Miles of Pleasure

chapter 21

The ride from the lobby to the 18th floor seemed to last forever. Trying to keep some semblance of propriety while in public, their need for each other made it hard. His hands trailed a path up and down her sides and stomach as he stood behind her. Her hand 'innocently' made its way between them, grazing his package that was poking into her backside.

When the doors opened with a soft dinging noise, Ashton urgently pushed Kaylee out the doors and to the left. His door card to his room materialized seemingly out of nowhere, and they were in his room in a flash. Before the door could even close, his lips were on hers, finally able to give into the passion ignited between them. They both knew that the time was now right to go all the way, and demonstrate their true love for each other.

Her hands feverishly worked to rid Ashton of his clothes, while his lips worked her neck. As her frustration over his clothes mounted, Ashton backed away and looked into her eyes.

"Baby, it's okay. We have all night. I don't want to rush this, so let's just slow down and take our time to enjoy it all." He smiled at her, taking her shaking hands into his and kissing them softly. "Besides, if we keep up this pace, you'll have a one minute man taking your virginity."

Kaylee laughed. "Sorry, I just want you so much. I've waited so long for this moment," she said, feeling embarrassed and shy.

"Don't be sorry. I think it's great that you want me so much. But it's because you've waited this long that I want to make sure we go slow and really enjoy this," he told her. "I want this to be an experience you remember for the rest of your life and not look back on with any regret."

Kaylee smiled. "You know, you've really changed over the past few months. It's hard to believe that we used to fight all the time."

"Well, this has always been me, but there aren't many people who see that. Think about it, how far would I get in the business I'm in if I acted like this all the time?" he pointed out.

"I guess so, but how do I know that this persona isn't an act and the other one is the real you?" she asked.

"I think you know the truth by now," he told her, kissing her lips. He slowly pushed one of the straps of her dress down her arm, making goose bumps break out in its trail. His lips left hers to follow the course that his hand had just made. After that, he did the same thing with the other strap.

Kaylee's body felt completely alive now. What started out as a small tingle led to a full-fledged shiver throughout her body. Her senses were on overload, a mix of desire and nervousness.

The dress came down even further, and now the gentle rush of cool air against her overheated skin made her nipples hard. Ashton watched them pucker right before him, and he smiled before he bent his head to take on into his mouth. Kaylee gasped with surprise and her hands went to the back of his head. She held him tightly against her, sighing as his tongue and lips explored every inch. Then he moved to the other side to do the same there.

"My knees are weak," she murmured, and he stopped long enough to look up at her with a grin.


Ashton finished pulling her dress down her body, and she was left in nothing but a red silk thong. He whistled at her appreciatively, making her blush even harder.

"God, you're beautiful, baby," he told her, taking a step back to admire her body.

When she moved her arms to cover herself, he stepped closer to her and grabbed her hands. "Don't be shy. I love looking at you, and I love what I'm seeing." His eyes took their fill of her and when that wasn't enough anymore, his hands explored every inch of her nearly naked body as his mouth explored hers in a searing kiss.

Kaylee took that opportunity to finish undressing Ashton, until he too was left standing in only his underwear. When she took a step back to admire him, she had to laugh.

"What, you don't like my 'I heart you' boxers? I got them especially for you." He smirked, knowing that it was just what she would need to put her more at ease.

"Pretty confident that you were going to get lucky tonight?" she teased.

"Well, I figured that even if I didn't get some lovin', then we'd at least go to sleep together and you'd see them then," he told her, pulling her back into his arms and backing her up to the bed. The back of her knees bumped the mattress. The feeling of being so close to the bed, knowing what would happen there very shortly, made Kaylee's breath short and her heart pound. Suddenly shy again, she buried her face in his neck and wrapped her arms around him.

"You know that we don't have to do anything that you don't want to do," he whispered.

Kaylee nodded against his chest. "I know. I want this. More than anything," she told him, truly feeling it. She pulled back just enough to look up into his eyes. "Make love to me, Ashton."

The sound of those words brought a long sigh of anticipation from Ashton. His lips captured hers as he laid her on the bed under the weight of his body. He wanted everything all at once, but at the same time, he wanted to take things so slowly that their lovemaking would last for days. He had never felt like this before, and he had to pause for a moment to let it all sink in.

He started a trail of kisses between her breasts, stopping briefly to lavish more attention on her sensitive chest, before continuing further down. The closer he got to her center, the more she squirmed in anticipation. He planted his hands on her hips and held her still as he chuckled against her belly.

