Red and Her Wolf (Kingdom, #3)

She was wild, rough. Her teeth bruising his lips with each punishing kiss. There was no place for him to brace his back on, so he knelt, dragging her with him. Her nails gouged the back of his head.

“Can you make it stop?” she panted, nipping and clawing around his face and neck.

“Wha, lass?” he moaned, catching her lips between his teeth and sucking on its firm fullness, laving his tongue along its smoothness.

She moaned hard and pulled away, almost frenzied in her effort to touch him. Nibbling on his collarbone, his flesh broke out in goose bumps.

“The wanting, Ewan,” she murmured. “The needing.” She bit him and he groaned, balls so tight and hard to his body he was sure the pleasure would kill him. “I see you. All the time. I want you.” She bit harder, sinking in so hard his skin very nearly broke.

Beads of sweat dotted his brow. He tugged on the shell of her ear gently, nuzzling the sweet scent of her neck, imprinting her on his heart. Ewan blew small puffs of air into her hair, her flesh, marking her with his scent. Letting anyone else know she was his and his alone.

“I can,” he mumbled and then shuddered when his hands found her breasts. He palmed them, kneading and rolling the nipples expertly between his fingers.

She arched, moaning in wild abandon and pride bloomed in his chest. His touch did that to her, his mouth, his tongue. She danced for him.

“Touch me everywhere.” She hissed when he rolled her nipples again, a rosy flush crept up her neck and settled in her cheeks making her blue eyes almost seem to glow.

“Are ye sure, lass?” If she ran away now, he’d go feral.

“Mmm,” she mumbled, fumbling with the button of her jeans.

With a growl, he ripped the button off and then shoved his hand down her pants, fingers seeking the center of her. Pleasure swirled through his cock, made him grind his teeth with the pleasure/pain when his fingers became slick with her heat.

“Oh my gods.” She flung her head back, arcing her neck and back, forcing him to brace her with his one hand, lest she slip from his grasp. “Yes, Ewan.” Violet wiggled on him as he slid a finger in.

She was tight and when he encountered her virginal barrier his heart screamed with joy. The lass was untouched. All his, always.

“Red. Red,” he moaned and then she gripped him in a tight fist and he jerked at the exquisite torture. The friction of no lubrication was nothing compared to the pleasure jackknifing through him.

“Too much clothes,” he snarled, extracting his hand to pull her jeans down.

She kicked, trying to help. But only succeeded in getting herself tangled up in her pants.

“Calm yerself, Red,” he murmured, and with a swift tug tossed the jeans aside.

“I don’t know…” she said.

His heart almost stopped beating. Squeezing his eyes shut, panting harder than he ever had in his life, he rested his forehead against hers and ground through his teeth, “If yer gonna force me to stop, say it now.”

His cock and balls ached so much; the merest touch of her hand against him would make him come.

“No,” she moaned, eyes bright and feverish looking. “Oh, goddess no. I just don’t know what to do. What do I do, Ewan?" There was a panicked edge to question.

He laughed, and then growled deep in his throat when he jerked against her hand. “Whatever the bloody hell ye please.”

“Okay,” she said, and then bit him at the base of his throat. Just like she had last night.

Ewan hissed, lights danced behind his eyes as the bliss rolled wave after wave over him. Drowning him in pleasure so deep he never wanted to resurface.

Wild, desperate, his wolf rolled just beneath the surface of his control. “I need ye. Now,” he groaned, when she licked the tender flesh she’d just bitten.

“Yes, oh yes.”

He needed to go slow. Though he wanted fire and passion, she was untried. Even a she wolf needed gentle when ripping through the barrier.

Clenching his teeth as sweat dripped into his eyes, he tugged on her panties, slipping them to the side and exposing the wet jewel beneath. He hissed.

“Gods, Red,” he said, staring down at the thatch of blond curls.

She was breathing hard, looking dazed. “Will it hurt?” she whispered, no longer moving on him.

The muscle in his jaw ticked. “I’m big, lass. It’ll hurt. At first, and only a little.”

She swallowed hard, but nodded. “I trust you.”

The words were a benediction in his ears. Grabbing her bum, he lifted her. “Spread your legs wide for me.”

She did as he said and his stomach flopped at the sight of her. Legs spread wide, arms braced on his chest, as her wet center hovered just above the hard length of him.

“Hang on, and breathe,” he advised.

Her blue eyes were wide.

Then he lowered her and the first touch of her wet heat on his cock, made him jerk. Ewan bit his tongue, forcing the wolf back. Control. He needed control, or he’d never last.

Inch, by glorious inch, he sank her down on him. It was slow, and agonizing. Her sheath so wet it slipped over him like a glove. Then he encountered her tight barrier.

She moved, and then grunted as he began the final push.