the hell out of here for an early release,” Jett whispered.

My gaze flew up to meet his. His poker face was still in place, but his eyes seemed to poke fun at me.

“I like cramped places,” I muttered through gritted teeth, and headed down the corridor into what I hoped was the right direction.

“Shame,” Jett whispered behind me.

Trying my hardest to ignore my acute awareness of him, I inhaled a sharp breath and held it as I slowly counted to five. It was my way to keep my calm in the face of a storm, only this storm was raging right inside my panties.

“Next door to your right,” Jett said.

Even without his instructions, I would have been able to distinguish his office from his co-workers because it was the only one boasting blinds that were half-drawn.

Amazed by the design, I stepped into the large room and stopped to admire his workspace. His office resembled the one in his house in Bellagio, minus the mountain views, expensive art, and personal touch. A polished wood desk and swivel chair were set up in front of the window overlooking New York’s skyscrapers. To my right was a huge sofa in chocolate brown leather and a glass table. To my left was a closed door that blended in seamlessly with the light gray wall. Two large palm trees and a minibar gave the impression of a laid-back attitude which, given Jett’s reputation, couldn’t be farther from the truth.

“You don’t work here very often, do you?” I turned to face Jett and instantly regretted it. My statement sounded like he didn’t work at all. The same thought probably crossed his mind, and his green eyes immediately darkened. An instant later, it was gone and his lips stretched into a hint of a smile.

“What gives me away?”

Swallowing past the sudden need in my throat, I pointed around me. “The barely used couch. The plants someone probably picked up at Plantworks. The fact that there’s barely anything on your desk.”

“Good observation skills, Ms. Stewart. I’m impressed.”

His flattery shouldn’t have had the effect it had on me, and yet I found myself grinning, pleased like punch that Jett Mayfield thought I had good observation skills. “You should see what other skills I have in store,” I purred, not quite sure where I was heading with this.

His brow quirked up, and an amused glint appeared in his eyes. “I was planning to…right after discussing new developments in the Lucazzone case. Now that you’re mentioning it, checking your skills is a priority indeed.”

Ever so slowly, he closed the blinds and locked the door, sending my insides into a raging storm. A delicious shiver rocked my body. As our eyes connected, a heated ache began to throb between my legs.

Sweet mercy. He wouldn’t do it here, would he?

With measured steps he inched closer, pushing me against the hard edge of his desk. I fought for breath, suddenly panting even though he hadn’t even touched me yet.

“We’re at work,” was the lame excuse my mind came up with.


My pulse spiked. I brushed my hair off my face, outraged. “People could hear us.”

“I guess we’ll have to be quiet.” Jett’s fingers trailed down my shirt to my skirt and he began to pull it up in slow motion, sending my imagination into overdrive. His hot lips moved to the soft patch of skin beneath my ear and he began to nibble gently. His deep moans resembled the soft moans suddenly escaping my mouth.

My breath hitched in my throat as his hands cupped my ass and lifted me onto the desk. His strong thighs wedged between my legs. As he started to kiss my shoulders, the bulge in his slacks began to rub deliciously against my sensitive lust bud.

“Jett,” I whispered. My fingers clawed at his shoulders as I pondered whether to push him away or draw him closer so he could do all the unspeakable things his eager hands promised to do.

“You smell so good.”His hand prodded my panties and in one swift motion, he pushed them aside before I could protest. I moaned when his talented fingers started to rub my * gently until I felt my juices gathering between my legs. I wanted nothing but him and...his invasion. “So wet. I love it when you’re like this, for me,” he whispered in my ear. His deep voice quaked through me. His kiss sent another delicious pull in the deepest pits of my sex, taking my arousal to new heights. “I have a meeting in fifteen minutes. Think that’s enough time to make you come?”

I loved it when he whispered.

“Seriously? You think it’d take you fifteen minutes?” I laughed briefly. If he kept talking in that sexy voice of his, he’d make me come in two.

“You’re right. That’s enough time to make you come twice.” For a brief second he lingered over my *, and then ever so slowly he pushed a finger into me.

Oh God.

He inserted another finger, increasing the speed as he thrust in and out of me, while his thumb circled my pleading *, sending new sensations through my sensitive spot. No one had ever touched me with such a rugged intensity that made me want to scream for more. My sex clenched and burned from the almost painful pleasure. His finger moved faster and harder, pushing in and out until I thought I might just pass out from the unnatural torture.

“Please. I can’t take it.”

Throwing my head back, my mouth searched his in the hope of finding the mercy that comes with release. Jett’s lips pulled back, unwilling to give me what I wanted. His heavy breathing matched mine as his eyes—two dark pools of devilish desire—bore into me, watching me like a hawk would watch a prey.

“Come for me, baby.”

His hot breath burned my parted lips. The pressure on my * intensified, making me gasp from the strong waves of lust that carried my body. A hiss escaped my mouth a moment before a mind-blowing orgasm sent me into a trembling frenzy. With the last wave, I slumped against his hard body.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered. “I could watch you, and only you, for the rest of my life.”

Was it the sex talking, or did he mean everything he said? I didn’t ask because the moment was magical, and it just wasn’t the right thing to say. But his words tugged at my heartstrings and overwhelmed me with a need to wrap my arms around him and keep him close forever.

Exhausted and content, I looked up into his gaze mirroring emotions I couldn’t decipher. Warmth. Lust. Trust. Even before he unbuttoned his slacks, Jett’s wicked grin declared he wasn’t finished with me yet.

