Starla (The Ladies of Karnage Novella Series)

“Yeah, we’ll be here in Dublin for a while. Maybe we can show you all the hidden treasures Ireland has to offer,” Knox said, looking up to where Rage had limped off to, “Guess I better go check on my VP, make sure I didn’t hurt him too bad.” Jameson let out a laugh as Knox took off toward the upstairs apartment.

We sat on the picnic table for what felt like hours, laughing at each other’s stories, staring at each other until the other one noticed, and then turning in embarrassment. Something about Jameson’s quiet demeanor intrigued me. His eyes told a story much deeper than the one on the surface. I hung onto each word he spoke as the life of the party grew around us, but as the volume around us became louder the small bubble we were enclosed in grew smaller. I could feel a pull, something inside of me drawing me closer to him.

If you would have asked me then, I’d given you some kind of excuse about indigestion, too much beer, hell gas even. But looking back now, I know it was love. It was, as Ani now says, the tethering of our souls into one. People laugh about love at first sight, but I don’t, it’s out there it’s real. A mother falls in love with their child from the moment they lay eyes on them, why couldn’t your heart open up to another person like that? I didn’t know it then, but that night in Ireland, sitting on that picnic table and staring into the eyes of Jameson, was the start of the next chapter of my life.

Chapter Five

Two days after the party, Jameson, Butcher, and Knox came to the hotel and picked up Joni and me. We set out into Ireland, flying down the roads as we took in the sights and smells. Even though we’d seen most of the places they’d taken us, it felt like I was looking at it through a whole new set of eyes. For the first time in my life, everything around me seemed clear; and out of it all, the clearest thing in front of me was a beautiful Irish man in holey jeans and a motorcycle cut.

The week before we were supposed to fly back home, Jameson surprised me with a weekend getaway. I tried as hard as I could to focus on the time we had to together and not focus on the impending doom of my upcoming departure. I wrapped my arms tight around his waist as we left out of the Dublin city limits and into the country side. We passed through rolling green hills, some covered with sheep or other livestock, and just as my ass was beginning to go numb we turned onto a gravel road. Nothing in sight but beautiful green country side until we came over a hilltop and in front of us was a simple little stone cabin. We pulled up out front and got off the bike, looking between him and the cabin, I could feel the flood of excitement washing over me.

He took my hand and led me into the house, dropping my small bag of clothes next to the door and closing it behind us. This was the first time we had really been able to be together alone. I wasn’t a virgin, lost that shit a long time ago, but a weekend alone to do whatever we wanted, wherever we wanted, was much better than a quickie in the bathroom. Once I’d gotten my hands on Jameson, I made up my mind that I would do whatever it took to keep him in my grasp.

“Was my mum and dad’s, bought it from them a few years ago,” he said from behind me as I made my way around the small front rooms.

I ran my hand down the wooden counter top in the kitchen, feeling the dips and imperfections of the handcrafting. Bright yellow curtains hung on all of the walls and across most of the floor was a beautiful hand woven rug. I took the hand towel that sat next to the kitchen sink and gently traced the hand embroidered birds on the front. “I love it,” I said, turning back to him and smiling. He was leaning against the door, arms crossed in front of his chest, and his eyes were dark with hunger.

I made my way to him, taking one hand at a time and uncrossing his arms and pulling him toward me. I looked up at him, taking in his beautiful eyes, and sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. For the first time since we’d been together, I took my time feeling and exploring his body. Our lips melted together as my hands slid up his shirt, running over the dips of his stomach. I slowly peeled off his cut, laying it across the back of the couch as he pulled off my jacket and tossed it to the floor. I could feel him backing me toward the back of the house as he gently peeled my shirt off. As we made it to the short hallway his hands snaked around to my ass and lifted me up, letting me wrap my legs around him as he carried me into the room.

I giggled as he kicked the door closed behind us and dropped me onto the bed. “Gonna take my time, baby,” his words were deep and lustful between his kisses. “Want to see every inch of you.”

Jennifer Culbreth's books