Power (The Keatyn Chronicles Book 9)

“I’m at the bottom now. I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I already threatened to tell my dad about the affair, but my dad will be neither shocked nor appalled that he’s unfaithful. If anything, he’ll probably sympathize with him.”

“You’ll have to use the photos then,” Vanessa states. “But here’s a question. If Collin has a lot of loyal clients, couldn’t he take them all to another firm if your dad decided to take your side?”

“Not really. My dad spoon-feeds him business. He doesn’t really work that hard.”

“So if we want to hurt him, we take away his clients. If his clients start leaving him, would that affect your dad?”

“Yes, my dad gets a cut from everyone’s sales. That’s why he gives Collin so many customers, because they are still ultimately his.”

“Is it normal for someone so young to make partner?”

“Not at all.”

“So the other reps at the firm probably resent him?”

“Yeah, they see how easy he has it.”

“You mentioned that he wants kids, so he'll look stable. He wanted you to go on a weekend event for the same reason.”

“Appearances are important to him. The perfect marriage. Perfect house. Lots of luxury items to make him appear more successful than he is.”

“Hmm,” Vanessa says, tapping a perfectly manicured nail on the table. I look down at my own nails. I've nervously scraped off most of the polish.

“The holiday season is coming up,” she says.


“Does your husband send out holiday cards?”

“Actually, he sends out Thanksgiving cards since his clients celebrate different holidays and he doesn’t want to offend anyone.”

“Maybe he should send out one of those cute photo cards this year.” She grins. “Or, better yet, a photo collage.”

“Of him and his secretary? Do you think his clients will be like my dad and not care?”

“Maybe, but I bet in most households the wives open the mail.”

“If the wives were offended, that could ruin him.”

“Only if you actually sent it. I’m not saying you should. I’m just saying you just have to convince him that you will.”

“I’d need his client list,” I say, thinking it through.

“Can you get that?”

I smile to myself. “I think I can. In fact, I’m going to call my dad, right now, before Collin talks to him.” I take a cleansing breath. “Here goes nothing.”

My dad answers with, “I assume you’re calling to tell me that you and Collin are back together. I want to go on record that I deserve all the credit. I told him he needed to just go out there and get you.”

“Collin was here, Dad. We got into a fight and he left. But after he left, I had a change of heart and decided to come back home. I apologize for the disrespectful way in which I spoke to you the other day. I know that you and Mom were able to work past it, so I’m hoping Collin and I will be able to follow your shining example.”

“That’s my girl.”

“Oh, and Dad, I was thinking of a way I could make it up to Collin. You know how Mom’s been telling me that I should put my event planning skills to good use as a volunteer? Well, I want to do something special for Collin. I thought instead of his usual Thanksgiving cards, I’d send out party invitations instead. I want to design an amazing event for his clients to attend. Do you think he’d like that?”

“Darling, I think he’d love that. I’m so proud of you.”

“Don’t tell him, please. I want it to be a surprise.”

“Mum’s the word.”

“Thanks, Dad. That means a lot to me. Will you help me?”

“Of course. Anything you need.”

“Well, to send out invitations, I’d need a list of his clients’ home addresses. I’d hate to ask his secretary. I’m afraid she might tell him and ruin the surprise.”

“She is a bit of a gossip. Tell you what, I’ll download the list myself and email it directly to you. I’ve got my laptop here at home. Give me a few minutes.”

“Oh, thank you, Dad. You have no idea how much this means to me.”

“Glad to help. Call your mother and make dinner plans soon.”

“Thanks, I will.”

When I hang up, Vanessa says, “Oh, you’re good.”

“I feel guilty lying to my dad.”

“He and your mother have been lying to you for years about their relationship.”

“Good point,” I say, as my phone dings. “I just got the email from my dad. Now what?”

“Now, we play hardball. Leave Collin a message, apologizing, and asking him to call you.”

Penthouse Suite - Vegas


I’m lying on a circular bed on a raised platform with Jennifer, passing her a joint, and watching Dawson slide down the fireman’s pole from the second floor.

“This is like some crazy fantasy of mine,” she says, as much to herself as to me. She was hitting the champagne pretty hard on the flight here. Hell, we all were. “Me and three hot guys alone in a freaking outrageous Vegas suite.”

“What do the guys do in this fantasy?” I ask, as Knox screams his way down the pole.

“Their hands are all over me. They all think I’m beautiful.”