Echoes of Scotland Street

I flushed, thinking about what Ewan had done to me last week, except suddenly imagining this boy in his place. Guiltily, I chewed on my lower lip as I looked back up at the boy.


He didn’t seem to notice that my thoughts had meandered into the indecent. “You’re a fan of TATE?”


I nodded, feeling suddenly shy of this person who had elicited such a strong reaction in me.


“They’re my favorite band.” He gave me a small grin and I instantly wanted to know what he looked like when he laughed.


“One of mine too.”


“Yeah?” He leaned in a little closer, his eyes searching my face as though I was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen. “What other bands do you like?”


The thrill of having his attention broke through the uncharacteristic shyness and I rattled off all the bands I could think of that I’d been listening to lately.


When I was done he rewarded me with a smile, and that smile winded me it was so good. There was something flirtatious there but at the same time boyish, charmingly boyish and utterly endearing. It was a great smile. A really, really great smile.


I sighed inwardly and leaned farther into the fence.


“What’s your name?” he asked me, his voice low because we were so close now we could whisper and we’d hear each other. I could actually feel the heat from his body, and realizing we were standing quite intimately made me hugely aware of my own body as well as his. I flushed inwardly again, thankful I wasn’t a typical redhead with blush-prone skin.


“Shannon,” I replied, sure there was a hush in the air between us and afraid to break whatever it was by being too loud. “Yours?”


“Cole,” he said. “Cole Walker.”


That made me smile. It fit him perfectly. “You sound like a hero.”


Cole grinned. “A hero?”


“Yeah. Like if there was a zombie apocalypse, the hero who tries to save everyone would have a name like Cole Walker.”


His chuckle warmed me through and through, as did the way his eyes brightened with amusement. “Zombie apocalypse?”


“It could happen,” I insisted because I never liked to rule out any eventuality in life.


“You don’t seem all that worried that it could.”


That was because I wasn’t. I shrugged. “I’ve just never understood why people are afraid of zombies. They move really slowly and are brain-dead.”


Cole snorted. “Two very fair points.”


I smiled. “So, are you a hero, Cole Walker?”


He scratched the side of his chin, looking off into the distance. “What is a hero, really?”


Surprised by the deep and apparently serious question, I shrugged. “I suppose it’s someone that saves people.”


His eyes flicked back to me. “Yeah, I suppose it is.”


Trying to lighten the mood, I gave him a flirty smile. “So, do you save people?”


Cole laughed. “I’m only fifteen. Give me a chance.”


We were the same age, then. I was surprised. He could pass for eighteen. “You are really tall for fifteen.”


His eyes drifted over me, a small smile playing on his lips. “A lot of people must seem tall to you.”


“Are you calling me short?”


“Are you saying you’re not short?”


I wrinkled my nose. “I’m not delusional. It’s just not polite to comment on a girl’s shortness. For all you know I’m really mad at the world because I’m vertically challenged.”


“Maybe I’m really mad at the world because I’m tall.”


I gave him a look that said as if and he burst out laughing.


“Okay, I’m not mad at being tall. But you shouldn’t be mad about your height.”


“I’m not,” I hurried to assure him. “I was just making a point.”


“A pointless point.”


I giggled, thinking over our bizarre conversation. “Yeah.”


Cole smiled, and I felt myself go all hot inside again at the way he was looking at me. “I doubt anyone notices your height anyway. You’ve got all that great hair and those amazing eyes to distract them.” As soon as he said it he flushed and ran a hand through his own hair, as if embarrassed he’d complimented me out loud.


My cheeks burned with pleasure. “You’ve got amazing eyes too.”


His momentary shyness instantly disappeared at my compliment. Cole leaned forward over the fence. “Please tell me you live here.”


Before I could answer, a loud honk shattered the intensity between us and I jerked my head up to see Ewan approaching in his old Punto. Reality came crashing back down around me, and for some reason I felt a weird sense of loss when I looked back at Cole. “I live in Glasgow,” I told him regretfully. I gestured to the car. “My boyfriend’s here to pick me up.”


Disappointment flashed in Cole’s eyes. “Boyfriend?” His gaze flew toward the car and I watched his face fall.


My heart sank in my chest. “Sorry,” I whispered, not really sure what I was apologizing for.


“Me too,” he murmured.


Ewan honked the horn again and I blanched, moving down the steps, my eyes still on Cole. We held each other’s gaze as I walked over to the car and slowly, reluctantly, got into it.


“Hey, baby,” Ewan said, finally causing me to break my connection with Cole.


Samantha Young's books