

Angel jerked awake to the sound of a gunshot.

She sat straight up, blinking in the early morning light, and immediately felt Cole’s left arm come around across her chest, and pull her back against him. She grabbed at his forearm with both her hands. She noticed his right arm was extended, and he was holding the 9mm handgun he carried in his shoulder holster.

He pulled the trigger, and another blast made her jump.

He was shooting at something on the ground. She followed the direction the gun was aimed, and saw a large snake writhing on the ground not ten feet from them. “Oh, my God.” Angel kicked her legs, trying to back up.

Cole tightened his hold on her. “It’s okay, sweetheart. It’s dead.”

“Are there anymore?” she asked in a panic, her eyes darting around.

“Could be.” He holstered the gun, and nudged her. “Come on, babe. Get up. My legs are falling asleep.”

She leaned forward, and Cole got to his feet, and stretched. “Goddamn. I’ll ache all day from sleeping like that.”

“What time is it?” she asked, her eyes squinted at the horizon.

Cole took out his phone, and flipped it open. “Nine.”

Angel stretched.

He watched her, his eyes running over the long, slender lines of her body, until she turned and caught him. Quickly looking away, he announced, “I, uh, gotta take a piss, I mean, I have to use the…facilities.”

She smiled. “Good save. Me, too.”

Cole smiled back, and pulled her to her feet. “Take your pick.” He motioned with his arms, indicating all the rock formations and scrub brush surrounding them. “Yell if you see any snakes.”

“You can count on that,” she replied.

He walked behind some rocks. When he came back, she was nowhere in sight. He grabbed up the blanket, and rolled it up, and attached it to the front of his bike with a bungee cord. He was stuffing the bottle of whiskey back into the saddlebag when she came back.

“Where are you taking me?” he heard her ask from behind him.

He glanced back at her. “My clubhouse. Get those cuffs off you. Then we’ll see.” He handed her the helmet, and watched as she put it on. “No more questions?”

“Wasn’t that your clubhouse we just left?” she asked.

“Nope.” He turned, letting her look at the patch on his back. “Different club. Different patch on my cut.”

She saw that his said Evil Dead on it. She knew that the others had all said Dead Souls. “Cut?”

“This.” He reached up, slid a thumb in the arm hole pulling it slightly away from his body, indicating the leather vest he wore. “It’s called a cut.”

“Oh. The picture on it, what is that?”

“That’s the angel of death. Our symbol.”

“Oh. But, I don’t understand. Why did that guy do what you said, then, if you’re not in the same club?”

“Because, they’re a brother club of ours.” He could tell she didn’t understand. “We’re the big dog. They do what we say.”

“Oh,” she nodded. “And where is your clubhouse?”

“San Jose area. Couple more hours ride.” He threw his leg over his bike, and turned back to her. “Come on, babe.”

She climbed on behind him.

Two hours later, as they approached the outskirts of civilization, Cole pulled to the side of the highway and made a call.

Angel could only hear his side of it.

“Yeah. Can you meet me at the clubhouse in about fifteen minutes?”

A truck roared by, and the wind rocked them.

“I’ll explain when you get there.” He put the cell back in his pocket, and turned to look at her over his shoulder. “You keep your mouth shut about what happened to you. Understand?”

She nodded.

He pulled back out onto the road.

A few minutes later, he turned down some side streets in a not-so-nice section of town, and pulled into what looked like an old industrial park. They drove to the end of a dead end street, and pulled into a lot surrounded by a tall, chain-link fence. Cole pulled around behind some type of old, two-story, red brick warehouse. Angel noticed about a dozen bikes parked in the back lot. There was a sign over the door with the same design as she had noticed on the back of Cole’s cut. There was also a squad car parked, and she saw a cop standing talking to a couple of the club members.

Cole rolled the bike to a stop on the opposite side of the lot, near the back fence. Beyond the fence there were some overgrown bushes, and up on a bit of a rise Angel could make out the silver reflection of a couple of sets of railroad tracks.

The cop glanced their way, and Cole motioned him over, then he turned back to her. “Let me do the talking.”

The cop walked up. Angel took him in. He was tall and lanky, middle-aged, probably in his forties. His hair was cut in a flat top. His face had thin, pointed features, his eyes were beady. Angel thought he looked like a weasel.

