Once a Thief


I have to get Jimmy out of there. I have to. Danielle shifted from one foot to the other as she peered around the edge of the shed and watched for Cobb. If only Sutton would let Jimmy go, I could get us rooms in a respectable boardinghouse. But Sutton will never allow it. Maybe I can reason with him. How can one reason with an unreasonable man? Thoughts knifed through her brain until she thought her head would burst.

Only two weeks remained until opening night. Although she’d questioned him over and over, Sutton still hadn’t revealed his plan to her. Once more she peered around the shed, watching anxiously for Cobb. She was sure he’d have a pretty good idea of what Sutton intended to do.

She glanced around, suddenly nervous. Why hadn’t they arranged a different meeting place? By now, Sutton was sure to know that she and Cobb met here.

She caught sight of Cobb just near the corner. Curious, she watched him shuffle up the sidewalk, his head down. This wasn’t like him at all.

He stepped to the back of the shed where she waited and gave her an unaccustomed hug. She pulled back and stared at him, troubled at the look of concern on his face.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Cobb averted his eyes.

“Something is.”

He lifted his eyes, and a sick look crossed his face. “Danni, you know Sutton is planning a job for your opening night.”

“Yes, and I need to know what it is so I can try to stop him.”

“How do you think you’re going to stop him? Don’t be foolish.” He wiped his hand across his head, and she noticed the worry lines on his forehead.

“I can call the police. That’s what I can do.”

“He’s using Jimmy this time.”

Stunned, Danielle stared at him. “Jimmy? But he’s lame.”

“Yeah, but Sutton has a plan. And he don’t trust you. He said if Jimmy’s involved you won’t turn us in.”

Hopelessness washed over her as she stared silently at Cobb.

“C’mon, Danni. You ain’t gonna cry, are you? You never cry.” He gave her an awkward pat on the shoulder.

“Tell me what he has in mind.”

“All right, but don’t let him know I told you anything. He’s been in such a rage lately. He’s liable to kill me.” He inhaled deeply then exhaled a loud whoosh of air. “We’re gonna be all over the place during intermission. Lifting anything we can get our hands on. Watches, wallets, anything we find. But it’s all just a distraction. Sutton won’t tell me what he’ll be doing while we keep the cops busy. But it must be something big.”

“And Jimmy?”

Cobb licked his lips. “He’s gonna have Jimmy with him.”

Despair washed over her and she wrung her hands. “God, please show me what to do.”

“It ain’t no use.” Cobb shook his head. “There ain’t nothin’ you can do.”

Sudden anger rose up in Danielle, and she stiffened. Nothing she could do? She’d think of something. She’d get Jimmy out of there and make sure Sutton was put in jail so he could never bother them again. She didn’t know what or how, but God would show her the way.

“I don’t know where she went, Blake.” Hannah threw him an apologetic wave and sailed past him. “Sorry. Gotta get home and spend some time with my kids before afternoon rehearsal.”

He spotted Rhonda as she entered the lobby and grabbed her as she walked toward the exit. “Did Danielle tell you where she was going?”

“Why?” She frowned. “Did you have a date for lunch?”

“Well no, but. . .we’ve been lunching together nearly every day. I waited for her in the lobby, but she never showed up.”

“Hmm. A little presumptuous, aren’t we?” She laughed and walked on.

Blake felt his face blaze and wanted to kick himself. Of course he’d been presumptuous. Why hadn’t he asked her this morning to have lunch with him? He supposed he’d taken her for granted. He hadn’t realized. Where could she be?

Bosley had ordered lunch for himself and all the business partners, and they were all back in his office. Blake had checked to make sure Sutton was there, too. At least he didn’t need to worry about that.

Feeling foolish, he headed for the café on the corner, the cold air almost taking his breath away, and ordered a sandwich and coffee. He ate without tasting anything then went back to the theater. He hung around the lobby for a while, watching for Danielle.

Sudden anger arose in him. He was acting like a lovesick kid. He had hung around hoping for crumbs from her long enough. Why should he wait when she obviously didn’t want to see him? So, she had secrets. If she didn’t want to share them with him, fine. Maybe it was just an excuse not to tell him she didn’t care for him. Well, he wouldn’t bother her anymore. And he wouldn’t watch rehearsals, either. As a matter of fact, he was getting sick of the whole theater business anyway.

Wheeling, he left the theater, intending to go home, then stopped. Maybe she’d met that suspicious-looking character again. The redheaded so-called friend of hers. Where did she meet a rough-looking character like that in the first place? Worry oozed its way back in, pushing out the anger.

He’d about made up his mind to go take a look around the docks when Danielle came around the corner, huddled against the wind. With one hand, she held onto her large-brimmed hat, and with the other she attempted to hold down the folds of her coat. Head down, she brushed past him and into the building.

He turned, stunned, and followed her through the door, almost knocking her over when she stopped in front of him. He grabbed her arms to steady her.

Jerking free from him, she whirled, eyes blazing. “My goodness, Blake. You just about scared me to death.”


“I guess my stopping was rather abrupt. But why were you following so closely?”