"Be still for me," he whispered. Soon she was stripped of her thong, and it was replaced by Ashton's mouth and hand.

The first touch of his tongue made her cry out in pleasure. The world around her narrowed down to nothing; there was only the feeling of Ashton's mouth on her body and the wicked things he was making her feel. She would get close to that elusive edge, then Ashton would stop what he was doing and try something else. It was both incredibly pleasurable and beyond frustrating, all at the same time.

"Stop teasing me," she finally moaned, and reached down to tangle her fingers in his hair. He gently pressed her hands back.

"I'll give you exactly what you want, baby," he murmured, and then he proceeded to do just that. It wasn't long before the intense pleasure surged through her body, making her moan his name, and bringing Ashton back up her trembling body with another trail of kisses.

"How did you get so good at that?" she asked as she fought to catch her breath. Ashton paused, and when he went to open his mouth to answer, she placed a finger over his lips and shook her head. "Never mind, don't answer that. I don't want to know right now."

Ashton smiled down at her. "I can tell you that I never enjoyed it as much as I did just now. Never, ever, not even close."

Kaylee blushed and smiled at the same time. "Really?"


"For sure?"

"Definitely for sure."

She giggled. He silenced her with another kiss, but stopped her as she started her journey down his body. She looked up at him with confusion.

"Not tonight. I'll never last if you do that," he told her, and rolled over so he was on top of her, his weight holding her down. He stared right into her eyes for a long moment. "Are you sure you're ready for this? Tell me now if you're not, and I'll stop."

Kaylee felt him positioned at her entrance. He held himself up on his arms, looking down into her face. The heat of his body against her made her want to melt into the bed. She watched his eyes, determined to remember this moment for the rest of her life, to never forget the moment she felt him inside her for the first time. Her whole body was alive and singing, every nerve begging him to do what she had wanted him to do for so long.

She smiled up at him. "I'm ready. Please, make love to me."

Ashton began to move, but then closed his eyes in frustration.

"Oh shit," he said, just before moving away from her body. Kaylee looked at him questioningly, until he climbed off the bed, went to his duffle bag and took out a box of condoms. He quickly prepared himself and hurried back to the bed, laying himself back on top of Kaylee and kissing her deeply. There had been no change in the mood - if anything, she wanted him even more than she had just a moment ago.

"Last chance," he said, teasing her with a smile. "Are you going to stop me?"

"Not a chance," she vowed, and reached down to grab at his hips, to show him how badly she wanted it. Ashton smiled down at her as he began to move forward, gently, ever so gently. Seeing the love and desire in her eyes that matched his own, he knew that it was finally the right time for them to take this next step.

"I love you, Kaylee," he told her as they joined together.

A single tear escaped from her eye as she tried not to grimace in pain. "I love you too," she told him.

"I'm sorry. It won't hurt much longer." He wiped her tear away, softly kissing her eyelids as he moved inside of her. He felt the tension slowly leave her body, and the pain disappeared from her face. He moved back and forth again, and this time she didn't even flinch.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm better," she smiled, the look on her face making him feel weak all over. He thrust forward again, as deep as he could go, and she sighed with pleasure.

"God, you feel so good. I don't know how long I'm going to last," he moaned breathlessly. He slid in and out of her, moving very slowly, trying hard to keep from going faster. Soon he knew it was a lost cause - his body was moving by instinct, and that instinct demanded that he take her hard and fast.

Ashton slowed things down by rolling them over so that she was on top. She moved on him, awkwardly at first. He grabbed onto her hips and guided her movements. It wasn't long before she caught on and took control.

Ashton lay back and watched her discover all of the wonderful things for the first time. He watched her body move over him, her breasts bouncing ever so slightly, her hair flowing back from her face, her hands braced on his chest. He watched as her hips caught the perfect rhythm and she began to move faster, fast enough to make him have to fight to hold back.

It wasn't long after that when she looked down into Ashton's eyes with an expression of surprise and pure bliss on her face. She let out a low moan, and that moan soon became louder. Then louder still. Her motion became jerky. Her body tightened around his as she climaxed.

That was what it took to send Ashton over the edge. He gripped her hips and held her tightly to his body, stopping her movement as his release took over.

She watched his eyes as he came for her. He stared back until the pleasure was too much, then he closed them and moaned softly, pressing his hips up toward her as the last of the shudders ran through his body.