He glanced at Cole’s passenger. “Cole. What’s up?”

Cole cut the bike off, but made no move to get off. He looked at the officer, and raised his shirt, revealing Angel’s cuffed wrists wrapped around his stomach.

“What the hell? Why did you put cuffs on her?”

Cole’s eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t. Can you get them off?”

His eyes ran over her. “She runnin’ from the law?”


The cop stared at him dumbfounded, and then reached into his pocket, and pulled out some keys. He fumbled with the cuffs, and finally got one wrist released.

Angel’s hands came apart from around Cole’s waist.

Cole reached back, and helped her off the bike, then stepped off, himself.

The cop worked on the other cuff, and soon had them off her. He looked at her bruised and cut wrists. “Jesus Christ, Cole. How long has she been in these things?”

“Couple days.”

The officer looked at him, stunned. “Are you insane?”

Cole turned to Angel, and said, “I’ll be right back, darlin’.” Then he led the cop a few yards away, out of her earshot, and began explaining. “I didn’t put the cuffs on her. I was visiting another club. Saw her up there. Got her away from the guy that had her.”

“This is kidnapping, Cole. She was obviously held against her will. I gotta take her in. Get her home.”


“No?” He raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

“I’ll get her home. And I’ll handle the retaliation for what this guy did.”

“So, I’m supposed to just walk away? Leave her here?”

Cole nodded. “Yeah.”

“Look, I turn my head on a lot of shit, but this-”

“Will be taken care of,” Cole finished the sentence for him.

“Not without me talking to her first.”

Cole stared at him. “You’re only gonna make the situation worse.”

The officer folded his arms. “Take it or leave it.”

Cole blew out a breath, and shook his head. His eyes slid to Angel. Time to find out which way she was gonna roll. “Okay. Fine.”

They walked back over to her.

“Angel, this is Sheriff Starks. He wants to ask you a few questions,” Cole explained.

She saw the look Cole was giving her, and knew she better not say the wrong thing. She nodded. “Okay.” Then she tipped her head to Sheriff Starks. “Officer.”

“Ma’am.” He tipped his head in return. “You want to tell me what happened?”

Angel’s eyes darted to Cole.

Starks didn’t miss the exchange.

“I, uh, I met this guy. Turns out he was kind of an a*shole. Cole, he, uh, persuaded him that our relationship was over. Got me away from him. I owe him for that.”

Starks looked from her to Cole. He asked her, “That’s it? That’s all you’re gonna tell me?”

She shrugged, “That’s all there was to it. Thanks for getting the cuffs off me. It’s kind of embarrassing. The a*shole lost the keys. I guess that was a stupid idea. You know how these sex games are. Sometimes you don’t think it through.”

Cole fought back a laugh, and Starks glared at him.

“Everything’s fine now. Really,” she insisted.

“You’re sure you don’t want me to see you get home?”

Cole stepped in. “I’ll get her home.” He held up his hand, as if taking a pledge. “Boy Scouts honor.”

Starks scoffed. “You were never a Boy Scout.”

Cole smiled.

“I’ll be fine,” Angel assured him.

Starks threw his hands up, turning to walk away. But before he did, he leaned in close to Cole’s ear, and Angel heard him whisper, “I hope to God one day you come across a woman that ain’t gonna cover for your ass.” Then he glared Cole in the eyes, turned, and walked away.

Cole watched him get in his cruiser and pull out, and then he turned to Angel, his eyes studying her face. “You did real good, babe.”

Angel was watching Starks drive away. “He looks kind of like a weasel, doesn’t he?”

Cole tried to hide his grin. “Yeah, but he’s our weasel, so it’s all good, darlin’.”

The corner of her mouth pulled up in the barest of smiles.

“Sex games, huh? Sounds like fun,” he teased, with a wink.

She raised her eyebrows, giving him a look.

“I’m kidding,” he smiled. “Come on.” He put his arm around her neck, and led her across the lot toward the entrance to the building. Some of the guys called to him. He raised his arm in greeting, but kept on walking. He held the door for Angel, and followed her inside.

