Finding Forever

I arched away from the bed, gasping as he entered me. I draped my legs across the backs of his thighs as he slowly pushed deeper, allowing my body to adjust to his size and relax before he began driving into me with languid, rhythmic strokes that ignited a fire in the pit of my belly. The blaze burned hotter as I shifted my position and began lifting my hips to meet him thrust for thrust, taking as much of him as I could. I couldn’t help the whimpers and purrs of pleasure that escaped my mouth, and Avery found them motivational, driving harder, deeper, or faster in response to my moans.

My legs began to shake as I drowned in bliss, breathing his name repeatedly into his ear as I clutched my arms around his neck to bring him closer. Engulfed in sweat, our bodies slid against each other as we hit a frantic pace, kissing and touching and stroking anything within reach as we climbed higher and higher in ecstasy. When I made it to the top, I felt like the earth stopped spinning for a moment, and I was suspended above it in a moment of such intense pleasure that I couldn’t even see. Then, I was back, dropping down in a dizzying explosion of white light. Barely, I felt Avery drive into me hard, as if he were trying to push his whole body inside of me before he collapsed beside me in a satisfied heap.

After a few breathless moments had passed, I smiled as Avery slid an arm around my waist from behind, pulling me close. He placed a kiss on my shoulder, cupping a breast as he made his way up to the back of my neck.



“That was—”

“Incredible, I know.”

My eyes fluttered closed as he rolled my nipple between his fingers, bringing it to a sensitive, painfully hard peak again. I felt beautifully relaxed, sexy, and free. “I want more,” I whispered, winding my butt suggestively against his still-alive erection.

Avery laughed. “Good, cause I’m not finished with you yet.”

His teeth found my earlobe and gave a gentle tug, eliciting a whimper as he pushed my legs apart so he could reach the wetness waiting there.

I undulated against his fingers, moaning as a brand new flame ignited. I pulled away, pushing him onto his back and straddling his thighs. Licking my lips, I confidently met Avery’s eyes as I removed the condom we had used, then replaced it with a new one.

“One more thing, Avery.”

Not dropping his gaze from mine, he brought his hands up to cup my behind. “Anything.”

“We don’t mention any of this to Des.”

He nodded his agreement, and then without another word, I sank down onto him and closed my eyes.

— & —

It took me a few moments to shake the disappointment of waking up in bed alone. Avery had walked me back up to my room in the resort a few hours before, after we spent most of the night talking, laughing, and getting very familiar with each other’s bodies. Truthfully, I’d hated to leave, but there was no way I could take the chance of anyone— specifically Deidra or Des — seeing me leave Avery’s room in the morning, wearing the same thing I’d worn to the reception. I would never hear the end of that.

I turned onto my back, staring up at the ceiling as I sorted through my thoughts, rolling my eyes at myself for having the nerve to be sad that Avery and I would only have one night together. Yes, the sex had been great, but I had a sinking feeling that what I was really going to miss about him was… well, him. I had seen nothing of the shrewd executive, nothing of the king of one-night-stands. I felt, without a doubt, that what I’d seen was Avery, and I liked what I saw. Intelligent, hardworking, laid back Avery. It was too bad neither of us were looking for anything beyond our little island fling, because after the time we’d spent together, I felt the same butterflies I felt when I pulled two clients into a room that were a match.

Christina C Jones's books