Midnight Sun (Twilight #1.5)

Man I'd like to...

I shoved everyone's thoughts from my mind so I could focus on Bella. Looking down at her, she looked up at me with a look of conspiracy in her thoughts.

"Do you want me to bolt the doors so you can massacre the unsuspecting townsfolk?" She whispered.

My brow raised. "And where do you fit into that scheme?"

"Oh, I'm with the vampires, of course," she collaborated.

Though I was happy she was in better spirits, I was afraid that this conversation would turn into a 'let's turn Bella into a vampire' argument. Trying to read her face, I smiled reluctantly. "Anything to get out of dancing," I assumed.

"Anything." She smiled.

After purchasing the tickets I began pulling her to the dance floor. She literally dragged her feet. Pursing my lips, I stared down at her.

"I've got all night," I informed her, not in the least bit worried that she wouldn't fold.

Finally, her stubbornness subsided and we moved onto the dance floor next to my family. This was my first time going to the prom, though my siblings went every chance they got. Alice loved to dress up and so did Rosalie, mainly because of the stares and compliments she received.

Bella stiffened at my side and I looked down at her.

"Edward." She croaked. "I honestly can't dance!" Panic was obvious in her tone.

I sighed in exasperation. "Don't worry, silly," I whispered in her ear. "I can."

Gently, I pulled her close to my chest, her feet leaving the ground before I placed them over mine, and wrapped her arms around my neck. Without effort we twirled around the dance floor with my family and even though I tried to dispel all thoughts, the boys in the audience were also crooning over Bella. I felt smug with pride.

"I feel like I'm five years old," she giggled after several minutes of us waltzing.

Her hair was blowing around lightly with the slight breeze we were making with our dancing and her cheeks were flushed the perfect pink. "You don't look five," I breathed in her ear, hugging her closer to my body.

I'm a genius! I mean, just look at that dress on her. Alice thought as she watched us twirl around. Bella caught her eye and smiled back at Alice's grin. I think she might actually be enjoying herself...

Before Alice finished her thought another thought burst into my head. He was arguing with himself. As I twirled around to see who it was, I realized it was Jacob Black.

I can't believe I'm about to do this. Seriously - he's here with her, what does my dad expect me to do? Go up to her and tell her to leave him right here on the dance floor... but my car, I really want my car up and running. Stupid master cylinder.

"Okay, this isn't half bad," Bella admitted to me, but I was too busy glaring towards the doors where Jacob was leaning.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Jacob chanted over and over in his head. Why did she have to be here? Argh! He hesitated on the dance floor. Master cylinder, he reminded himself. ...just remember driving around in your car, his lips twitched up. ...maybe Bella in the passenger seat. The mental image was enough to make him move closer to our dancing forms.

Bella and I continued to spin without effort on the dance floor, but my eyes never left Jacob for more than a fraction of a second. My possessive side started to creep up as I watched him walked towards us.

Bella noticed my distraction. "What is it?" she looked at me curiously.

I didn't answer. She looked over her shoulder and then continued to try and focus her eyes through our continuous gyrate. Jacob continued to move towards us. His face displayed his thoughts of distress and discomfort.

Come on, Jacob. Pull yourself together! He frantically tried to calm himself. He's not actually a vampire.

He was wrong about that.

Just do it. Ask if you can cut in. I can just relay the message from dad. Jacob looked at Bella. Wow! She is positively the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. He blinked to clear his eyes, trying to get a better visual on her. Man, this is going to suck. I'm sorry, oh man I am so sorry, Bella.

A snarl came burning up my throat, but I was able to stifle most of the noise.

"Behave!" Bella hissed at me in reproach.

Behave? I wanted to argue but he was only two feet away.

Just cut in and get it over with. This is so embarrassing. Jacob's eyebrows pulled together in concentration. 'Hey, Bella. Just break up with your boyfriend...please.' He shook his head. This isn't going to be good.

Anger boiled under my cold skin. "He wants to chat with you." The severity of my thoughts was obvious in my voice.

You made it this far. Just ask. Jacob was now standing next to us.

I stopped our dancing, trying to...behave.

"Hey, Bella," Jacob addressed her, completely ignoring me. "I was hoping you would be here." Jacob lied as he smiled brightly at Bella.

"Hi, Jacob." Bella beamed back. "What's up?"