She looked around as Cole took her hand, and pulled her along. She trailed behind him. The place had obviously once housed some type of manufacturing operation, but all the machinery was long gone. Angel could still see the open industrial type duct work hanging form the ceiling. The floor was cement and the walls were brick, the top half of which were old, multi-paned, factory style windows. They were covered in years of dirt and grime. There was a pool table on the left, and some tables and chairs scattered about. Some old, ratty sofas lined the far left wall, and a bar was set up on the right. It was dimly lit, and deserted.

Cole let go of her hand, and walked behind the bar. He bent into a cooler, and pulled out a couple of cans of soda. Then he came back around, took her hand, and led her through the room, up a flight of metal stairs to a second floor, and down a dark hallway.

They passed several doors. Angel guessed they must have been the offices of whatever business used to occupy the building. They were the old fashioned kind of doors with frosted glass at the top half. There was still gold lettering on them, indicating whose office they had once been. She read the doors as they passed. Purchasing. Production. Engineering. Accounting. President. Cole stopped at the last door on the right, and taking out a set of keys, he unlocked the deadbolt. The gold lettering read, Vice President.

When they stepped inside, Angel realized it was now set up as a bedroom, of sorts. There was a full size bed against the exposed brick on the left wall. More old, industrial, multi-paned windows framed either side of the bed. These were also grimy with dirt, but at least they let in some light. Pushed up against the opposite wall sat an old wooden desk and swivel chair, probably the original desk from the business. There were some shelves, and a dresser cluttered with empty liquor and beer bottles. Another doorway led to what looked like a bathroom.

“Sit down,” Cole said, indicating the bed. He popped the top on one of the cans, and handed it to her. Then he disappeared into the bathroom.

Angel drank thirstily from the can, and could hear him rummaging through a cabinet. He came back, and pulled up the chair from the desk, and sat in front of her. He opened a bottle of aspirin, shook a couple out, and handed them to her.

“Take these.”

She popped them into her mouth, and took a drink.

Cole took the can out of her hand, and set it on the bedside table. He held his hands out. “Let me take a look at your wrists.”

She looked into his eyes, and tentatively held them out.

He took them in his hands, and examined her thin wrists that were covered with purple and yellow bruising. He ran his thumbs over them. He shook his head softly, then reached for a tube of antibiotic ointment he’d brought from the bathroom, and tenderly spread some on the cuts on her wrists.

“The bruising is awful, but you’ll live,” Colt reassured, smiling up at her.

“Thanks,” she whispered, undone by his gentle ministrations.

“When’s the last time you ate?” he asked.

“Before the party.”

“So, three days ago?” His eyebrows shot up, his face clearly showing his astonishment.

She nodded.

He shook his head, tossing the ointment on the bedside table. “That son-of-a-bitch. I’m gonna enjoy killing him,” he murmured under his breath. He took Angel’s hands in his, and rubbed his thumbs across the top of her hands. He struggled to find the words to tell her how sorry he was for all that had happened to her.

She looked down, watching the motion of his thumbs on her skin. If he hadn’t shown her any sympathy, she could have held it together. But it all caught up with her then. She was so tired of being frightened, of trying to be strong. She tried to fight it, but the tears came, and she didn’t have the strength to fight them.

“Hey,” he whispered softly, tilting her chin up to look into her eyes. They were starting to fill with tears. “Hey, hey. It’s okay now. You’re safe here.”

She broke down into sobs as she finally let what happened to her sink in.

Cole could have handled anything but her crying. He would have preferred her backtalk, or the bravado she had displayed earlier, or the way she had fought him last night. That he could deal with. But these, these were real tears. He’d been with so many women that turned on the waterworks whenever they wanted to get their way, that he’d thought he’d become immune to a woman’s tears. But this, this was real. And he could tell she hated exposing this vulnerable soft side to him.


It didn’t matter how many times he told himself he didn’t need to get involved with her, or how unaffected he told himself he was. The truth was, she’d touched something in him. He could be as strong and cold as the next man, worse when he had to be. But, f*ck, this kind of emotional distress, the kind of hurting that goes all the way to the soul? This he couldn’t close his eyes to, or turn his back on.

Cole moved to sit on the bed next to her, and pulled her into his arms. “Shh. Shh. It’s okay. It’s okay.” He rubbed his hand over her head, smoothing her hair.

She fell against his chest, and clung to his cut.

