Winter's Warrior: Mark of the Monarch (Winter's Saga 4)

“The plan is already very much in motion, Kenneth. I don’t waste time. Life isn’t just full of the vulgar and vile; it’s also very short. I’ve already taken care of their slippery ways by making it impossible for them to be near one another. My genius nanoweapons were implanted and positioned in their hearts. Your researchers and mine should really put their heads together someday and share ideas.”

Williams’ eyes were wide with anger. “You have injected them with nanoweapons?”

“Well, only half of them. The other half are triggers. But the fun part is that no one knows which are triggers and which are explosives. I’m quite pleased with myself for thinking up this one. If they get closer than seven feet to one another, something very bad will happen.” He smiled wickedly.

“How do you deactivate the nanoweapons?”

“Ah, that’s for me to know and you to ponder. However, I do have an old friend I’m sure you’d be interested in seeing. She’s undergone…” Arkdone looked off to one side thinking of just the right word, “…a procedure in which she has been made a clean slate. So don’t expect her to remember you, Kenneth.” Arkdone rose from his supple leather chair and walked toward the doorway.

“What are you talking about?”

“May I introduce Naya,” he said with a flourish.

In walked Meg, her large dark eyes looking cool and distant. She wore a form fitting, long black gown appropriate for dinner cocktails and conversation. Meg would never have this kind of dress in her closet because she wouldn’t be able to fight wearing it. Her beautiful dark curls caught the light with every wave secured behind the black velvet bow tied perfectly to the side of her neck; prominently showing off her new MetaMonarch branding.

“Meg?” Williams’ shark-like eyes spilled tears of blood for what was clearly the loss of the little girl he’d created. He was so struck by her blank, unrecognizing stare he didn’t even realize he’d stood to walk to her, desperate to find some flicker of acknowledgment in her eyes.

“How could you do this? You knew after June’s death, how miraculous Meg was to me and yet, you dared do this to her?”

“Just because she’s your biological daughter doesn’t mean she belongs to you, Kenneth.”

Williams reached down to take the strong but delicate hands that looked so much like his beloved June’s. Then again, everything about Meg reminded him of his sweet daughter, June. They were, after all, biologically sisters.

“You only made her as harvesting fodder for your sick daughter. The fact that she turned out so magnificently, so gifted, was sheer chance. Don’t think you can take credit for whom and what she’s become. If anyone should, it would be that woman who stole her from you all those years ago.”

Williams’ gloved hands reached up to Meg’s chin and tilted it up, in a vain attempt at forcing her to look at him.

“Tell me what you’ve done to her,” his raspy voice boiled with hatred of his former colleague.

“Lots of things. She’s completely controlled by me now and between you and me,” Arkdone’s voice lowered as though he were about to divulge a vital secret, “I made sure Bjorn injected the nanotrigger into her. Her very nearness to her family will kill them, but she’ll be just fine.” Arkdone threw his head back in a full on laugh. “I must say, I’ve out done myself, this time.”

“Give her to me and I’ll let you walk away from this with your life,” Williams seethed, his gaze finally leaving Meg’s porcelain skin. The blood-filled eyes of the evil scientist narrowed with rage as he challenged the man he had known and done business with for more than a dozen years. “It is the best offer you’re going to get,” he warned.

“Oh, but I just recreated her. Why would I want to give her up?”

“She doesn’t belong to you, Arkdone. Half her genes are mine. She is my flesh and blood, despite the original plan for her—she is my daughter. She is the only family I have left in this abhorrent world.” Williams’ voice rose to an ear-piercing decibel.

Knowing full well what he was choosing, Arkdone stood abruptly and clapped his manicured hands once. “You were welcomed into my home. I brought you Naya to allow you to get reacquainted. I’ve captured your enemies and am taking on the task of exacting revenge on your behalf and this is the way you choose to thank me?”

In strode two hulking men. One had a nasty jagged scar stretched horizontally across his face from one ear to the other. The other man had his teeth filed into fangs, every one of them.

“You probably don’t remember these gentlemen, but they remember you. These are MetaMonarchs and they evidently are needed to help escort you and your men from the premises.”

Williams turned and glared at his own soldier, Gideon, pointedly.

“I will gladly leave, with my daughter at my side.”

Arkdone raised one brow and the room stormed to life.

Williams grabbed Meg’s hand and yanked her out of the crossfire. Arkdone leaped after Williams, sweeping his legs out from under him and pinning him to the ground.