Healing Love (Love to the Extreme #4)

Her lips pressed into a tight line. “Fine.”

God, he hated it when women used that word. It usually meant the complete opposite. But he didn’t want to argue anymore. “Are we good now?”

As he waited for her answer, his stomach clenched.

“Lance, I’m ready to go back home. It’s time.”

He pushed aside his disappointment, cursing the selfishness of the feeling. He knew this time would come, but he wasn’t ready to let her go yet. “Just stay a little longer.”

The idea of a rejection spurred him into motion. Words weren’t enough. She needed to be reminded of what came to life between them as soon as they touched.

He grabbed her face between his palms and claimed her mouth with his. She squeaked in surprise before she relaxed into him and parted her lips. As he swiped his tongue inside, he moaned softly when she sweetened his mouth. God, he loved kissing this woman. Everywhere. Anywhere.

He slowed the kiss to lingering seductive brushes then lifted his head.

She gazed at him, lips swollen and wet from his kiss. “Yes, for a little longer,” she whispered.

He wanted her to always stay, but that wasn’t an option for them. Fuck, he was in for some heartbreak when she left, but he’d be right here with her until she did.

Listening to the sound of streaming water coming through the door, Ella stood outside the master bathroom and waited impatiently for him to finish. Lance needing a shower had killed the go-with-the-moment-sex they had been leading up to earlier in the living room, but he’d insisted, saying he was disgusting from the fight and he wouldn’t touch her until he was completely clean. Though she’d suggested taking a shower together, he’d nixed that idea, too.

She’d figured he’d be in there a few minutes, tops. A quick scrub down, then dry off and they could go at it. But no. Twenty minutes had passed, and the water continued to run.

She was done waiting. As she cracked open the door, icy air greeted her and she shivered. What the hell? Wrapping her arms around her middle, she stepped into the chilly room. Had he seriously been taking a cold shower this entire time?

She pulled back the shower curtain, and the wide expanse of his shoulders captivated her. She reached out to touch him, but froze as her gaze dipped to the darkening bruise staining the skin of his lower back. Her stomach dropped.

“Jesus, Lance,” she whispered.

He twisted around, and a grimace contorted his face. The need to shower alone suddenly made sense. He hadn’t wanted to get clean. He was trying to loosen up his muscles.

“Turn around,” she demanded.

Giving a resigned sigh, he slowly faced her.

The earlier splotches on his torso had started to purple. Good God. How was he even moving?

Though she understood now why he continued to fight, it didn’t make seeing his injuries any easier. What he’d done for Skylar showed he was a devoted father.

She respected his choices, she respected him, but there had to be another way. If he was too damn stubborn to find one, she’d find it for him.

“I was hoping the bruising wouldn’t set in until tomorrow,” he said. “I didn’t want you to see this. I know it upsets you, but it looks worse than it is.”

“I call bullshit on that.”

“If you think we’re backing out of tonight—”

“You really think you’re up for it?”

“I think I have a desperate need for you to touch me, and a couple of fucking bruises isn’t going to stop that.”

Still she hesitated. As a doctor, she knew what he needed was rest. Not more activity. As a woman, she needed him.

“Please, Kelsey. I need to feel your touch.”

The raw honesty in his voice compelled her closer. She laid her hand on the bruise on his shoulder. The icy skin yanked a gasp out of her. “Get out.”

As she snatched a towel off the rack, he shut the water off and stepped out of the tub. He reached for the towel, but she shook her head and began patting him dry, first on the shoulders and back, then working her way down. She tried to ignore the painful marks scattered over his body, but she kept pausing in her task to inspect each wound with a doctor’s critical eye. Each one appeared to be just bruising and not caused by some internal injury.

“Stop gawking at them. I’m fine. You have to trust me on that.”

Knowing what he said was true, she took his hand and led him to the bedroom.

“Lay down,” she instructed. When he cocked a brow upward, she crossed her arms, ready for a fight if he planned to put up one. “I’m in control tonight.”

“Yes, ma’am.”