“Baby, come on. Don’t cry. The worst is over.” He rocked her.

She tried to pull herself together, but it felt so good to be held.

“Shh. You’re gonna be alright. You understand? You’re gonna live through this, and you’re gonna get past it.” Her head was tucked under his chin. “The pain that you’re feelin’, I swear, baby, it won’t stay.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’m not gonna let anything more happen to you.” He tilted her face up to look in her eyes. “You hear me?”

She nodded.

The way she looked at him, it was getting to him. He knew he needed to distance himself. He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Dry your eyes.”

She was clinging to his cut. He reached up with both hands, and gently pulled her hands away.

She looked up at him with big eyes swimming with crocodile tears.

He got up, and busied himself by putting the chair back by the desk. Anything not to have to look into those eyes. She seemed so fragile. “Look, there are towels in the bathroom. Take a hot shower. You’ll feel better. And anything else you need, look through the cabinet. I think there’s a pack of new toothbrushes. A comb. Help yourself.”

He turned to leave.

She swiped at her eyes. “Where are you going?” she whispered.

He stopped, and looked back. “I’m gonna go get you some food. I’ll be back in a little while. Okay?”

She nodded.

He turned to leave once again.

“Cole.” She stopped him again.

“Yeah?” He paused in the doorway, but didn’t look at her.

“Why did you do what you did up there? Helping me, I mean?” she asked softly.

He turned then, and his gaze found hers.

They locked eyes.

In spite of everything that had happened to her, her innocence still showed through. He’d been with lots of women over the years, and never in all that time had he ever let any of ‘em get to him. Not once. Why now? Why this one? He didn’t have a clue what it was about this girl. He only knew there was something about her that pulled something from down deep inside him. Something he thought he’d buried long ago, buried under years of callousness and brutality. Buried under the thick skin he’d grown out of necessity. He had to push her away. He couldn’t let her know she had an affect on him.

He shrugged, “Because I don’t believe women should be treated the way he was treating you. Don’t go reading anymore into it than that, babe.”

He walked out, and she heard him lock the bolt.

Angel stood up, and walked into the bathroom. There was a shower stall with an old, plastic shower curtain, yellowed from age. She pulled it back, and looked inside. It was surprisingly clean. There was a bar of soap and a bottle of shampoo.

She turned on the water, and adjusted the temperature. Soon the steam was rising. Peeling her clothes off, she stepped inside. Cole was right. The hot water felt so good, the warmth soothing her aching body. The cuts on her wrists stung when the soap got on them, and she was reminded what happened with each bruised area she touched with the bar of soap.

She stood with the hot water pouring over her, and the tears began to fall again. She let it all out, until finally there weren’t any tears left. Then she took a deep breath, picked up the shampoo bottle, poured some in her palm, and washed her hair, vowing that would be the last time she’d let herself break down.

Finally, when the hot water started to run out, she turned it off, and stepped out. She wrapped a towel around her, and took another one to dry her hair. Stepping out of the bathroom, she ran the second towel over her hair, squeezing out the excess.

She stopped short.

Cole was stretched out on the bed propped against the headboard. He looked lost in thought until he turned, and looked at her.

Had he heard her crying again, she wondered.

His eyes ran over her. “I brought food.”

“Oh. Thanks.”

Cole sat up, and reached for the white bags of fast food. “The all American meal. Burgers and fries.”

“Smells great. I’m starved.”

He got up, and walked over to the dresser. Opening a drawer, he pulled out an old tee shirt, and held it out to her. “Here.”

She reached out, and took it, and went back into the bathroom to get dressed.

When she came back out, he had turned the desk chair around to face the bed, and was eating a burger. She sat on the bed, and pulled a burger out of the bag.

They ate quietly.

He finished, crumpled up his wrapper, and tossed it on the nightstand. Then he leaned back in the swivel chair, and sat watching her eat. “There’s another one in the bag, if you’re still hungry.”

She shook her head.

He sat staring at her.

“Now what happens?” she finally got the courage to ask.

He shook his head, and looked away. Then he leaned forward, resting his arms on his knees, and looked at the floor. “You should call home.”

When she didn’t reply he looked up at her.

She shook her head. “No.”

“Yes.” His tone made it clear this wasn’t up for debate. “Tell him you’re okay. You need to keep Daddy from coming looking for you, babe.”

