Love In Between

I continued to walk around the living room and open all the windows before lifting the sheet off the ratty, old couch. There was some wicker furniture tucked in a corner that was in need of a paint job, but I liked it and planned on leaving it.


“I’m starving. Let’s order something.” Silas ambled back into the kitchen. “Stop working, we just got here.” He scrunched his nose.


“That’s why we’re here, Silas. Let’s just get our stuff hauled in and then we’ll talk dinner.”


“Fine, Mom.” Silas rolled his eyes before flashing me a playful grin. Silas always complained that I was too responsible, but on the flip side he was entirely too irresponsible, making us a perfect fit.


We both headed out the door to haul in the things we’d deemed worthy of the trip for the summer.


LATER THAT NIGHT we sat together on the couch eating pizza and drinking beer. My feet were curled up underneath me and I was angled toward him.


“I’m dying without TV, love.” Silas took another slice out of the box between us. I smiled at his pet name for me. He’d begun to call me that shortly after we met our freshmen year at Duke. I’d assumed he called everyone that, but I soon found out I was the only one who’d earned that pet name. It made me feel safe and protected, loved. Silas soon became a part of me. He was there whenever the pain became too much to bear, listened with open ears, sat with me, rubbing my back without complaint when I needed silence, and started calling me love, the only thing that had helped warm my frozen heart.


“I’ll work on it tomorrow, but you should know that I believe you have an entertainment addiction.” I crooked a grin at him.


“I fully admit to that. If there were a twelve step program I’d be there.”


“I bet.” I rolled my eyes at him. “You okay with Drew being here this summer?”


“Do I have a choice?” He scowled through a bite of pizza.


“No. Maybe you could come to an understanding,” I trailed off.


“Doubtful. When will she be here?” He sauntered to the kitchen and grabbed us both another beer. The boy was absolutely delectable. If he didn’t like other boys I would, without a doubt, have been in trouble. I would have fallen for his mischievous grin and sexy dimples and he would have broken my na?ve heart. Silas wasn’t much for monogamy.


“Thanks.” I took the beer. “I talked to her earlier―she and Gavin are coming tomorrow.” I emphasized his name.


“Gavin, huh? Sounds like a tool.”


I giggled and shook my head at Silas. “Well apparently he’s a hot tool, with a big tool.” Silas and I erupted into a fit of giggles.


“Can’t wait.” His brown eyes sparked with amusement. “Did you talk to Kyle?” Silas asked.


“Yeah.” I took another sip of my beer.


“And how is he?” Silas watched me with a thoughtful expression.


“He’s... okay,” I mumbled.


“Still not happy about this summer’s arrangements?” Silas asked.


“Not particularly.” I huffed and picked the pepperoni off my pizza absentmindedly.


“Are you guys going to be okay?”


“Sure. He’ll get over it.”


“What if he doesn’t?” Silas continued to watch me. I was fast becoming uncomfortable with this conversation.


“He will. It’s just for the summer.” I shrugged.


“And what about next summer?”


“I don’t know, Silas. I don’t want to talk about it. I’m here and he’s there. That’s it. That’s what it is.” I jumped off the couch and headed for the kitchen to dispose of my paper plate.


“I didn’t mean to upset you, love.” He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and set his chin on my shoulder.


“I know. I just don’t want to talk about it. We’ll be fine. We’ve always been fine.” I plastered a half-hearted grin on my face. “I’m exhausted.”


“Okay.” Silas regarded me with somber eyes. “If you need anything just holler. I'll come running like the valiant knight in shining armor that I am.”


“Brandishing your blow dryer?” I giggled.


“Absolutely.” He grinned before gathering our empty beer bottles. I slid the pizza box into the empty fridge and then flicked off the light before we headed down the hall to our respective bedrooms. Silas paused outside his door.


“Are you really going to be okay, love?”


Silas knew I always had trouble sleeping my first few nights in a new place. “Yes,” I whispered. I was never good at lying.


“Come on.” He wrapped his arm around mine and headed for my bedroom where we curled up together; he held me while I sobbed softly into the cool sheets.




“HONEY, I'M HOME!” I heard Drew's voice singing as she opened the front door the following afternoon. Earlier that morning I'd scrubbed out the fridge then had gone to the grocery store to stock up on food and drinks. I'd also bought cheap utensils and dishes and was now arranging the kitchen. Silas had just finished washing the main floor windows and was sweeping when my other best friend arrived.


I set down the glasses in my hands, skidded to the front door, and wrapped Drew in my arms. It had been months since we'd seen each other and I was beside myself with excitement, knowing we would spend the entire summer together.


“God, G, I’ve missed you so much.” She held me tightly and we rocked back in forth. Tears sprang to my eyes as I inhaled her familiar perfume.


“Me too. I'm so glad you came. Your hair is shorter.” I held her at arm’s-length and took in her layered brown bob. “I love it.” Drew was obstinate, opinionated, and self-centered but she, much like Silas, had the ability to set me straight. She told it like it was unapologetically. She and Silas were also the two most hilarious people I’d ever met, so unlike me I couldn’t help but be drawn to them.


“Drew,” Silas said behind me with a curt nod. I rolled my eyes.


“Silas.” She rolled her bright blue eyes and then a small smile broke out across her face. For all their bickering I think they really enjoyed each other.


“Great house, give me a tour?” Drew looped her arm in mine and we headed down the closest hallway.


SANDI LYNN's books