After a long moment he opened his eyes. She smiled down at him as his hands squeezed her hips one more time, then landed on the bed on either side of her. "That was amazing," he said, and smiled with such satisfaction that Kaylee laughed.

"Amazing indeed," she said, and leaned down to kiss him.

Very carefully, Ashton helped Kaylee off of him as he went to the bathroom to clean up. She lay on the bed, winded but feeling better than she ever had in her whole life. There were no words to describe how she felt in that moment; pure elation didn't even come close. Even though she was tired, she had this energy that seemed endless. Her whole body felt like it was on sensory overload, but in the best possible way.

Ashton came out of the bathroom with a huge smile on his face. He leaned over the bed and gave Kaylee the sweetest kiss. "Why don't you get cleaned up a little and I'll get a t-shirt for you to wear," he told her.

She slowly got up from the bed, even enjoying the slight pain that she had from losing her virginity. Just before she disappeared into the bathroom, she turned and gave Ashton a look of love.

Ashton followed her in, went over to the large tub, and turned the taps on. On the ledge next to the tub was a bottle of bubble bath, some candles, and matches. He poured some bubble bath into the water, then lit the candles. When the tub was nearly full, he took Kaylee's hand and helped her into the water, following just behind her.

She sat with her back to Ashton's chest, just relaxing in the water, letting it soak her sore muscles. It was the perfect way to cap off the night that they had spent together. Neither one said a word while in the bath; both were too much in love to say anything at that point.

After some time, they got out and dried off. "I never got that shirt for you," he said, holding a fluffy towel around her body. "I'll get it for you and be right back." He kissed her nose before running out of the bathroom.

He came back with a new Pleasure Point t-shirt, a design that Kaylee hadn't seen yet. "It's new; they just finished them yesterday. They won't go on sale for a few weeks yet, but I thought you should be the first to have it," he told her.

"I get to wear you on my body now, after I just had you inside me," she teased as he led her back to the bed. He took out a clean pair of boxers and slid them on.

He pulled the now soiled comforter off the bed and turned the rest of the blankets down so that they could get under the covers. Once in bed, he pulled Kaylee into his arms.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you much, did I?" he asked.

"I'm alright. It hurt at first, but then all the pleasure more than made up for it," she reassured him.

"You don't regret it, do you?" He was still worried.

Kaylee turned so that she could look him in the eyes. "I don't regret a single second of it. I love you Ashton. I'm glad that you were my first. Thank you for making it special for me." She kissed him softly.

"I love you too, and I'm proud to be your first," he told her. "Does this mean I get nookie on a regular basis now?"

She smacked his chest playfully. "Is that all you're after?" she laughed, knowing that it wasn't. "You just might, if you're good."

"I've missed you so much these past couple of weeks while we've been in the studio. It is so good to be with you again," he told her, hugging her tighter. "You know, you've turned me into a softie. My fans would desert me if they knew."

Kaylee laughed. "Well, you have one fan who will never desert you." She kissed his chest and yawned.

"I know, I'm tired too. You wore me out." He yawned too. "We better get some sleep. We need to be at the radio station early tomorrow for an interview." He kissed her. "I love you."

"Love you, too," Kaylee said, half asleep.

"Sweet dreams, baby," Ashton whispered, before sleep took him too.

The next morning came way too early for Kaylee and Ashton. Their lovemaking had kept them awake until well into the middle of the night, but both felt that the sleep deprivation was worth it.

While she showered, Ashton went to Kaylee's room and got her bags, bringing them to his room, since there was no reason for them to have two rooms. They both knew they would be using only one from this point on. Once he got back, he joined her in the shower, nearly causing them to be late.

Ashton looked appreciatively at Kaylee in her tight, hip-hugging jeans and asymmetrical shirt. No matter what she wore, to him she looked sexy. It was going to be hard for him to keep his hands to himself from now on. One night and morning of mind blowing lovemaking, and he was already in major trouble. He had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her.

As the group made their way to the radio show, neither Kaylee nor Ashton could get the smiles off their faces. Noah looked at her and instantly knew, which wasn't something that he wanted to know about his sister. The rest of the guys teased them relentlessly, having a good time at Kaylee and Ashton's expense.