“What you said last night, did you mean it?”

His eyes met hers. “Yeah. I meant it.”

She stared into his eyes.

He pulled her phone out of his pocket, and handed it to her.

She stared down at it a minute, and then punched in the number.

Cole watched her.

“Voicemail,” she mouthed. “Dad, it’s Angel. I got your message. Everything’s okay. Don’t worry about me. Umm, I’m going out of town for a few days, but I’ll call you when I get back.” She hung up, and lay the phone down on the bed.

Cole held his hand out. He still didn’t trust her completely.

She looked down at his outstretched hand, and then his face.

He waited.

She handed the phone back to him.

He slid it in his pocket.

She watched as he stood up, and walked into the bathroom. He came out a moment later, and held out his palm to her. There was a little pill lying on it.

“Take it. It’ll help you sleep.”

She shook her head. “I’d rather not.”

“Just the same, you’ll take it,” he insisted.

She stared up at him.

“Look, I’ve got some club business to deal with. I’ll be gone for a couple of hours. You need to get some rest, okay?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“Babe, I don’t claim to know you, but I think it’s safe to say you’ll lay here, and replay that nightmare over and over in your head. Am I right?”

Angel looked down, knowing it was true.

“Come on. Don’t fight me on this.”

She took the pill from his hand, and washed it down with cola.

He brushed her cheek with the back of his finger. “Good girl.”

She watched him leave again.

And once again she heard the bolt lock.


It was well past midnight when Cole came back. He undid the lock, and quietly entered the room. It was dark, except for a little moonlight coming through the windows that framed either side of the bed. He’d half expected to find Angel gone when he got back. Figured maybe she’d try to climb out the window, and take off. But she was laying in the bed sound asleep.

Cole looked down at her as he pulled his cut off, and tossed it on the back of the chair. He pulled off the shoulder holster he wore, and set it down on the table next to the bed. Then he stripped off his clothes, and took a shower.

Ten minutes later he walked out of the bathroom, holding a towel around his waist. He walked over to the stereo, and flipped it on, the volume turned low. He rolled the dial to his favorite blues station. The mellow rich music flowed out of the speakers. He had to have music on at night or he couldn’t sleep. He wasn’t even sure when it had become a thing for him, but he accepted it. It just was.

Tossing the towel on the floor, he climbed into bed.

She was facing the opposite side of the bed, and he put his arm around her, and pulled her back against his chest. It felt like she belonged there. Her body was warm against his bare skin. She had stripped down to her bra and panties, and his hand rested on her bare stomach. Her hair smelled clean and fresh, and he leaned over, and kissed her behind the ear.

“Night, Angel,” he whispered, wondering at this unfamiliar feeling of contentment seeping into him.

It wasn’t long before he drifted off to sleep.

Sometime during the night Angel woke up. The first thing she noticed was the soft, blues music playing on the stereo, a stereo that hadn’t been on when she’d lain down. She turned her head, and realized Cole was in the bed with her. He was turned on his side facing away from her. The covers were riding low on his hip, and she took in the beauty of his bare muscular back. She could see, even in the moonlight, the paler skin at the covers edge, and knew he was naked beneath them. She moved closer to him, and slid her arm around his waist, drawn to the warmth of his bare skin.

A moment later he took her hand in his, brought it to his mouth, and kissed her palm. Then he gave her hand a squeeze, and set it back at his waist.

She snuggled closer, her breasts pressing against his back.

After a few minutes, he felt her lips on his skin, where his neck met his shoulder. A shy, tentative kiss at first, and then, after a moment, another, this one open-mouthed. He lay there with his eyes closed enjoying the soft touch of her mouth on his skin. He groaned softly, and murmured, “Mmm, that feels nice, baby.”

Angel rose up on her elbow, and looked down at him.

Cole felt her move, and turned his head to look at her.

They stared at each other in the silvery moonlight.

He slowly rolled to his back.

Her hand reached out hesitantly, and ran up his muscled chest, her fingertips coasting lightly over his skin.

His eyes followed their movement, and then darted to her face. He watched as she slowly leaned over him, lowered her head, and then her mouth was on his.

