Slade (The Protectors #6)

“Guess he didn’t like our plan.” Jared ran up beside Slade, yelling behind him, “Take out anyone who tries to stop us. We’ll explain shit later to whoever we need to explain shit to.”

Picking up his speed, Slade saw an officer raise his gun. His mouth moved with warning, but Slade didn’t hear him. He lifted his hand, picking the officer up and throwing him against the iron fence without physically touching him; his gift was strong with his rage. With one leap, Slade sailed over the fence, landing on his feet. Warriors followed his lead, landing all around him. Shots rang out, but Slade continued through the chaos, using his power to toss people out of his way. A young guard stood in front of the door, holding his gun with shaking hands.

“Stop.” The man’s voice shook. “Please, I don’t want to shoot you.”

Slade lifted his arm. As the man rose off his feet, Slade pushed forward hard, using the man to crash open the doors. Making his way further into the building, Slade grabbed another guard who was cowering against the wall. He wore a gun, but didn’t pull it. “Where is she?”

“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” When Slade picked him up off his feet, the man cried out.

“The Mayor’s bitch. Where is she?” Slade growled, his eyes black.

“I can show you.” A young girl with mismatched eyes came forward, her red hair flowing behind her. She wore what appeared to be an issued jumpsuit that he noticed other patients wearing.

Slade dropped the man and stared at the girl for a long second. “Who are you?”

“Hurry,” she said, ignoring his question as she took off down the hallway, looking behind her to make sure Slade was following. “I think they are going to hurt that pretty girl.”

Growling, Slade took the girl’s arm. Speeding her along, the girl’s feet left the ground.

“It’s that door down there,” she pointed. Putting her hand on his arm, she whispered, “Be careful. They are bad people.”

Slade set her on her feet as he made his way toward the door. Seeing the camera, he pulled his gun and shot it, and kicked open the doors. The first thing he saw was a man standing behind George, pulling his gun. Slade barely gave him notice as he lifted his gun and shot him between the eyes. He continued his search and found her.

“Stop or I will put a fucking bullet in your head!” Slade ordered as he held his gun out, walking toward Jill. His eyes scanned her quickly before he finally noticed Alice and another…Alice. “What the fuck?”

Warriors filled the room, guns drawn. Jax was among them, his eyes going from one Alice to the other. “Long time no see, brother,” Jax growled, hatred in his voice.

The Alice on Jill’s right faded into a similar image of Jax in front of their eyes. Guns clicked as cries of ‘holy shit’ and ‘fuck’ filled the room. “Nice to see you too, Jax.”

“Why don’t you lie on the floor nice and quiet like, so you don’t get shot up with silver and we have us a conversation?” Jax ordered, his eyes never leaving his brother.

“Thank God, you all got here when you did,” Alice cried. “That man has been terrorizing me, forcing me to do things–”

Jill punched Alice in the face, knocking her on her ass. “Shut the hell up.”

Jax’s brother took that opportunity to grab Jill, holding the gun to her head. “I’m sorry, Jax. Would love to chat. Maybe some other time.”

“Let her go!” Slade took a step forward, but stopped when Jax’s brother clicked the trigger back.

“Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to make me jumpy.”

“Mika, don’t do anything stupid.” Jax edged sideways, his gun aimed at his brother.

“What would father think if he could see us now?” Mika gave a sad laugh. “No, brother, I think I need to take my leave now, but I’m sure I will see you soon.” He had managed to back up toward a window.

Slade watched, trying to anticipate the bastard’s next move. Suddenly, Jill was pushed forward as Mika used her to leverage himself through the window. Jill fell on her hands and knees, rolling out of the way as Jax ran past her. Slade grabbed Jill as they hurried to the window to see Mika hit the ground with surprising grace. He began to touch Warriors who were still outside, changing his appearance. Jax leaped out the window followed by a few more Warriors, trying to keep up with his brother who shifted with ease.

“Okay, that was freaky as hell.” Jared frowned, gaining agreement from the other Warriors in the room.

“You okay?” Slade looked at Jill, her eyes searching her again for injury.

“I’m fine.” She gave him a small smile.

“I demand you get my husband here, right now!” Alice stood in the middle of the room, surrounded by angry Warriors.

Jill’s head snapped toward Alice, then she looked up at Slade who nodded. “I’m in charge,” Slade announced to each Warrior. “No one interferes.”