Duncan (The Protectors #3)

“Don’t kill him!” Jared shouted.

“Jill!” Slade was leaning over her. “Talk to me.”

Jill’s eyes slit open. “I got shot.” She frowned. “And my face hurts.”

“Goddammit!” Slade ripped her shirt to find the bullet wound; it was already closing. Carefully, he lifted her up to see if there was an exit wound. There wasn’t.

“I have to talk to Jared,” Jill’s voice cracked as Slade laid her back down. “Jared!” she called out.

Jared was there kneeling beside her. “Is she going to be okay?”

“I have to get that bullet out.” Slade frowned looking around, his eyes narrowing as they fell on Jeff.

“Kenny has Tessa.” Jill grabbed the bottom of Jared’s jeans. He reached down and grabbed her hand. “I’m so sorry. I tried to stop him.”

“I know you did, honey.” Jared squeezed her hand. “Do you know where he took her or why?”

“No, but he threw that paper on the table.” As Jill’s eyes slid past Jared, her eyes met Jeff’s. “He knows.”

Jared hurried to the table; Sid knelt in his place. “You are right. You are more of a Warrior than he will ever be.” Sid nodded toward Jeff. “And who in the hell taught you to say, ‘pull the trigger, *’?”

“You did.” Jill grinned, but hissed at the pain it caused. “You heard that?”

“We had to wait to make our move, but then you broke badass, and we had to move a little faster.” Sid grinned down at her. “I’m having a proud moment here.”

Jill hissed again when Slade moved her upper body. “Stop moving me. That hurts.”

“My moving you isn’t what’s hurting you,” Slade growled, worry etched across his face. “You got shot. That’s what’s hurting you.”

Adam stood over Jill, anger making his golden eye black. Hearing Jeff running his mouth, he was over there in a flash. “Where’s my sister, asshole?” He grabbed the front of Jeff’s shirt, shaking him.

“Fuck you, Adam.” Jeff turned his head spitting blood. Slowly, his eyes rose to meet his. “Your sister isn’t who you should be worrying about.”

“Don’t let him get to you, Adam,” Sid warned.

Adam ignored Sid. He had always known Jeff hated him, but he didn’t realize just how much. “What are you talking about?”

“You sister is safe, well sort of, for now.” A wide, bloody grin spread across his face. “Angelina, on the other hand, well, let’s just say, she’s probably long gone by now.”

“What did you do to Angelina?” Adam’s voice was surprisingly calm.

“You know I’ve hated you since high school.” Jeff ignored his question. “Adam, the football star, always getting what he wants. Well this time, I got what I wanted.”

Adam lost it, grabbing Jeff, letting loose. Sid stood by watching for a few minutes, allowing Adam his release, before stepping in.

“If you kill him, you’ll never know what happened to her.” Sid pulled Adam off.

Jeff rolled around on the ground moaning. His eyes found Adam. “Oh, I’ll tell you what I did to her because I want to see you suffer.” Jeff rolled back up to a sitting position groaning in pain. “She’s heading to auction. It was a good payday for me. With her looks and body, she’s going to bring a good price.”

“Auction?” Adam’s face was blank, trying to grasp what Jeff was saying.

“Yeah, you stupid fuck,” Jeff hissed. “She will be sold to the highest bidder. By this time next week, she should be a half-breed, pregnant and someone’s whore.”

Adam roared as he charged toward Jeff, but Sid stopped him.

“Get him the fuck out of here.” Jared rushed over as Sid dragged Adam out. “What the fuck does this mean?” Jared shoved the paper in Jeff’s face.

“It means a switch.” Jeff’s laugh was demented. “Your precious Tessa for Pam.”

Jared stood still as stone, staring at Jeff. “Where?”

“Now that I don’t know, but Pam does.” Jeff tried to sit up, but cried out grabbing his leg. “Fucking bitch broke my leg.”

Damon, who had quietly stood watch over everything, kneeled down behind Jeff. “Are we finished with him?”

Jeff jumped, looking over his shoulder. He knew what Damon DeMasters was capable of and didn’t want any part of it. “Get the fuck away from me, you maniac.”

Damon grinned, standing back up when something caught his eye. Walking out onto the back porch, he reached down and picked up a phone. “Hey Jared.” When Jared looked his way, he tossed the phone. “Tessa’s phone.”

Jared caught it staring down at it. Clicking it on, he stared at her background pic of them both laughing, with her giving him rabbit ears.

The whites of Jared’s eyes turned black as he turned to look at Jeff. “If anything happens to her, I will make you suffer.”

“What are you going to do? Make the maniac decapitate me?” Jeff rolled his eyes trying to appear tough.

Teresa Gabelman's books