VAIN: Part One

Chapter 7

"Tilt your head to the left." He motions towards my left with his index finger as he points the camera directly at my chest.
"Why my head?" I bolt back to a sitting position. "You said no face shots."
He stalls and pulls the camera down to reveal his face. "Your chin may be visible in some shots. You don't have a problem with that, do you?" His tone is skirting on the edge of frustration.
I don't push knowing that each time I interrupt him means more time spent naked on his bed with his camera hovering over me. I fall back onto the sheet, pulling my arms lazily over my head.
"Tell me about Nathan." His index finger once again motions to the left and I shift my face to the side.
"What about him?" I ask back. Before today, Nathan was someone I hadn't thought about in months. He was a random I picked up in a club. He was gorgeous, fantastic in bed and a fleeting moment of time in my life. I know nothing about him. I never got his last name or what he did for a living.
"Was he your boyfriend?" He stares at me through the camera lens for several seconds. I know he's gauging my reaction. I know he's chasing the perfect shot.
I try to temper my chuckle. "Nathan? He's not a boyfriend?"
"What does that mean?" His voice is low and uncompromising.
"Nathan is a one night stand guy. He doesn't do relationships, just random f*cks." I push my cheek into the sheet to hide the blush I feel wafting over my face. "We hooked up at a club."
"It was a long time ago." I adjust my legs to try and hide any hint of arousal that may be rushing to the surface. "I guess about three years ago now."
"You were old enough to go to a club three years ago?" His finger slides to the right and juts into the air. "Shift your hips to the right."
I push my heels into the bed as I move my body. "I had fake ID," I confess.
"How old were you?"
"I was nineteen then," I groan. I'd felt so mature back then.
He pulls the camera down to look directly at me. "So you f*cked him that one time?"
I nod as I feel the rush of arousal spread to my breasts. My nipples harden under his gaze. "He f*cked me five or six times that night." I'd lost track after the first. It was the only time in my life I'd come more than once in a row.
"You compare every other man to him, don't you?" It's not meant to sound challenging, but it does. At the very least, that's how I absorb it.
"I did at first," I say as honestly as I can. "I actually kept going back to that club to try and find him again to f*ck."
"Did you?"
"Did I f*ck him again?" My hand twitches at the thought of Nathan's skilled body inside of mine. I want to touch myself right now thinking about it.
"Did you find him again?" His eyes fall to my legs and I know that he's wondering if I'm as aroused as I sound.
"No." The defeat in my voice is evident. "I heard he moved to New York so that was the end of that."
"You think about him when you get yourself off, don't you?" he growls. "You close your eyes when other men are f*cking you and you think about his dick being inside of you."
I almost moan at the sound of the words. "Yes," I whimper under my breath as I slide my legs apart. "Yes." I'd f*cked dozens of men since then in pursuit of the high I felt that night.
"Like that, Alexa." His voice fades into the distance as I close my eyes and run my tongue over my lips thinking about the one night stand I'll never forget.

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