Reflection Point

chapter FOURTEEN

The summer days breezed by. Savannah stayed thrillingly busy at Heavenscents—so busy, in fact, that she hired two part-time employees to help in the retail shop and another to assist with shipping online sales. She used the time the extra help gave her to replenish her inventory and order her supplies. At the end of June, her sales were running 40 percent higher than her projections—40 percent!—and she treated herself to an online shopping spree with expedited delivery.

She bought a new sundress and shoes to wear for her Fourth of July date.

She’d seen Zach occasionally in the days since their picnic—though he made sure he was seldom gone from her thoughts. He continued to send gifts, make phone calls, and duck in to say hello whenever his foot patrol took him past Heavenscents. It hadn’t helped that one of his new hires had missed three days of work with the flu, forcing Zach and his other deputies to work extra shifts. When Gabi told her that, Savannah had shut her door an hour early and baked a peach cobbler, which she delivered warm to the sheriff’s office.

She’d thought that Zach was going to break down and cry.

Each day, with its wink and wave and “Hiya, Peach,” brought Savannah closer to a momentous decision until finally, during her lunch break on July 2, she made one more Internet purchase and chose overnight delivery.

No way was she going to buy condoms in Eternity Springs.

It had taken a fair amount of soul-searching for her to admit to herself that she might have a need for them, but Savannah didn’t lie, not even to herself. Especially when what she really, really wanted to do was lie to herself.

She had the hots for the sheriff. Another law enforcement officer. What in heaven’s name was wrong with her? She obviously had some sort of mental issue.

No, her issue was definitely physical.

In her defense, Zach Turner in full magnetism mode was difficult for any woman to resist. Hadn’t she seen that in the way even the older women in town preened and blushed when he turned on the charm? He had a boyish grin, an athlete’s build, and a wicked glint in those devastating blue eyes that could turn a woman to mush. Yet those attributes were only part of what made him so appealing to her. What had breached her defenses was learning that he had no family, either.

Savannah’s heart had ached for him when he told her about losing his loved ones. The information had created a common bond between them, whether they acknowledged it or not. Despite her father’s failings, she had loved him and she’d grieved for him when he died. Her brothers had been worthless, as always, but she’d had her grandmother to help her through the loss of her dad. Kyle, too, had been a help—at least on the surface. Zach had had no one. He still had no one. The two of them were a match made in … well, not heaven. The thoughts on her mind were definitely earthy.

The morning of the Fourth dawned gray and damp, but by the time the parade started at ten, the clouds had burned off and the sun shone brightly. Like the majority of the businesses in town, Savannah kept the shop open for the holiday, though she did close down for an hour while the parade was taking place. Despite the curtailed schedule, she had the best sales day ever, and as she readied herself for her date after work, excitement sizzled in her veins. “I’m a success, Grams,” she said as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. She gave her hair one more stroke with the brush. “I’m going to make this business work.”

She paused, listening hard, and when she didn’t hear her grandmother’s voice echoing through her mind, she added, “And there’s a good possibility that I’m going to have sex tonight. With a totally hot guy. Who tonight will be Zach, just Zach, and not Sheriff Zach.”

Her doorbell rang. She shut her eyes and drew a deep, bracing breath. Pasting on a smile, she went to open her door.

Zach’s easy grin died as he got a look at her. His lips pursed and he gave a soundless whistle as he gave her a thorough and blatantly masculine once-over. “You look gorgeous. You sparkle like sunlight on Hummingbird Lake.”

Her smile went from nervous to genuine, and she resisted the urge to twirl. “Thank you. I’m happy. Heavenscents had its best day ever.”

“Congratulations. Maybe I’ll break out a bottle of champagne and some caviar.”

“Really? I’ve never tasted caviar.”

“Oh, honey. We can fix that tonight.”

Wonder what other “nevers” he could fix …

Zach told her about his workday during the short drive out to his house, thoroughly entertaining her with a story about a fox in a construction site Porta-John. Savannah remained surprisingly relaxed, and when he excused himself to clean up, since he’d picked her up on the way home from work, she grabbed a tennis ball from a bucket near the back door and went outside to coax Ace into a game of catch. It didn’t take much coaxing. Inny liked to play catch. Ace loved it.

