Sins and Scarlet Lace

chapter NINETEEN

Declan started an image search of the lockbox key and numbers as soon as they made it back to the house, starting first with the banks Kane had already been known to use. The database of files he had access to was more extensive in some ways than the CIA because he didn’t have to go through red tape and deal with privacy laws.

His office sat just off the kitchen and he could hear Sophia muttering to herself as she tried to follow a recipe Cat had given her for homemade bread. By the sound of the pounding going on, she was trying to get rid of some of her own frustrations.

He put in a call to his brother Cade and another one to Brant so he could update status and tell them to stay put, but to his frustration, no one was answering their damned phones. He rubbed his hands over the top of his head and left the computer search open and running.

Between the key and the way the hacker was taking the bait he’d laid, he was starting to get a good picture of the person who was after Sophia, and he knew he needed to tell her what was going on so she didn’t think he was keeping things from her, but he couldn’t think of a way to do it without hurting her more.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the kitchen, wincing when her fist punched into the dough.

“How’s it going?” he asked, keeping his distance on the other side of the kitchen island.

“Fantastic. I don’t know why I’ve never done this before. It’s very cathartic.” She patted the dough into a ball and then put into an oversize bowl before tossing a towel over the top. “So what was all the muttering about in there? I take it you haven’t found which bank the key belongs to?”

“Not yet, but it’s going to be an extensive search. I think I’ve found out a few important pieces of information though.”

“Oh yeah?” Her brow arched in question, but she could see the tension in the balled fists of her hands.

A high shrill alarm sounded from his office and his phone started buzzing at the same time. His only thought was to protect Sophia, and he pulled his weapon free. The alarm meant that there was a breach somewhere on the property, but he couldn’t pinpoint where or who until he looked at the satellite.

“Go down to the basement and bolt the door behind you. You remember where the exit is that leads into the tunnels?” he asked.

She nodded and was already heading in that direction, but he pulled her back as someone pounded at the door.

“It’s Shane. Open up.”

Dec went to the door and let his brother in. Shane’s weapon was held at the ready in one hand and the other was holding an electronic device that looked like an oversized iPad. It was still in the testing phase, but it showed a 3D projection of all satellite images and the topography of any terrain in the world.

“We’ve got an unidentified military transport closing in.” Shane went to the table and laid down the device and hologram of the area rose up above the table.

“Whoa,” Sophia said. “That’s cool.”

“It’s in stealth mode, but those new tweaks you added to your system worked and we can see them coming in plain as day.”

Declan’s phone buzzed again and Shane tossed it to him. “MacKenzie,” he barked.

“It’s Cade,” his brother said. “We’re about to land. Don’t shoot us.”

“You’re telling me that’s you that’s flying toward us in an unidentified military transport?”

“Yep.” He could hear the grin in Cade’s voice, and his hand clenched around the phone so hard he was surprised it didn’t turn to dust. “And it’s a piece of work too. Still in the test phase. Gabe knows some people who owe him a favor.”

“I’m going to kick your ass as soon as you land.”

“No you’re not. You’re going to kiss my feet because I brought you something you’re going to need.”

“What’s that?”


Cade disconnected the phone and Declan dropped his head down to his chest with a sigh of relief.

“He always does like to make an entrance,” Shane said, closing down the device. “I think I liked him better before he started being so happy all the time. I’d finally gotten used to him being an a*shole and then the man falls in love and suddenly it’s rainbows and unicorns.”

Sophia snorted out a laugh, and they all left through the kitchen door out to the deck, searching for Cade. If Dec hadn’t felt the rush of air against his clothes he never would have known it was there. A sleek black helicopter hovered silently over his roof—one of the newest versions of the stealth helicopter that was still in the test phase. It looked like they’d finally succeeded in silencing the blades all the way.

He shook his head as he saw Gabe in the pilot seat and Cade grinning next to him like it was Christmas morning. It was large, bulbous, and obviously meant to transport a team of soldiers into a hostile area.

“Holy shit, will you look at that,” Shane said, his grin stretching from ear to ear. “I wonder what kind of favor someone owed Gabe for this to be the payback.”

“You probably don’t want to know,” Dec said wryly.

“Ooh, baby. I can’t wait to ride out on a mission in one of these.”

Gabe maneuvered the helicopter to a flat area of ground and landed it smoothly before shutting down the motor. The side door slid open and Dec put his hands on his hips, irritation etching his face as he watched his agents and brother pile out of the helicopter.

“What part of go underground didn’t you understand?” he asked. Cade led the group up to the deck—Max and Jade Devlin, Cal Colter, Archer Ryan, Brant Scott and Gabe Brennan—they were all there.

Cade snorted out a laugh. “Seriously? You think we’re going to let you lure the bad guys here to face all by yourself? You’re not Superman, you know.”

Shane was already giving knuckle bumps and slaps on the back to the new additions to the group and then he headed toward the helicopter to get a closer look.

“Don’t worry, brother,” Cade said. “I’m sure you’ll figure out a way to pay us all back.”

“I’ve already got it planned,” Dec said, deciding to wait to tell them he was moving headquarters to Surrender. “If you guys are determined to stay, then lets get to work. Coordinate with Shane and his team and get settled. We’ll debrief in an hour.”

“We’re going to have a problem,” Sophia said. “There’s not enough food in your fridge to feed all these people.”

“I’m sure they’ll figure something out.”

“What are they going to do, go get takeout? Because I think I missed the part of Surrender where all the restaurants are located.”

He let out a sigh because she was right. They were going to have to feed all these people. “We can pick up some steaks and potatoes. There are enough grills around here that it’ll be quick and easy.”

“Can we go after you meet with everyone?”

“I’ll go. Why don’t you make a list while the rest of us are meeting?”

“I don’t think so, Declan MacKenzie. I’m starting to go stir crazy. I’d like to get out for a little while, even if it’s just to the grocery store. And I’d like to get my chain fixed while we’re out.”

“I can take her while you’re doing the debriefing,” Shane said, not bothering to hide the fact he’d been eavesdropping. “I’ve got a couple of things to grab as well, so it’ll kill two birds with one stone. And before you tell me I need to be at the debriefing, let me tell you that the stores all close at six and we won’t make it in time if we wait until after. Also, I’ll be with her and I won’t let her out of my sight. Does that cover everything?”

Dec sighed and knew Shane was right. “Call me when you head back in.” He pulled Sophia into his arms and didn’t care that everyone stopped what they were doing to watch him kiss her brainless. When he pulled away she was out of breath and her eyes were heavy-lidded with arousal. “I love you. Don’t let Shane talk you into anything that will get you arrested or banned from the stores. He has a reputation of causing trouble in this town.”

“I’ll try to keep him on the straight and narrow,” she said, winking at Shane.

“You’re killing me, Soph.” Shane threw his arm around her shoulder and Dec smiled as she elbowed him in the ribs.

“She’s going to fit right in this family,” Cade said from behind him.

“I was just thinking the same thing.”

Liliana Hart's books