The kiss was soft and gentle, barely brushing his lips, but it kindled a fire in him like nothing else would have. Her mouth moved to his neck. Soft, tender kisses trailing down to his collar bone. He felt her tongue dip into the hollow at the base of his throat, and desire shot through him. And then her mouth moved down further to his chest. His little wildcat, she was all soft, purring seduction now.

Cole slid his arms up, cupping her face in his hands. Applying gentle pressure, he brought her face back up to his, and his eyes searched hers. He needed to be sure this time. “You don’t have to do this,” he whispered. “It’s not part of the deal, sweetheart.”

“I know.”

“Do you?”

She nodded.

“Angel, after everything you’ve been through, I don’t think you’re ready-”

She cut him off. “You don’t want me, then?” she whispered, starting to pull back. Wondering if it was because of what had been done to her. Wondering if any man would ever want her after what she’d been through.

Cole’s hands tangled in her hair, holding her there. “No. You couldn’t be more wrong. I want you, babe.” He glanced down his body at the proof making itself very evident. “There’s no denying that.” His mouth curved into a grin. “It’s just…” he broke off, his eyes studying hers, his hand reaching up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear, and then his hand slid back to her cheek as he cradled her face in his hands. “Are you sure this is what you want, Angel?”

She nodded again, leaving him stunned.

He moved one hand to her back, and ran the tips of his fingers lightly down her spine, watching her reaction to his touch. Was she sure she could handle it?

She slowly arched her back as his hand moved over her, and her eyes slid closed.

“Then say it,” he whispered.

Her eyes opened, and she looked down at him.

“I want to hear you say it,” he insisted softly. “You asked me to stop last night,” he reminded her. “And I did. But I don’t think I’ve got it in me to stop this time. So be sure.”

“I want this. I want you.” Her hands ran over his hard muscled arms.

He rolled her over onto her back, moving over her. Bracing himself on his elbows above her, he looked down at her, letting her become accustomed to his weight on top of her. He knew after what she’d been through, that having a man on top of her might bring back all the feelings of fear again. He brushed her hair back from her face, and his mouth covered hers.

He was gentle with her. She hadn’t expected that. For a moment everything Chuck had done to her flashed in her mind, and she tensed, her hand gripping his wrist. She made a whimper under his mouth.

Cole raised up a fraction of an inch, and looked into her eyes. “Shh,” he whispered, brushing her lips with the barest of kisses. “Just relax for me, sweetheart,” he whispered softly, seductively. He trailed kisses across her jaw to her ear. “Relax. I’ll be gentle, baby. I swear.” He spoke to her softly, coaxingly. “I’m gonna make it all better. Just relax for me, Angel.”

She gave in, melting against him, letting his hands have their way.

“That’s it. That’s right.” His hand slid from her jaw down her throat to her breastbone.

His palm was warm pressed against her. She watched his face as his eyes followed the trail of his hand as it moved down the center of her body to her soft belly.

He slid his hand to the curve of her waist, just above her hipbone, and then up her side over her ribs to her bra. His eyes returned to hers. “You’re beautiful, baby.” He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her softly, gently.

Angel slid both her hands up his neck, her fingers threading into his hair at the base of his neck. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss.

He rose up, breaking the kiss as his fingers curled into the side of her bra, under her arm. “Can I take this off you?”

She nodded.

He slid his arm under her back.

She lifted slightly, giving him access.

He unhooked it, and pulled it loose as his hand slid back out from under her. He ran his hand up her upper arm, his fingers curling into her strap and he slowly pulled it down her arm.

She shimmied her shoulders, and he pulled it free. His eyes fell to the beauty revealed to him, and he blindly tossed the bra to the floor. His hand returned to her, and slid to the underside of her breast. He cupped it, lifting it up, and his mouth closed over her nipple. He laved it gently, tenderly.

She slid her hands up his biceps to his shoulders and into his hair, watching his mouth and tongue as they moved over her. Her breathing quickened, her breasts rising and falling. Oh, God, it felt so good.

He twisted his head, and his eyes met hers, and then he sucked hard, and watched as her head went back, and her back arched off the bed. He took advantage, and slid his arms under her, into the arch of her back. He held her that way as his mouth continued its ministrations. He moved from one breast to the other, treating her other nipple to the same.