He stood, not knowing what to say without sounding like that lovesick kid again.

After a moment she blushed. “I’m sorry I rushed away without saying goodbye. I had an appointment.”

She didn’t explain what the appointment was, and he didn’t want to risk crossing the line again.

“It’s quite all right. You aren’t accountable to me. If you’re free for lunch tomorrow, I’d like to take you to a little place I discovered the other day. They make a very unique sandwich.”

“Sounds interesting. But tomorrow is Thanksgiving, remember? No practice and we’ll all be eating at your house.” She waved and headed toward the dressing rooms.

Blake’s gaze continued to rest on the doorway long after Danielle was no longer in sight. She seemed worried, or at least distracted, and once more unease weaved its way into his mind. Or was he imagining things again? Perhaps he needed to stop being so suspicious. Apparently he had a trust problem. Maybe he needed to talk to someone about it.

Afternoon rehearsal went off without a flaw. Blake, sitting in the darkened theater, watched Danielle bring Peg to life once more.

After the practice, he drove her home, promising to come over for a run-through of her lines later that evening. He didn’t think she needed it, but it gave him an excuse to spend more time with her.

When he arrived at home, he gave his mother a kiss on the cheek and turned toward the stairs.

“Son, you’ve been awfully quiet lately.” At his mother’s voice, he turned. “And you’re spending so much time alone in your room. Is something troubling you?”

“I’m fine, Mother.” He gave her what he hoped was a convincing smile. “I’ll be down shortly.”

“Very well. Hilda made fried chicken. And chocolate cake.”

“Sounds wonderful.”

He started upstairs but then stopped and turned. “Mother, would you have someone call me when Father arrives? I’d like to talk to him before dinner, if he has time.”

“Of course I will.”

A half hour later, Blake sat across from his father in the library. “I feel helpless. I know something is wrong, and I think it has something to do with James Sutton.”

His father looked alert. “What makes you think that?”

“I’m not sure. She seems nervous when he’s around.”

“Couldn’t that be because he’s the one providing most of the money for the show?”

“Maybe. But I don’t think so. He looks at her as if he knows her. And as though he expects something of her. Almost like a spider with a captive creature in its web.”

His father narrowed his eyes and puffed on his pipe. “What would you think of putting a tail on the man for a while? See if anything turns up. Maybe a background check would be in order, as well. There’s no telling what he’s been up to since his button business shut down. He has to be getting his money somewhere.”

Blake took a relieved breath. “I’ve been thinking the same thing but thought it might be extreme.”

“Not extreme at all. If there’s any chance this man is harassing Miss Gray, you need to take care of it.”

“Boys, you’re getting a little bit rowdy now.” Mrs. Kramer spoke quietly with a good-natured lilt to her voice. Danielle noticed, however, the twins stopped wrestling on the parlor floor at once.

“Sorry, Mother.” Georgie ran a hand over his unruly hair.

“Sorry, Mother.” David brushed at his jacket.

Danielle grinned. Some inexistent dust, she supposed.

David spotted the grin and flashed one of his own. “Miss Gray, would you read us a story before bedtime?”

“Now, David, Miss Gray has to practice her lines,” Mrs. Kramer admonished her son.

“Oh, I don’t mind. Blake won’t be here for another ten minutes.” She smiled at the boys who had scooted over to her chair and looked eagerly into her eyes. “What would you like me to read?”

“ ‘The Night Before Christmas,’ ” Georgie exclaimed.

“Yeah. ‘The Night Before Christmas,’ ” his twin echoed.

“Now, children, you know your father reads that to you on Christmas Eve.”


The boys finally settled on a story, and Danielle read it to them, portraying the voice of each character to their delight.

As Mrs. Kramer held Georgie’s and David’s hands and led them upstairs, the downstairs maid opened the door and Blake came in. A cold burst of air followed him into the foyer.

Danielle’s heart lurched as he came toward her with a smile. How she wished things were different. If only she and Jimmy had grown up in a normal home, then she could accept Blake’s love and return it gladly. It was only a matter of time before the truth came out. Sutton would see to that if she didn’t cooperate with him. He’d find a way to reveal the truth without revealing his part in her upbringing. She shivered. That is, if he didn’t kill her and throw her body in the river as he’d threatened.

As she went through her lines, she was hard pressed not to burst into tears. Would she and Jimmy ever escape? Would they ever be able to live normal lives?

Suddenly Blake took both of her hands in his. Oh, how wonderful his touch felt. But she couldn’t allow him to do that. She started to slip her hands away.

He held on firmly with one hand and lifted her chin with the other. “Danielle,” he whispered her name and gazed into her eyes.

She knew she should pull away but couldn’t bring herself to abandon the touch she’d so longed for. She closed her eyes. If only she could stay this way forever.

“I don’t know what or who is troubling you.” Blake’s voice trembled. “But I know something is terribly wrong. I want you to know that whatever it is I’m going to do my best to take care of it.”

She felt his lips brush her across her closed eyelids and then he was gone.

Frances Devine's books