Zach exited the house twenty minutes later wearing worn blue jeans and a white oxford shirt and carrying a tray holding two flutes filled with bubbling champagne and a plate of bread crusts with a small bowl of black caviar surrounded by ice. She gestured toward the plate. “Is this a staple of yours, Zach?”

“Caviar? Not hardly. I can handle steak just fine, but I ordered hors d’oeuvres from the Yellow Kitchen.” He set down the tray and handed her one of the glasses. Lifting his, he toasted, “To record-breaking sales days.”

The champagne bubbled on her tongue, and when he offered her a toast topped with a dollop of caviar, she added, “And new experiences.”

She tasted the caviar. It had the consistency of butter and melted in her mouth. “Oh, that’s good. It’s not salty at all.”

“Ali said good caviar is supposed to taste like a fresh ocean breeze.”

“It’s wonderful. So is the champagne.”

He named the label, then asked, “Are you hungry?”

Oh, yes.

“I can put the steaks on now, or we could wait a little while to eat.”

Dinner. He means dinner, stupid. “Either way is fine with me.”

“Then let’s walk out to the point. I have a new addition I want to show off.”

They strolled hand in hand toward the tip of Reflection Point. Drawing closer, Savannah spied the addition he’d mentioned. He’d placed a lovely, two-person wooden lawn swing at the end of the point. “You do like your swings, don’t you?”

“It’s a recent acquisition. Something about sittin’ in a swing with a luscious Georgia peach makes me content as a dog with two tails.”

He led her to the swing and sat beside her, close to her, and gave the swing a push with his long legs. “Tell me your favorite Fourth of July memory.”

After a moment’s consideration, she talked about her family. “I told you I have a nephew. He’s my middle brother’s son. Gary is four years older than me. He got his girlfriend pregnant in high school and they got married, but that was a disaster. She ran off and left Tommy behind. By that time, I was living with my grandmother, my dad was sick, and Gary asked us to babysit for a week while he delivered a car for someone to California. He had some trouble—it was a big mess and not entirely his fault—but he didn’t come back for six weeks.”

“He dumped his kid on you for six weeks? And you were just a kid yourself?”

“I enjoyed it. Tommy was such a sweetheart and so affectionate. When you asked about my favorite Fourth of July, that’s the memory that popped into my mind. It was the first time he’d seen fireworks, and he oohed and aahed and squealed and screamed. It was so much fun. Once the show was over, he hugged my neck and told me he loved me.” Her smile turned bittersweet as she added, “His dad showed up to get him three days later.”

“Where are your brother and Tommy now?”

“I didn’t hear much from them after I went to jail. When I got out …” She shrugged. “They’d moved away.”

He laced his fingers with hers, then brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it. “I’m sorry, Peach.”

“Water under the bridge.” She forced a smile onto her face and said, “Tell me about your favorite Fourth of July.”

He told her a funny story about a greased watermelon scramble at the city swimming pool in the town where he’d grown up. Then, when they finished their champagne, he suggested it was time to grill the steaks.

He served her a wonderful meal with a lovely wine, and Savannah’s mood mellowed. As night began to fall, Zach removed a pair of what looked like headphones from a cabinet, slipped them over his dog’s ears, then motioned for Ace to get into his crate. Zach offered Savannah a sheepish explanation as the whippet followed his master’s command. “Ace hates fireworks and thunderstorms … any loud sound. These Mutt Muffs work pretty good.”

“You bought earmuffs for your dog,” she said, her heart going mushy.

He looked her in the eyes and said, “I take care of those I care about.”

It was as if he’d made a promise to her. Savannah blinked back sudden, silly tears as he took a quilt from the closet and tucked it beneath one arm. Again he took her hand as they walked back out to the end of the point. Savannah peered across the lake toward the park where the townspeople gathered to watch the show, but it was now too dark to see how big a crowd had gathered. Zach spread the quilt atop a thick patch of grass and they sat down just as the first whee boom signaled the start. From across the water, she heard the cheering of the crowd. Happy and excited, she leaned back on her elbows and smiled up at the spectacle lighting the sky. She did indeed love fireworks shows.

