Stolen (A Bad Boy Romance #2)

The stars shone down on us, and I looked around. The chaise was gorgeous, wide and thick. Like a bed out under the stairs.

Janson grabbed me and rolled with me so that he was on top of me, my body powerless under him. I loved the way it made me feel. Like all the walls I put up and all the hard ass shit I did meant nothing to him. I was delicate compared to him. He was so much stronger than me.

“What is it that you want?” he asked, kissing my chin, the length of my jaw leading to my neck where he flicked his tongue over my flesh. f*ck
. He was so powerful that it was hard to resist.

“All of you,” I admitted.

“Kat, what do you really want?” he asked. Janson’s eyes bore through me. It was a question I wasn’t prepared for.

“I want to be free.” My breaths came out raw. It was the truth. I’d been running for so long that I forgot why I was running. I forgot what was important to me. Janson reminded me of everything I was and everything I wanted to be. He was the one thing that kept my eyes focused on what I truly wanted.

Freedom from this life. But I wanted to be with him. I knew that no matter how hard I tried, I wasn’t going to be able to turn off my feelings. I was glad I was feeling something.

I’d spent so long being numb to everything.

He was dangerous, a murderous monster. One of them. But the only time I felt human was when I was with him. It was a sickness. I knew it.

But I loved it.

“Freedom is what I’m after, too, Kathryn. It’s been so long since I felt anything. Your skin, your hair, your touch, it’s so intoxicating.” He maneuvered himself down my body.

Janson made quick work of my bra, leaving my top bare before him.

I didn’t dare tell him that he was the first, the first to see me like this. Or what he’d taken the first time was my first time. He was the only man who’d even laid his hands on me.

His hands slipped over my generous breasts, and he looked them over like he was trying to decide which one he wanted to focus on.

“Good god, you are gorgeous, Kat.” He grabbed my nipple and rolled his finger over it, giving it a small pinch. “It should be sinful to look at you, but god damn if I can help it.”

It was forbidden, we both knew it, and we knew it added to the allure. I sucked in a breath as his mouth came down over my rosy peak, his tongue rolling up against it. Suddenly he chuckled and mumbled.

“If I’d known just how bad you wanted it, I would’ve made you work harder.” He sucked on me hard enough that my back arched and I let out a low moan.


“Why do you have to be so cruel?” I asked. I was teasing, but the dark tint in his eyes told a different story. Even under the moonlight he looked menacing.

“It’s my nature, Kathryn.” He kissed the side of my breast, then bit it.

I shivered.

Janson took his time kissing down my torso until he was at the lip of my panties. He ran his hands over my body, grabbing the elastic band of them and pulling them down to reveal all of me.

I sucked in breath after breath, trying to get my wits about me. I was lost to his will, but that didn’t mean that I wasn’t anxious. No man had ever seen me naked, let alone touched me before him. At least not like this.

“You are a damn goddess, do you know that?” He slipped his finger between my legs and slid it along the folds. I was soaking wet, the slickness making it easy for him to feel all of me.

“Oh, baby girl, you do want me.” He flicked my clit, just a little bit. Just enough to send me into a deeper stage of need.

I nodded and let out a small mew. I wanted him so badly I could barely stand it.

“Oh, honey.” He grinned at me.

He slid his finger into me, and I erupted into another moan before he started moving his finger in a come hither motion.

It was almost too much.

“Are you sure you want a man like me to put even a finger on you?”

“A man like you?”

“A monster like me.”

“You are not a monster.” Maybe he was, I didn’t know. I couldn’t even think about that now. All I could think about was him down there teasing me.

He bent down and put his mouth on me, his hot lips on my wet p*ssy

. So much sensation all at once and all of it was so overwhelming. I squirmed and bucked against him, but I didn’t fight him.

My eyes widened in shock, but after a moment it was like I never wanted him to stop. He started slow, licking softly, the warmth of his mouth meeting my own heat. His juices mingling with mine as he bore down on me and started lapping at me, hitting my clit over and over, his finger working in and out of my slit.

I didn’t last very long, and before I knew it I was shaking, my whole body overloaded with sensation. It was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.

I cried out, screaming and shaking until he was over me, holding me while I tried to catch my breath.

Kaylee Song's books