Something Beautiful

America shook her head. “I wouldn’t want you to go anyway, not after the other night. It’s too dangerous, Shep. We’re going to be attending funerals for weeks.”

Like a bomb, her words blew away all the excitement from our discussion.

“I don’t want to think about it.”

“Don’t you have a house meeting tomorrow?”

I nodded. “We’re going to raise money for the families and do something at the house in honor of Derek, Spencer, and Royce. I still can’t believe they’re gone. It hasn’t hit me yet, I guess.”

America chewed on her lip and then put her hand on mine. “I’m so glad you weren’t there.” She shook her head. “It might be selfish, but it’s all I can think about.”

“It’s not selfish. I’ve thought the same thing about you. If Dad hadn’t insisted I bring you home this week … we could have been there, Mare.”

“But we weren’t. We’re here. Travis and Abby eloped, and we’re moving in together. I want to think happy thoughts.”

I began to ask a question but hesitated.


I shook my head.

“Say it.”

“You know how Travis and Abby are. What if they split up? Where would that leave you and me?”

“Probably letting one of them crash on our couch and listening to them argue in our living room until they got back together.”

“You think they’ll stay together?”

“I think it’ll be rocky for a while. They’re … volatile. But Abby’s different with Travis, and he’s definitely different with her. I think they need each other in, like, the most genuine way. You know what I mean?”

I smiled. “I do.”

She looked around my room, her eyes pausing on my baseball trophies and a picture of my cousins and me when I was around eleven.

“Did they just kick your ass all the time?” she asked. “You were the little cousin of the Maddox brothers. That had to be just … crazy.”

“No,” I said simply. “We were more like brothers than cousins. I was the youngest, so they protected me. Thomas sort of babied Travis and me. Travis always got us in trouble, and it would be his ass. I was the peacekeeper, I guess, always petitioning for mercy.” I laughed at the memories.

“I’m going to have to ask your mom about that sometime.”

“About what?”

“How she and Diane ended up with Jack and Jim.”

“Dad claims it happened with much finesse,” I said, chuckling. “Mom says it was a train wreck.”

“Sounds like us—Travis and Abby, and you and me.” Her eyes sparkled.

Almost a year after I’d moved out, my bedroom was almost the same. My old computer was still gathering dust on the small wooden desk in the corner, the same books were on the shelves, and two awkward prom photos were kept in cheap frames on the nightstand. The only missing items were pictures and framed newspaper clippings of my football days that used to hang on the gray walls. High school felt like a lifetime ago. Any life without America felt like an alternate universe. Both the fire and Travis getting married had somehow solidified my feelings for America even more.

A warmth came over me that only happened when she was around. “So, I guess that means we’re next,” I said without thinking.

“Next for what?” Recognition pushed her eyebrows to her hairline, and she stood. “Shepley Walker Maddox, you just keep your diamonds to yourself. I am not anywhere near ready for that. Let’s just play house and be happy, mmkay?”

“Okay,” I said, holding up my hands. “I didn’t mean soon. I just said next.”

She sat. “Okay. Just so we’re clear, I have Travis and Abby’s second wedding to plan, and I don’t have time for another one.”

“Second wedding?”

“She owes me. We made a promise a long time ago that we would be each other’s maid of honor. She is going to have a real bachelorette party and a real wedding, and she is going to let me plan it. All of it. It’s mine,” she said, not even a hint of a smile on her lips.


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