Being here was surreal. She couldn’t believe that she was actually here in Colorado, at peaceful Reflection Point, sitting beside a broad-shouldered hunk of a man who smelled faintly of the sandalwood soap she made. During her years in prison, she’d yearned to sit outside in the dark and watch the stars. Yearned to be free. Every Fourth of July she’d spent behind bars, she’d imagined herself somewhere watching fireworks burst upon an infinite sky.

She’d never imagined herself doing so while she sat next to a date.

She hadn’t thought kindly about men in those days. When exactly had that changed? Why had that changed? Turning to Zach, she drank in his profile, highlighted by the bursts of color streaming from the canvas of the night sky. He lay stretched back on the blanket, relaxed and propped up on one elbow as he watched the show above.

The summer breeze skittered across the lake and drew light fingers through his hair. Savannah itched to repeat the motion, yet her hand fisted with a slight and sudden measure of hesitation.

Go ahead. Touch him. Make the first move. Everything is perfect. You don’t need to hold back. He’s been good to you. He hasn’t pushed or demanded. He’s different.

He isn’t like Kyle.

Except for the badge.

“Now, that’s cool,” Zach murmured absently as a particularly large firework split into falling cascades of orange and teal. “The committee really went all out this year.”

Unaware of her perusal, he kept his attention on the sky. Pleased that she had the opportunity to simply watch him, Savannah realized how much she’d come to enjoy his presence in her life. She waited for the inevitable rush of fear and mistrust to dash this warm, pleasant feeling to bits, but instead she felt an ache that she had not experienced in a very long time.

She wanted him.

As if on cue, another loud bang rent the air, replacing her musings with a huge starburst that reflected its splendor upon the mirror of Hummingbird Lake’s flat, still surface. Savannah watched the colors fade, her heart pounding and her body yearning as she was swept up in the romance of the moment. Perhaps she should harness this energy before it diminished, rather than be left with regret for yet another experience missed, another instance of life passing her by.

Beneath the backdrop of a vibrant display of fire and brilliance, she decided it was time to let go of some of the baggage.

So he did have a badge. So she did have a record. Tonight, here and now, they were simply two people who’d been alone for a good part of their lives. Two people who enjoyed each other’s company. Two people who were attracted to each other, despite everything that should keep them apart.

“I never expected anything like this.” And she hadn’t. Never in a million years.

He turned just then, his smile filled with genuine pleasure. His eyes held a depth of something Savannah couldn’t exactly name when they fell upon her. Whatever it was, the mysterious emotion called to her. He wanted her, too. The past wasn’t important. Tonight she’d simply focus on the here and now.


She loved the way he said her name. The husky sound drew her like a siren’s song.

“You’re not watching the fireworks anymore.”

Her throat grew slightly dry. “Perhaps I want to make my own.”

At that, his eyes glittered with an almost hypnotic lure. He tipped her chin toward him and the warmth of his hand traveled up to cup her cheek. “I bet you can. We can.” Yet he didn’t move to take her in his arms. He remained on his side of the blanket as the festive sounds crackled above them. “If you’re sure …”

“I am sure. I’m ready.” Reaching up, she set her hand upon his and laced their fingers. It felt so good, she realized. His grip was strong and confident. He’d waited for her to make this move, wanted her to reach for him.

Finally giving herself over to what she craved, she whispered, “I’m ready for you. I want you.”

He inched closer. His mouth dipped to capture hers with sweet insistence. “I want you, too. I’ve been ready for a while now.” Pressing her back on the blanket, his lips traveled a possessive path down her neck to the soft hollow of her collarbone. “I need to be with you, Savannah.”

Working up her nerve, she stiffened a little. “I have to tell you that it’s been a while … for me. For this.” She swallowed, and dropped her voice to a murmur. “I don’t have a lot of experience.” Feeling small and incredibly vulnerable, Savannah waited for his reaction as he leaned up to face her. Her unspoken statement coursed between them: What if I am a disappointment?

With the fireworks still erupting over his shoulders, Zach merely smiled and kissed her again. Gently. On the cheek. “Honey, I only care about your experience with me.”

