Lyon's Crew

Chapter 23

"You, get up here, whenever we ride you're either beside me or ahead of me so I can keep an eye on your ass.

"I was just talking to Jared....."

"The f*ck I say, stop f*cking around."

I glared at Storm to let him see my displeasure.

I'm in a piss poor mood, when we'd gone home after work and had a quick bite before getting ready for our little test ride everything had been fine, it was only after I'd met her in the garage wearing this get up that my whole demeanor had changed. I had no idea she even owned such a thing.

No one would mistake me for a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I did not like seeing my woman out in public like this for other men to ogle.

She was wearing a body hugging leather suit in all black with zippers up the sides from under her arms to just above her hips, the material hugged her ass and tits as if molding them or some shit. I think she knew there was no way in hell I would've ever let her leave the house like that because she'd been in the garage and already mounted by the time I was ready.

Now I'm pissed beyond my own f*cking endurance what, the f*ck was she thinking? She didn't even know the danger she was in right now, I tried not to lose my temper too often because it was not a pretty sight but this shit was about to make me blow a f*cking gasket. As part of the ride I've made plans to meet with my guy about the third target to get caught up on what was going on with the other two, if there were any rumblings about what had befallen them and to pay him the rest of this money. I wasn't too jazzed about my woman being around unknowns looking like she'd just got out of an S&M shoot.

I'm so pissed I can't even enjoy the fact that my baby can ride, her bike though built for luxury have some speed to it and was kind of big for a little girl. I've already drawn up the specs for a bike for her, I'm going to have her work on it with me but that's for another time.

I know she sensed my displeasure because I wasn't talking to her through the headphones in her helmet and I kept my head straight. Some of the guys that brought their old ladies with them since they knew it was a trial run for Angel. As we came up on the other crew I watched as they clocked her. I checked my back for my peace making sure they saw the action so they'd know I'm not to be f*cked with.

"Aye yo." I approached my contact and passed off the envelope with the rest of his cash.

"We still on track?"

"Of course, but you know we could do this one pro bono, you've already done us a solid on the first two and our guy says you're the shit you know."

"Nah it's cool, I appreciate it but business is business you know what I mean bro?" Plus I don't know neither do I trust your ass.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw some dude chatting up my girl, I also saw her smiling a little flirtatiously if you ask me.

"It's cool Lyon he doesn't mean anything by it man."

"Get him the f*ck out of there." I put my fingers between my lips and whistled. Kat jumped and looked in my direction, I pointed at her and then at my side, she frowned at me a little in disbelief before she started walking towards me.

She was going to pay for that hesitation, she'd just made a bad situation worse.

"We're done yeah?"

"Sure man it's cool." He looked at me all nervous and shit, making me wonder just what our mutual acquaintance had told him about me.

"I'll let you know how things work out."

"You do that."

I turned to her and without uttering a word led her back to our bikes.

* * *

Oh shit is he mad but why, I hadn't done anything wrong, it couldn't be my talking to that guy because he'd been a little off before that. I tried racking my brain to figure out what I could've possibly done to earn his ire but nothing came to mind.

We'd been playful at the office where he kept telling me how greedy I was and that I needed to leave him alone to get some work done. We'd gone home to get ready for our ride, I'd made a light dinner which we ate together before I headed upstairs to change while he did some last minute things in his home office.

From the moment he entered the garage his whole demeanor had changed, it was like a light switch going off. Now he's even more steamed and I still don't know what I've dine.

As each crewmember went off in the direction of their home there was a cacophony of beeping horns, as leader of the crew Colton always insisted on being the last to go home so we dropped everyone else off before heading home.

We put the bikes up and headed into the house and let's just say, all hell broke loose, he flung his helmet across the kitchen making me jump a foot in the air. I tried to get out of his way by turning and fleeing up the stairs, somehow I knew he would never hurt me but my self-preservation kicked in. I heard his footfalls behind me as I made it to the top of the stairs and darted towards his room, that's when he caught up with me. Oh boy, I think it's safe to say I'm in for it now.

Colton pulled me into his room by my hair.

"Please..." He wasn't talking which made me even more afraid, why won't he talk to me?

"Get your ass over there and strip..."


"Did I tell your ass to speak?" He bent over and grabbed my face in one hand.

"Not another f*cking word, now do as I said, get it off, you wanna dress like a bitch in heat and flirt with other dicks it's your ass that's gonna pay the price."

I tried to get the stupid suit off as quickly as possible but my arms didn't seem to want to work. Finally I got if off and was left standing in a tank and bra which I tried getting off as well.

