RIDE: The Complete Delancey Brothers Trilogy

I stomped home, eager to show that rude man he was wrong. I could not believe it was our first day here and already some big, macho Southern cowboy was trying to push me around?!

It didn't matter that he was by far the best looking man I'd seen in my life. He might look like a movie star but he was so rude I barely noticed. And now he was cutting down my tree!

I'd waited my whole life to have my own trees and here he was, chopping one of them down without a by your leave!

Casey was dozing when I slipped inside so I tiptoed around the place, trying to find the survey. I realized I must have packed it when I couldn't find it. It wasn't in my messenger bag or the small suitcase I'd brought ahead with me. I closed my eyes.

He was going to win dammit!

I couldn't bare the thought of going back there empty-handed. He would look at me in that condescending way he had and call me a silly woman. Then he would cut down MY TREE! I almost kicked something I was so mad!

Then inspiration struck.

Of course! They had emailed me a PDF of it as well. It wouldn't be easy to see on my phone so I started looking for my tablet.

At least I knew where the tablet was! I pulled it out of my bag and grinned. It had been turned off for the past ten hours or so. I prayed it had enough juice left to show that man what a jerk he was!

I sighed with relief when I saw that the tablet still had about 40% power. It would have to do. I straightened my spine and marched all the way back to the properties edge.

I was full of butterflies and nervous energy as I stomped my way across the field, barely noticing the weeds or wildflowers around me. By the time I got there, I was even more fired up than I'd been when I left. It wasn't just righteous indignation either.

I was looking forward to wiping that smirk off his handsome face.

But when I got there, I stopped short.

Yet another large, outrageously good-looking man was standing beside him. Good lord. Did they grow on trees around here or something?

"Hello, I'm Daniel Delancey. This is my brother Jackson."

I nodded, accepting his hand.

"Angelina Randall."

He smiled at me. His brother on the other hand, was scowling. Damn him, the man looked good even doing that.

Life really wasn't fair sometimes.

"I've brought my survey."

"Perfect. Maybe then we can get back to work."

"Please ignore my brother. He's not always this bad tempered."

I lifted my chin.

"That will not be a problem."

The sandy haired giant let out a disbelieving snort. I frowned at him before remembering I had just said I would ignore him. I turned my attention to his brother Daniel.

"I thought Dave could look at it. He's a third party so he has no vested interest."

"He's under your employment isn't he?"

Daniel laughed.

"He's in high demand, he certainly doesn't need us. Right Dave?"

Dave stepped forward and shrugged.

"It's true."

I pulled up the map and scrolled to the northern edge of my property, which was the southern edge of theirs. Then I handed it over to the foreman. I glared at Jackson Delancey, who was watching me with a hooded look on his face.

I looked away, my cheeks flushing for some indefinable reason.

How the man could make me blush at a time like this was a mystery!

The foreman took a look at the tablet and pointed.

"See, look here. The border really falls just north of the tree."

Jackson Delancey smiled at me arrogantly.

"See? It's our tree. And it is dangerous for horses and humans alike. It has to come down."

Daniel shook his head.

"It appears to have grown over the border Jackson. So it is mostly on our side of the line, but not completely. But Miss Randall, it does pose a safely hazard. That's why we are clearing this area up."

I looked at the trees above us. They did look a bit weathered. I chewed my lip, not sure what to say. I hadn't been wrong exactly. But I wasn't right either.

"How about this? Dave here will take a look at all the trees in the area and trim or remove them. He can do your side of the line as well. Then he can make a few piles of mulch for you."


"For your crops. You are a farmer right?"

He smiled at me charmingly. I couldn't help but smile back.

"I am."

It felt funny to say that. But I liked it. And I liked him for saying it. His obnoxious brother on the other hand...

"So it's settled?"

I nodded and shook his hand again. I was not about to shake the other one's hand. Not that he offered. Jackson was rude, even in victory! I was about to say goodbye when Daniel glanced at his brother and then at me. Then he started grinning mischievously.

"You should come to the house for dinner. Be neighborly. How about Friday night?"

I shook my head.

"That's very nice of you but I can't leave my sister alone for too long."

"Bring her with you."

"She's in a wheelchair."

I saw Jackson's head turn. I thought he'd been ignoring me completely this entire time. Now he was watching me closely.

"My father is too. The house is wheelchair accessible."

I chewed my lip. I had run out of excuses. I'd been horribly rude to his brother and now Daniel was being nice.

Joanna Blake's books