At that, Savannah felt a tug somewhere in the vicinity of her chest that she dared not dwell on. Without thought, she placed a hand on the back of his neck and pulled him down. Kissing him hard, she savored every taste, every moment. Soon his breathing quickened and his mouth grew hot and demanding. He let her lead, but kept the pace strong. Whispering against her seeking lips, he told her, “You don’t know what you do to me.”

“I think I do,” she replied. “Because I feel it, too.”

Longing burned low within Savannah, and while the action was familiar, the feelings were not. She returned his passion with a zeal that surprised her. Her initial misgivings soon faded into echoes, dwarfed by the continued sparkle and boom above them and the physical pull of desire. There was no better time, no better place.

No better man.

She tugged at his shirt, pulling it from the waistband of his jeans. Slipping her hands beneath the soft fabric, she reveled in his growl of delight as she treated herself to an exploration. Her senses reeled, elevated by Zach’s familiar scent and his touch. They’d kissed before, even made out … but this was different. This was a prelude to something more.

She didn’t hold back this time, didn’t stiffen, didn’t discourage him. This time she instigated, and it felt wonderful. As her eyes met his gaze, the lust pooled in the pit of her stomach and rippled down into a need she couldn’t define.

Never had she been this brazen before, so wantonly bold! It both shocked and exhilarated her, and soon any insecurity vanished like the smoking remains of a fading firework.

“You are perfect,” he whispered, nipping at the whorl of her ear, then her neck. His mouth soon found hers again as his hands pulled at the straps of her sundress until her lacy bra was exposed. Drawing in a swift, appreciative breath, he traced the seam with the tip of his fingers and released the clasp to bare her fully.

“Zach,” she said, letting her eyes close briefly, wanting to capture the moment in her mind forever. Yet she couldn’t stop watching him. The look on his face … it was intense. And personal in a way she’d never experienced with—

No. You will not bring his memory into this moment.

Zach didn’t want just sex. He wanted her. His awe and appreciation was for her. This moment meant something to him. She meant something to him.

Maybe neither would be able to define what that something was, but Savannah knew that she couldn’t ignore it. It was too powerful, and it brought a mist to her eyes that she blinked back hard.

“What?” he asked softly. “Are you all right?”

Covering, she offered him a wobbly smile. “It’s been a while, like I said. I’m a bit rusty.”

As if mesmerized, Zach drew a path down, drawing a circle around her hardened nipple with a feather touch. “You’re perfect. I’ve imagined this.”

When he bent to taste her, Savannah gasped and her back arched in automatic response. “I’ve imagined it, too,” she choked out as she ran her hands across his shoulders, up into his thick hair.

Holding his head as he suckled her, she whimpered mindless pleas and tilted her hips instinctively toward the erection that pressed against her thigh. Heat quickly coiled through her, promoting her body to react.

Yet Zach took his time, savoring her skin and softness as if she were a fine wine. He murmured words of praise and enjoyment. For this one moment in time, Savannah Sophia Moore felt like the only woman in the world.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, raising his head to meet her gaze. Something raw burned in his blue eyes. He reached beneath her skirt … then suddenly he froze. Grimacing, he mouthed the word “Damn.”

Savannah went stiff. “What?”

“I hate to break the mood, but I didn’t plan for this. I’m not exactly, uh, prepared. We’ll have to go back up to the house.”

After a beat, she got his drift. Condoms. He’s talking about condoms. She shook her head. “It’s okay. Let’s stay out here. I … um … I’m prepared. They’re in my purse.”

He gaped at her, and Savannah felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Hey, I’m a responsible woman. I didn’t want you to see them. I mean, until there was an … um … need. I wasn’t sure myself that I … that we …”

“Savannah,” he said, admiration in his tone.

She shrugged and confessed, “I ordered them online. Hope they’re the right kind.”

“Peach, I don’t care if they’re bright pink with smiley faces.”

Her purse sat just beyond her reach. He left her long enough to retrieve it and hand it to her. She practically ripped the zipper opening it, then handed over the prize.

With a halfway smothered laugh, he asked, “You brought the whole box?”

