Scent of a Mate (Sassy Mates, #1)

Carlos returned with dessert. He placed her flan on the table with a flourish.

“Ooooh. I love flan!” She licked her lips while staring at the dessert.

“I do too,” he agreed. Another thing they had in common. He bet he’d find more by the end of the night. Maybe, just maybe, he’d give into the temptation and kiss her.

Those few moments lightened the mood considerably.

“So who did you piss off to get set up?” She winked.

Wait a second. She winked at him. That had to be one of the sexiest winks he’d ever seen.

“Nobody. Kayla’s been in a matchmaking mood ever since she and Ryan got married. It’s like all of a sudden everyone must get married too.” He chuckled, watching her dig her spoon into her dessert.

She visibly winced. “I know what you mean.”

“Aren’t you interested in finding love?” The question popped out of his mouth before he had a chance to stop it. Love? What the fuck was wrong with him? He’d just met a woman who’d been in a bad marriage and he was talking love. Dumbass. Plus what he really wanted was to get her out of that dress. He could think of at least a dozen ways to spend the night with her without showing his own body. It’d take some maneuvering, but he could work it.

With her gaze stuck on his, she sucked on the caramel covered spoon. Wild fire lust spread down to his cock. Need burned in his veins, driving the urge to strip her bare and lick her entire body.

“How about a walk on the beach?” She suggested, not answering his last question.

Chapter Five

Jessie’s pulse raced. Before she got a chance to stand, Matt came around the table to help her up. Passion filled his gaze. Hungry. Needy. He grabbed hold of her hand in his larger one. The feel of his warm skin on hers drove her hormones into a frenzy.

She stopped.

“Shoes.” She pointed down to their feet. With both their shoes in their hands, they headed for the beach.

Nerves twined in her belly, curling into thick knots around her stomach. He seemed like a nice guy. One she’d love to get to know better on an intimate level if it weren’t for the negative experience she carried around with her.

“Is this your first set-up?” His deep voice melted through her pores, slowly making its way to her * to turn her slick.

“Yes.” She hadn’t been with a man in months. The stress of her divorce was enough to leave a bad taste in her mouth when any man approached her. Now she felt her hormones waking up. And taking great big notice of Matt.

Big. Oh, yes.

Sexy. Hell to the yeah.

Making her panties wet. Without a doubt.

This was Kayla’s attempt at setting them up. Matt was clearly uncomfortable with being on a date, and she definitely wasn’t looking for a relationship. No way. No how. But maybe they could still have fun. There wasn’t a rule that said they couldn’t enjoy each other’s company.

Salty breeze floated over her skin. His arm brushed her shoulder and his grip on her hand tightened, making her even more aware of how close he was. Warm water washed by their feet. With each step they took, her feet sank into the soft sand, spreading through her toes in a grainy massage.

“Matt.” She stopped and turned to stand in front of him. Those piercing eyes of his melted more of her resistance.

“Yes?” He continued holding her hand, but raised his other one to cup her cheek.

Lord have mercy.

“I…” Want a kiss. Right now please. “Had a great time at dinner.”

His gaze dropped down to her lips, lips she licked that very moment. Then, in a slow motion move worthy of any romantic movie, he lowered his head, brought his lips down to hers, and kissed her.

Oh, what a kiss. His firm lips brushed tentatively over hers at first, tempting her to open up and let him in. She sighed, pushing out a little moan. That’s all it took. Soft went out the window. Mouths pasted together. Tongues tangled in frenzied caresses so hot it felt like he’d branded her.

The hand holding hers let go and pulled her into his warm muscular body. She crawled her fingers up his torso. Giddiness filled her. She’d finally gotten her hands on his gorgeous body. Tight muscles shifted under her palms, adding a new rush of arousal to her already heated core. He tugged her closer, rubbing his steel hard erection on her belly. Her * quivered in need.

She broke away from the kiss, panting. “God. I—”

The look he gave her said it all. Him. Her. Really hot sex.

“I want you, Jessie. I haven’t been with anyone in a while.” He licked those sexy lips that had just seconds before been devouring hers.

“I haven’t either.” Need turned her voice husky. Their gazes locked and temptation didn’t just knock at her door, no. It broke it down and said “I’m here.”

He rocked his cock over her belly. Arousal sent electric shocks down to her clit, making it twitch. “I want to spend more time with you.”