Lyon's Crew


I wasn't expecting her, I guess that's why she blind sided me, totally unexpected at a time when I had all but thrown in my hat and said f*ck it.

I'd been playing the field for a while now, was tired of it, I was looking for something more, something was missing. I'd come close once but thank God I escaped that nightmare, turns out she was more interested in status and all that other superficial bullshit.

So I'd taken a step back, taken myself out of the game, there just wasn't anyone in my circle that came close to what I was looking for, so I'd decided unofficially to hang it up.

I was thirty two and I guess my biological clock was ticking, if such a thing even existed for a man.

That's when she sidled into my life, no big splash, no fanfare, that wasn't her style, and maybe that's how she did it, how she wrapped herself around my heart so effortlessly.

She was a complete enigma, totally opposite from every woman or girl I'd ever been with before. Shy, quiet and sweet as f*ck.

Alison Jordan's books