With my hands caught in my shirt and bra behind my back, I couldn't use them as he dragged me over to the middle of the room and threw me to the floor on my knees.

Pulling my head back by my hair, he said just one word as he wiped his cock across my mouth.


I did as I was told, equal parts turned on and terrified at the same time.

The head job helped a little but not enough, I was still mad as f*ck, there were some things I just won't accept from her, I'm not one of those take it easy it's just harmless fun types. If she hadn't gone through what she had a few months ago I would be even harder on her, as it is I'm still going to tear a strip off her hide until she learned not to do that shit again.

"I'm about to introduce you to the darker side of me, for your sake I hope this is the first and last time I ever have to spank your ass for anything other than pleasure.

I stepped away from her not even finishing in her mouth, I'd only done that as punishment anyway, I wasn't feeling very loving towards her right now so it was probably best that I not go there.

"Do you know why I'm going to spank you?"

"No sir." Whimpering voice, head down, body tense.

I removed my shirt as I walked over to the chest where I kept my paddles and other things. Today's infraction though serious wasn't too severe so I wouldn't use the cat o nine, just a wooden paddle.

On the way back I got the vibrator and the butt plug with some gel.

I heard her whimpering in the corner she'd reverted to in order to stay out of my reach. Fat chance of that happening.

"Come here Katarina." I sat on the bed.

She started walking slowly towards me.

"Don't make me have to come get you, it will just make things worst for you."

I sat on the bed, knees spread, jeans opened, knowing what the sight of my body did to her, I pulled my cock up out of my jeans so it laid on my stomach, not fully engorged, after all that's not what this was about. I'd changed out the barbell for a circular ring earlier in anticipation of riding her all night, her eyes were glued to it, I'm sure she was imagining what that would do to her little p-ssy walls.

I pulled her across my lap, her eyes still glued to my dick and I was sure her mouth was watering as she looked at me. Good, let the torture begin.

I fingered her p-ssy until she was nice and wet before putting the vibrator in her, set on the lowest setting.

I greased up her ass and inserted the butt plug after giving it a few twists and turns.

I retrieved the harness I would need to keep them in place and wrapped it through her p-ssy and ass before locking it in place around her waist.

She was already writhing, trying to get as much friction as she could to get off, but she wouldn't be able to, not for a long time.

I warmed up her ass with my palms before bringing the paddle down hard on it.

"Aiiiieeeee." Her body jumped, I held her down with my hand on her back.

"You still don't know what you did?"

She shook her head furiously as I brought the paddle down again and again, each time harder than the last. Her pale skin was already turning red, oh this was gonna hurt for a while. Served her right.

"I'm gonna keep this up until you figure it out."

She spent the rest of the night sobbing and pouting while I laid with my hands clasped behind my head still mad. In the end I didn't have the heart to spank her too harshly.

Her pitiful tears were breaking my heart but I knew they were more because of my silence than from her spanking.

"Why won't you talk to me, you've already taken out your anger on me, punished me, so why won't you talk to me?"

I turned my head and glared at her.

"Do you have any idea who these f*cking people are, do you know what could happen to you flirting with that guy, these f*cks see a woman or girl in a restaurant eating dinner with her family and decide then and there that they want her and just takes her, never to be seen or heard from again. They pass women around between each other and in some cases have been known to trade a woman for a pack of cigarettes."

"So why are you dealing with them?" Oh she was fiery was she, stubborn as f*ck.

I pulled her up from the pillow until our noses were almost touching.

"That's none of your f*cking concern, don't ever f*cking ask me that shit again."

"You're just being mean, I didn't mean anything by it, besides you were mad before we left."

"katarina what the f*ck, did you look in the f*cking mirror before you left this room?" She had that confused look on her face again.

"Yeah, so, Carol and I thought it would be something you would like, you didn't like it, well why didn't you just say so?"

"My sister Carol told you to buy that?"

"Yeah, why, what's wrong with it, it's what biker girls wear isn't it?"

I pulled out my phone and not giving a shit about the hour of night I dialed my little sister who was about to get an earful if I could keep it to just that.

"Carol, yeah, tell me about this outfit you got for Angel, the black one piece leather number...uh huh...a what?" I couldn't help it I busted out laughing and hung up the phone.

Angel was looking at me like I'd lost my mind but I was laughing too hard to care. When I could breathe again I pulled her under me still chuckling.

"I f*cking love you babe, priceless, the last f*cking innocent left in the world."

She had no idea what I was talking about but yet she smiled and grinned with me, because her man was back to being loving again.

I think I'll wait until I've finished satisfying us both before telling her that she'd worn her lingerie outside by mistake.

Alison Jordan's books