Once they stepped into the studio, their smiles were instantly erased. Two women sat waiting for them, one a tall blonde and one a redhead. Both Kaylee and Ashton knew that the blonde, a deejay, was one of the women that Ashton had been with during their last tour. She completely ignored Kaylee and the others, but sauntered over to Ashton and gave him a hug, whispering in his ear and asking him if he wanted to get together again later.

Ashton looked uncomfortable in her embrace. He stood rigid, not touching the female deejay in any way, shape, or form. His eyes found Kaylee's, and she looked hurt. Seeing that was enough for him, as he lightly pushed the deejay away from him and went to stand with Kaylee again.

The woman looked confused, but greeted the rest of the guys anyway. Since they were running short on time, she ushered them in and gave them all headphones. Soon enough, the 'On Air' light came on.

Kaylee stood in the next room, listening to the interview and watching them through a huge window. The blonde was trying to flirt with all the guys, but none of them were very receptive, especially Ashton. She looked to be getting flustered, and the redhead was loving every minute of it.

"So, Mr. Hunter, you seem to be a lot different than the last time you were here. What's going on to cause this change?" the blonde asked straight out, after not getting anywhere with him.

"I'm not sure I know what you mean. I'm just me," Ashton tried to answer.

"Well, you seem a lot more serious now. The fun and playful Ashton is gone. What happened? You seem like a drag now," she taunted.

"I'm still the fun and playful Ashton. I just don't want to play with you," he said, getting annoyed. He looked over at David, their publicist and Cody, their manager, and gave them a look telling them that he was disinterested. The tension in the little room had just been amped up so high that it seemed hard to breathe.

"So are the rumors true then? Have you become boring and settled down?"

"Listen, we're on air, right?" Ashton asked, trying to diffuse the situation. The blonde didn't seem to care.

"I think I heard that you were seeing the sister of one of your band mates," she shot back at him.

"Kaylee is my girlfriend, and you need to leave her out of this," he retorted.

"How cute. Does she know it won't last? That you're a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy?" She looked out into the waiting room and saw Kaylee's face.

"Must be she doesn't. The look on her face says it all." The blonde laughed.

Ashton looked over to where Kaylee stood. He never wanted anything bad to happen to her, and now this woman was upsetting her all because she couldn't have Ashton again. It was time to take a stand, and if the woman wanted it to happen on air, so be it.

"I understand that you're upset about the fact that you will never get another tumble from me," he said calmly. "But you need to understand that I've grown up now, and whores are something I don't play with anymore."

The blonde's mouth dropped open. She immediately reached for the switch that would cut Ashton off, but he was sure that what he said had already reached thousands of listeners. Suddenly she was the bad guy, not him.

"This interview is over, and if your bosses heard that, so is your career." Ashton stood up and threw down his headset. Noah did the same, followed by Jayden and Colton. He tore out of the studio and chased after Kaylee, who had already turned and walked out.

Ashton called her name, but she wouldn't stop. She kept walking, and he finally stopped calling her. He turned to Cody and David. "That woman was way out of line. I want nothing to do with her or this radio station until she gets fired. Got it?" he yelled at them, and took off for the hotel.

Kaylee lay on the bed in her hotel room, in the one that she was sharing with Ashton, and gave in to her emotions.

When the door opened a few minutes later, she didn't even look up. He back was to the door, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to know that it was Ashton. She felt the bed shift behind her, and then his arms were around her. He rolled her onto her back so that he could look at her.

"Baby, please don't cry. I am so sorry for the things she said," he told her.

"It's my fault. I'm going to be your downfall. People are going to be pissed at you because we're together. I don't want that to happen. I don't want to be the reason you get shit from all the reporters and media. I don't want to be the reason that they all hurt you," she cried.

Ashton sighed and pulled her into his embrace. "Kaylee, they are just jealous. No matter what, people are always going to be jealous, whether I'm with you or not. It's human nature. Besides, I couldn't care less what they say about me. If they hurt you, they'll have to deal with me. You're all that matters, not them or what they think of me."

"You say that now, but what will happen after months of bad press because you have a girlfriend?" Kaylee asked.

"I'll still feel the same. I really don't care what the press thinks. All I want to do is make music, and if I can do that with you by my side, then my life will be great." He wiped her tears from her face. "Now, tell me. Do you think you can handle being the girlfriend of the infamous Ashton Hunter? Because the world knows now, baby."

Kaylee laughed as he puffed his chest up. "I think I can try," she sighed. "I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "Nothing to be sorry about." And with that, he took her lips in a scorching kiss.

Stephanie Nicole's books