Leo (A Sign of Love Novel)





The next day as I'm taking my break at work, I notice that I have a missed call and then I see a text from the same unknown number.


Call me when you get a minute, beautiful. JM


Oh Gosh! It's Jake! And he called me beautiful.


I dial his number, nervously and he picks up immediately with, "Evie."


"Hi, Jake." Why do I sound all breathy? Damn.


"Listen, I'm running into a meeting so I can only talk for a minute but I'd like to take you to dinner tonight."


"Oh." I say, surprised. "Um, I - "


"Evie, it's a yes or yes question," he says teasingly.


I smile. "I - yes, that will work," I say, suddenly feeling shy and out of my element.


I can hear the smile in his voice when he says, "Great. I'll pick you up at seven."


"Um, - " I stutter, stupidly


"See you tonight, Evie," he says and hangs up before I can stutter into the phone any more than I already have.


Holy hell!




This is one of those times when I wish I had a tub. I'd freaking love to soak in a tub before my date with Jake. I'm not completely sure why. It just seems like something I should be doing before a date with Jake Madsen. A date with Jake Madsen!


I allow myself a moment of panic. I'm completely out of my element here. This doesn't feel safe at all. What if he tries to kiss me? Maybe I should cancel. I have no idea how to date.


I pull it together. It's just dinner. If I feel uncomfortable, I'll tell him I don't feel well and come home. Okay, I can do this.


I take a shower, shaving everywhere, and then moisturize completely, every inch. I take off my old toenail polish and brush on new candy apple red on my toes.


While my toenail polish is drying, I dry my hair carefully and then I take the curling iron to it until it's falling down my back in loose curls.


I take a little extra time with my makeup, brushing on mascara as usual, but also using a little bit of black eyeliner, blusher and a sheer berry lipgloss.


I pull on a pair of black lace panties and a matching bra and then head over to my small closet.


I have no idea where Jake is taking me to dinner so I hemm and haww for several minutes over what to wear before finally texting Nicole.


Date with Jake! What do I wear to dinner? Didn't tell me where we're going.


What??? You owe me a shitload of details tomorrow. Black slacks, cream, lace cami you wore to my birthday dinner and your black, strappy sandals. Black wool coat over cami. But keep it off when you answer door. ;)


K. You lifesaver. xxoo Talk tomorrow.


Uh, yeah we will. ;) Be good. Sneak a pic of Mr. Gorgeous for me. xxoo


Bcuz that wouldn't be awkward at all.




I pull on the outfit Nicole picked and look at myself in the mirror. The black slacks are tame enough but the cream lace cami is all kinds of sexy and I fidget in front of the mirror, wondering if I can pull it off in front of Jake. It has spaghetti straps and an empire waist so it’s fitted on my chest and then flares out, further accentuating the swell of my breasts.


I turn away from the mirror, taking a deep breath. I decide to open a bottle of wine and have a glass before Jake arrives to give me courage and calm my nerves.


I've just taken my fourth sip of wine when I hear a knock on my door. It's 6:53.


I pour my unfinished wine down the drain and rinse my glass quickly before I walk to the door. Jake smiles at me as I swing it open. My eyes run over him and his dark gray slacks, button down white shirt, black belt and black dress shoes. Oh my. He walks in without being invited and suddenly his hands are cupping my jaw and pulling me firmly to his body.




There is a second where our eyes meet and I register the fire in his before his mouth crashes down on mine.


I make a noise at the back of my throat and lift my arms around his neck.


His tongue sweeps inside my mouth and I whimper as my own tongue meets his.


God, he tastes so good.


It's been a really long time since I've been kissed. And I've never been kissed like this.


My body presses into his to get more of him as his tongue plunders my mouth, our tongues dancing, drinking. It is delicious, demanding, and very, very hot.


One of my hands comes up to his soft hair and I run my fingers through it as one of his hands comes down to cup my ass and this feels very, very good and so I whimper into his mouth again to which he moans into mine and I feel that moan between my legs.


My knees are weak as I cling to him. His kiss has become my anchor to this earth, the very reason for my existence.


So when he tears his mouth from mine, breathing hard and stepping back, I make a sound of protest in my throat and my eyes slowly open to see Jake grinning down at me.


"Damn, you can kiss."


I smile shyly up at him, trying to get my bearings, breathing heavy and with every inhale, drawing his delicious woodsy scent inside me.


"Wow - " I say, stupidly.


"Yeah." He says, grinning again. "Hungry?"


I blink up at him and when his question registers, I say, "Yeah."


I lock up and shrug on my coat and he walks me out to his car, parked in front of my building.


"Doesn't the norm dictate that you were supposed to kiss me after our date?" I ask, smiling up at him.


"Couldn't wait," he winks. "It was either kiss you, or go insane."


Wow, I like that.


Jake lets me in the passenger side of his BMW as I grin up at him like a fool. I sink into the buttery leather seat, inhaling the new car smell. I've heard about this but never actually experienced it. I understand what all the hype is about now. I lean my head back and close my eyes.


Mmmm, new car smell.


He closes my door and walks around the car and slides in, and now I'm breathing in new car smell and Jake's delicious woodsy scent. Yum. As he pulls out onto the street, he takes my left hand in his and brings it to his lips. Then we hold hands between our seats as he drives with his left hand.


"So where are you taking me?" I ask, smiling.


Mia Sheridan's books