I wet my lips nervously as he pushed his slacks down his thighs. My hand moved down his flat torso and gripped the thick base of his manhood to return the favor, when his hand stopped me. In spite of the fact that I was depleted, my heart skipped a bit as his hard shaft throbbed against my opening, demanding to be let in.

“I don’t think I’ll be able to take more.” My eyes begged him to understand my still clenched muscles couldn’t possibly accommodate his generous size.

However, I would be more than willing to please him in a different way.

“You said that the last time. Yet, I still made you come,” he whispered. A dimple appeared in his right cheek as he removed my panties, leaving me exposed to the air conditioning and his appreciative gaze. “Now, bend over.”

He pushed me forward, bending me over his desk. His rough tone left me in both fear and anticipation, eager to find out what he’d do next. His shaft found its way deep inside of me and I winced from pleasure.

“Are you okay?” he asked, pulling out of me instantly and turning me around. “I won’t hurt you. I never would.” Deep in my heart I knew he meant every word of it.

“Don’t stop. I want more,” I said, grinding against his hard erection. My legs parted to invite him in. I wanted him and everything he could give. His body, for now, and maybe one day his heart.

“You were made for me, Brooke. I can’t get enough of you.” His voice was filled with rough, but his fingers were surprisingly gentle as he began to caress the nape of my neck. Once more, the slick tip parted my lips and then he was inside, filling me with inch after inch of pure gloriousness as the strong ridges heated up my core. His mouth stifled my delighted scream, his tongue imitating the thrusts of his hips. The intoxicating scent of our lovemaking hit my nostrils and blurred my vision as the telltale pull of another approaching orgasm gathered deep in my belly.

My nails raked the hard muscles of his chest, pleading with him to hurry his speed, to take me harder. As though he could sense the urgency building up inside me, Jett cupped my ass and lifted me off the desk, allowing him deeper access as he began to thrust with so much force I could feel him in the most secret recesses of my sex. A delicious jolt of pain shot through me, followed by a surge of hot pleasure, and a moan escaped my parted lips.

The room began to shift before me. My tongue flicked over my parched lips as my brain fought to stay focused. I couldn’t be coming again, not when his fingers had just made me climax, and yet I knew I was close. So very close. And judging from the way his shaft twitched against my entrance so was he.

“You’re perfect,” Jett whispered.

Biting my lip, I whimpered and fought back my sharp cries of ecstasy. “Oh, god.”

“This is where you belong, sweaty and panting in my arms.” His green gaze misted and his plunges slowed down. I knew what was coming even before his hips undulated against mine, and he pulled out.

“Ready, baby?” His lips captured mine in a deep kiss. He brushed the engorged tip, now slick with our moisture, over my sensitive bud, before plunging back in, sending me off the edge into another mind-blowing climax. With my name on his lips, his shaft tore into me, prolonging the pleasure, as he released shot after shot of moisture deep inside of me.

Eventually, he pulled my shivering body into his arms and engaged my lips in a slow, lingering kiss.

Wow, best sex ever.

“You’re so damn sexy, Brooke. I want to do this for the rest of my life.”

There, he said it again. And this time after sex, meaning there had to be some truth to it. The earnestness in Jett’s stunning eyes made me flush with pleasure. “I’d love that,” I whispered, unable to contain my enthusiasm at the sheer prospect of having him in my bed forever and ever.

His damp skin felt hot under my fingertips and as my sense of reality returned, I wondered how the heck we could possibly hide the physical signs of our lovemaking from our coworkers.

With a sigh I peeled myself off his glorious body and pulled on my panties. I straightened my skirt as my gaze remained glued to his sturdy chest. He was stunning. In spite of the soreness between my legs, I knew I wouldn’t be able to resist if he desired another round. “Oh god. You’re probably late for your meeting.”

He glanced at his watch with an amused glint in his eyes. “We’re right on time.”

“People will be able to tell.”

“So?” His grin widened at my horrified expression.

“Are you kidding me?”

“Brooke.” His long fingers clasped my chin and pushed up until I was forced to meet his electrifying gaze. “I don’t intend to keep us a secret for much longer. But you’re right. The boss shagging the personal assistant during working hours isn’t going to boost work morale, so let’s freshen up. Want a quick shower?” He winked toward the door I had spied earlier.

“You have your own bathroom?” Why wasn’t I surprised?

“I’m the boss,” he said sheepishly. “I can have whatever I want.” His palm slapped my backside in case I failed to catch on to the not so subtle meaning of his words. Grinning, I rolled my eyes in mock annoyance.

“You wish.”

His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me against him, my back rubbing down the front of his slacks. “Such a shame we don’t have time. I’d love to give this glorious ass of yours a good spanking.” The dangerous undertones of his deep voice hit a note with me and I found my nipples straining against the silky fabric of my bra.

I groaned, irritated with myself.


How the hell could he possibly have such an effect on me? It wasn’t natural.

“You know who could really use a spanking? Your inflated ego.”

“You didn’t just say that, Brooke. I warned you, baby. I might need to cancel that meeting after all.”

Laughing, I dodged his grip and shot for the bathroom, praying the sexy warning in his voice was nothing but a joke. Knowing Jett Mayfield’s ego and his fondness of keeping a to-do list, he wouldn’t forget. Secretly, I hoped I’d soon get what he thought I deserved.

Say tonight.

I was screwed.


And the sad thing about it was that I couldn’t wait. For him. For what he had to offer. For the way he made me feel. I loved every minute we spent together.