She winced, and then started to laugh at his incredulous expression. With a helpless shrug, she told him, “I … well, yeah, I did.”

“There’s a throwdown for you.” He tumbled her back upon the quilt. Nuzzling her breast, he twirled his tongue around her nipple. “I hope I can live up to the challenge.”

“I’m not worried.”

He paused in the act of tugging down the zipper of her dress. “I’m glad, honey. You don’t need to be worried about anything.”

Again he said it like a promise, and to her surprise, Savannah believed him. She emptied her mind of everything beyond the moment as he practically ripped off her dress. His eyes immediately feasted on her pink thong panties.

“Those are amazing. Another online purchase?” He caressed the elastic, sliding a finger beneath and yanking them down without much ceremony.

“The gift shop at Angel’s Rest. Celeste says she gets lots of honeymooners as guests.”

“She’s a wise woman, our Celeste.” He tossed the panties over his shoulder, and then bent to kiss her neck, finding that one special spot that he loved to tease with his tongue. “Maybe I’ll go shopping at the gift shop. You need them for every day of the week. Different colors.”

“Why bother?” she gasped, and gripped his flexing shoulders. “You enjoyed them for a nanosecond before tearing them off.”

“Yeah, but that nanosecond was worth the wait.”

“Speaking of waiting …” She brazenly reached for the top button of his fly. The male moan of pleasure against her neck when her fingers touched him spurred her to work him free and caress him fully.

“Ah …” he said on a shudder, then pulled back just long enough to rid himself of the rest of his clothing. Returning to her side naked and fully aroused, he pressed her down onto the blanket. The weight of him felt warm and right as he kissed her mouth and then the base of her throat, working his way down to her breasts. Whispered words of encouragement fell naturally between them as the magic built.

They discovered each other’s bodies with careful urgency, every touch illuminated by the torrent of color rippling against a backdrop of stars. As if knowing what her body craved, Zach slipped his hand down and stroked her warm, slick skin. The sensation was incredible, and she found herself nearly sobbing as the pressure built. Over and over, Zach coaxed with soft persistence until the first wave of pleasure crashed over her and rolled through to her toes.

Before Savannah could recover, he left her briefly to slide on the condom. In an instant, and with one long, languid motion, Zach embedded himself into her. He stretched her, filled her, and she gasped with the pleasure of it. It had been so long. It had never been like this before.

Savannah purred and Zach grabbed her hips, pulling her tight against him. Creating a soulful rhythm, he demanded, “Again. This time … with me.”

She could only whimper a faint response, unsure of the possibility. Yet the stirring beckoned again, low and deep within her. He kissed her forehead, her eyes, her nose, treasuring every part of her despite the quickened tempo of his thrusts.

A multitude of fireworks soon traveled up to burst into a fiery display of color and spark amidst the night sky. The sounds boomed, one upon another, stronger and faster. As the expected and climactic ending of a fireworks show exploded above her, Savannah couldn’t separate what occurred above and upon the earth.

Her body clenched around Zach’s, and as he called out her name in a hoarse cry, Savannah shattered and saw fireworks that had nothing to do with those painting the sky.

Zach collapsed atop her, his weight heavy as one of the mountains that ringed the valley. When she gasped for a breath, he immediately rolled off onto his side, came up onto his elbow, and settled his open mouth against hers in a kiss like none other. Strong and deep and thrillingly possessive, it further weakened Savannah from blood to bone.

“That was spectacular,” he said huskily. “Thank you.”

Then he kissed her once more, this time sweetly.

Sudden, unexpected tears flooded Savannah’s eyes. She blinked them away. “Thank you. I’ve never … not like that. It’s never happened that way to me before.”

“Well, then.” He gently touched her cheek and gave her a sated, satisfied smile. “I’m glad that was mine.”

He lay on his back and pulled her close, one arm around her waist, the other pillowing his head. She rested her head on his bare chest, where a dusting of hair tickled her nose. Staring up at a star-filled sky, Savannah observed, “Guess the fireworks are over.”

“It’s just intermission.” His hand skimmed down and gave her rump a playful little pinch. “After all, you brought a whole box.”

Emily March's books