His mouth trailed down between her breasts, and down to her navel. His tongue dipped inside, and her body undulated. His hand closed over her hip, stilling her as he continued kissing down over her soft belly, his body sliding down.

“Cole, wait,” she whispered, panic starting to take hold.

He stopped immediately, sliding back up over her. He brushed the hair back from her temple. “Okay, baby. Okay. We’ll go as slow as you want. I won’t do anything you aren’t ready for. Okay?”

She nodded, her voice trembling. “I’m sorry. I…”

He shook his head. “Nothing to be sorry for. It’s all good. If all you want to do is kiss, then that’s all we’ll do. I’ll take whatever you want to give me, baby.”


He kissed her for a long time, until it wasn’t enough for either of them anymore.

She bent her leg, rubbing against him.

He rose up, and looked in her eyes. “Can I touch you, sweetheart?” he asked, his hand sliding down. “Please, baby?”

She nodded.

His hand slid lower, his fingers slipping under the edge of her panties, and curving down, finding her most sensitive spot. His touch gentle, caressing. He watched her reaction to his tender stroking.

Her eyes slid closed, and her mouth parted.

He slid his middle finger inside her, and watched her neck arch back as her hips lifted to his touch, seeking more. He slid back out, caressing her again. “You’re so wet.”

Her eyes opened to mere slits, and her chin dropped, her eyes connecting with his. Her breath was panting now, as the rhythm of his strokes quickened.

“Do you like that, baby doll?”

She nodded. God, yes, she loved it. She didn’t want him to stop.

“Let me take these off, alright baby?”

She nodded again.

He slid down, his fingers curling into her panties at each hip, and pulling them down her legs. He tossed them to the floor, and moved back over her.

His mouth found hers as he returned to stroking her, over and over until she was moaning and writhing beneath him.

Her hands slid from his neck, down his chest and skated along his oblique muscles.

He grabbed her hand, his mouth lifting from her mouth. “Touch me, sweetheart. Please.” He guided her hand to his hard cock, closing her grip around him.


He swallowed as she stroked him softly, and he tried to maintain his control. He didn’t want to frighten her. God, please, don’t let this frighten her, he prayed. “F*ck, baby. That feels so good. Don’t stop.” He guided her hand in the motion. “Harder baby, a firmer touch. Yeah. Like that.”

His hand returned to between her legs.

As they stroked each other, her body undulated restlessly against him.

“You ready for me, sweetheart?”

“Yes, Cole. Yes.”

He stopped stroking her, and slid his hand up the inside of her thigh, separating her legs. “Spread your legs for me, baby,” he whispered against her ear as he nuzzled her neck.

She complied, and he settled into the cradle of her thighs. Her hand was still on him, stroking.

“Guide me in, baby. You’re in control. Whenever you’re ready, Angel, take me inside you. Okay?”

She nodded. “Okay.”

He kissed her neck, propped up on his elbows, holding himself off her, giving her all the time she needed. He didn’t want to rush her. He couldn’t bear it if she panicked on him now. He nuzzled her ear. “I’ll go slow, baby. I swear. Let me in, Angel. Please, baby doll. I promise I won’t hurt you. I’d never hurt you, baby. Never.”

His words had her insides melting. God, she wanted him so bad. She tilted her hips, and took him inside an inch, but then clenched down, stopping, her body tensing up.

He hovered there, holding himself above her. “Take it all, baby. Please. I’ll be gentle. I swear.” He felt her relax, and he slid in another couple inches before she tensed again. He clenched his jaw, keeping a rock solid hold on his control.

“I’m sorry, I’m nervous-”

“Shh, shh.” He stroked the hair back from her face. “You’re doing fine, baby. Relax. Breathe. That’s it. It’s just the two of us here. No need to be nervous. There’s no pressure. I’ll stop if you want me to.”

She shook her head. “No. I don’t want you to stop.” Her hands slid to his hipbones, and then around and gripped his ass, and she pulled him down the last few inches.

As he sank into the liquid heat of her, he groaned. Lord, she was tight. It was taking everything he had to wait for her to adjust to him. He stayed there, impaling her, letting her become accustom to the feel of him inside her. “You okay, baby? Does it hurt?” His voice was gravely with desire.

“No. I’m fine.”

