Reasonable Doubt: Volume 2 (Reasonable Doubt #2)

I woke up on a plush leather couch, tucked underneath a soft black blanket.

Sitting up, I saw that my shoes had been taken off and placed in a rack on the other side of the room. A tray of fresh fruit and chocolates were sitting on the small table in front of me, and there was a bottle of wine sitting next to two stemmed glasses.

The room looked as if it’d been plucked from a magazine: silk white draperies, taupe walls, and portraits framed in silver. One of those portraits was of a f**king hotel, making it clear exactly where I was.

I immediately tossed the blanket off—ready to find Andrew and yell at him for bringing me here against my wishes. I walked down the hallway, slowly noticing that the pictures hanging on the wall were of him.

In one picture, he was standing on a beach, looking off into the distance. In another he was standing in front of a NYC cab, and in another he was lying against a city park bench.

He was young in all of these photos—his eyes held a more boyish charm, and if I wasn’t mistaken, he looked happy. Extremely happy.

In between all of the larger photos, were small wooden blocks in the shape of an entwined “E” and “H.” At first I thought that the “A” for Andrew’s first name was simply missing, that one of the pieces would bear it, but that wasn’t the case: In the last frame at the end of the hall there was a photo of a huge “E” and “H” that were solely compiled of pictures of New York.

“E” and “H”?

I continued walking down the hallway, smiling at the more “esteemed” photos he’d hung of himself. I stopped when I heard the sound of running water and followed it into a massive bedroom.

Everything was cloaked in black—the sheets that covered the king sized bed, the long silk curtains that hung over the balcony’s French doors, and the plush rug that sat atop his polished wooden floors.

I walked over to his armoire and pulled out the first drawer.

“What are you doing?” Andrew was standing right behind me.

“I was...” I stalled as he wrapped an arm around my waist. “I was looking through your stuff.”

“Looking for anything particular?” He kissed the shell of my ear from behind.

“I’m looking for where you keep all my panties.”

He let out a low laugh. “They’re all next to my bed.” He slid his hand underneath my skirt and stalled once his fingers reached my bare pu**y. “Since you’re not wearing any, do I need to give them back to you?”

I rolled my eyes and he let me go.

“Is this better than a hotel room?” he asked.

“Depends.” I turned around. “How many other women have you had here?”


“None?” I couldn’t believe that. “In six years?”

“I like to keep my f**king life separate from my home life.” He clasped my hand.

“So, I’m the exception to the rule?”

He didn’t answer. He simply led me across the bedroom and into an all-white en-suite where the water from the shower was still running.

“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up...” He looked down at me.

“Because you want to watch movies together?”

“Because I want to f**k you in the shower.” He pushed my back against the wall and looked into my eyes. “Because I want to f**k you all night.”

I moaned as he wedged his knee between my thighs and pulled my shirt over my head. He slipped his hand behind my back to unclasp my bra, and as it fell to the floor he trailed his tongue across my ni**les.

“Take off your skirt...” He backed away from me.

My hands went to my zipper, but my eyes stayed glued on him as he started to undress himself.

I’d f**ked him numerous times in his office, recklessly rode his c**k time and time again, but I’d never seen him completely naked.

He pulled his white V-neck shirt over his head and tossed it into the corner—exposing a set of chiseled abs and a small cursive tattoo that was etched onto his chest.

I tried to read what the words said, but then he unfastened the drawstring of his black lounge pants and let them fall to the floor.

I could see that his c**k was hard through his briefs, and I waited for him to take them off, but he walked back over to me.

Grabbing my hand, he placed it against his waistline. “Take them off of me.”

I slipped my thumb underneath the elastic, but he stopped me.

“With your mouth.”

My eyes widened as I looked up at him, seeing the sexy smirk on his face.

I bent down slightly and trailed kisses across his waist—hearing him take in a sharp breath as his hands slipped into my hair.

I gripped his thighs for balance and tugged at the hem of his briefs with my teeth. Pulling the fabric down a few inches, I used my fingers to move them further, but he pulled me back by my hair.

“Only your mouth.” He warned.