“Okay, baby. I’m going to start moving, okay?” He didn’t wait for her answer, but slid slowly almost all the way out of her, and then gently back in again, growling in her ear, “Oh, baby doll. You feel so f*cking good.”

She wrapped her arms around him.

He slid one hand down her outer thigh, and then back up to her knee, pulling her tight against his hip. “Wrap around me, babe,” he ordered.

She complied, wrapping her legs around his hips.

He rocked against her, sliding in all the way to the hilt. He groaned again, and ran his hand down her thigh, over her hip, and up her side. “Your skin is as soft as silk.” He kissed his way down her neck and across her chest.

When she felt his mouth close over her and tug on her nipple, a jolt of desire shot straight through her, and she felt another rush of wetness.

Cole felt her clench around him like a fist, and he tugged again, pulling another spasm of response from her. He lifted up, his arms locking straight as he held himself above her and slowly thrust into her, rocking her against the mattress.

Her hips rose to meet him, thrust for thrust, again and again.

He made love to her with a tenderness she had never known a man was capable of, especially not one like him. Slowly, patiently, his touch washed away everything Chuck had done to her. Replacing bad with good. Healing her like nothing else could have.

He nuzzled her ear, and whispered, “Are you on any birth control, Angel?” He felt her shake her head, and he lifted his head to look in her eyes. “Okay, baby. I’ll take care of it. I’ll pull out. Don’t worry.” He leaned down and kissed her, his body still thrusting. His hand slid between them, and he began stroking her, over and over. “Cum for me, Angel. I want to watch your face when you climax.”

Her breathing was coming fast now.

“Let go, baby. Let go.”

Her head flew back into the pillow, and her thighs clenched his hips as the waves crashed over her.

His mouth came down on hers, capturing her moan of ecstasy, and his tongue delved deep as she coasted back down to earth. When she’d melted in his arms, laying back in relaxed bliss, he slid his forearm down, hooking her leg at the knee, and pulled up, angling her position, giving him better access. His thrusts going deeper, he growled, “F*ck, baby, never had it so good.”

The power in his strokes intensified, and she wrapped her arms around him, clinging to him, loving that she could make him feel good. Wanting to give him the same pleasure he’d given her.

After several more minutes, he suddenly moved back, pulling out of her, and leaning back over her, he came on her belly, his ejaculate spilling onto her soft skin as his body tensed rock-solid above her. When he was through, he collapsed next to her, breathing hard.

After a few moments, she lifted her head, looking down at her belly, and started to get up to go to the bathroom to take care of it.

Cole immediately rose up on an elbow, and gently pressed her back down. “I’ll take care of it.”

She watched as he got up, and crossed the room to the bathroom. She loved watching his naked body move, the moonlight shading his muscles. He disappeared into the bathroom, and she heard water running. A moment later, he was moving back toward the bed.

He climbed in, and resting on his hand in the bed, he bent over her, and pressed a warm, wet washcloth between her legs.

The warmth of the cloth soothed her tenderness, and she groaned.

His eyes connected with hers. “Was I too rough?”

She shook her head. “No, baby, not at all.” She saw him grin, the white of his teeth showing in the moonlight.

“Like that, baby doll.”


“You callin’ me baby. Like it a lot.” He moved the warm cloth to her stomach, tenderly wiping her clean. Then he twisted, and tossed the cloth in a wastebasket by the desk. His body turned back to her, and his hand came down on her hip, and slid up her side. He settled himself next to her, and pulled her against him, tucking her in his arm, her head against his chest, and pulled the covers over them.

He tenderly stroked his hand down her back, his warm palm soothing her. “Mmm, that feels nice,” she murmured.

He stroked up and down, again and again, as quiet blues music filled the room. After a few moments, his hand slid up to the back of her head, sliding into her hair, he pulled her head back, and looked down in her face, his other hand cupping her jaw, and turning her to look at him. “Hey,” he whispered, to get her full attention. When her eyes met his, he continued, his voice low and rumbling, “This meant something to me, Angel. I want you to know that. You giving that to me, letting me be the one you trusted enough to let in. Meant the world, babe.”

She squeezed him, her eyes glazing over, and her throat closing at his sweet words, leaving her unable to speak.

He kissed her forehead, and pressed her head down to his chest. “Get some sleep, sweetheart.”

Nicole James's books