
Chapter 18—She Keeps Me Warm

IT’S STILL HARD to believe Finnley and I only found our way back to one another fifteen days ago. I’ve spent fifteen days learning everything about her all over again and fifteen days discovering every inch of her body. We’ve talked, we’ve laughed, we’ve f*cked on every available surface in both of our houses and we’ve only stopped long enough to order take-out before going at it again. I’ve set up countless sheets of hemp paper in my backyard and sat in a chair by the house, quietly watching her work whenever inspiration hit her. It’s amazing to see the passion for her art shining in her eyes with each and every new picture she creates. It’s my damn house, so I’m not limited to wallpapering my bedroom with Finley Morgan originals this time around. I’ve hung each one of her designs on the walls in my home, much to her embarrassment. I want her to be proud of her talent and I want her to see how much pride I have in her every time she walks through my door.
I know that rediscovering her ability has lit a fire inside of her to go to art school like she always wanted to. As much as I want to tell her to quit her job and do what she wants, I know I can’t do that. This is her dream and I want her to find her own strength to make it a reality.
“Oh, my God, I’m so full I think you’re going to have to roll me into the house,” Finnley jokes as I pull my truck into my driveway.
I wanted nothing more than to keep her naked and tucked away in my bed forever, but I thought it was time I took her out for a real meal. I surprised her by taking her to the Italian restaurant where we had our first date. It was kind of nice not having to bum a ride from an older friend this time since neither one of us had our driver’s licenses back then.
I make my way around the front of the truck and open her door, holding her hand as she steps down from the cab. My dick has been hard since I picked her up at her house earlier and she opened the door wearing a red, wrap-around dress that hugged her curves.
Her matching red heels click against the pavement as she jumps down and the vee in the front of her dress gapes open, showing off even more of the creamy skin that I’ve been staring at all night across the candlelit table.
I move our clasped hands behind her back and rest them right above her ass as I trail the fingers of my free hand down her collarbone and over the exposed skin of her breasts.
“I need to be inside you,” I tell her softly, staring into her eyes as I move my hand lower until I’m cupping one breast in my palm.
I run my thumb back and forth over her nipple through the material of her dress, lightly pinching it after it pebbles
“How fast can you unlock that door and take your clothes off?” she whispers as I kiss my way across her cheek until my lips are right by her ear.
“About as fast as I can make you come. What’s the record now, thirty-five seconds?” I tease.
She laughs, swatting my hand away from her breast. “Let’s see if you have it in you to make it twenty.”

AN HOUR LATER, I’ve got her right on the edge of her third orgasm. She’s sprawled across my bed, her body glistening with sweat. I’m on my stomach between her thighs, pressing my dick into the mattress in an attempt to calm myself down. In my line of work, patience and control are critical, and it’s taken every vestige I have of both not to drag her down the bed and f*ck her so hard we both pass out, but I have something else in mind. I’ve been thinking about our phone sex conversation a week ago and I want her as ready and pliant as she can be.
Pulling my fingers out of her, I slide them into my mouth and clean her wetness off them with my tongue. She’s up on her elbows watching me, her hips lifting slightly in an unconscious request for more. Moving out from between her thighs, I slide up the length of her body, rolling her onto her side so I can curl myself behind her. I pull her hair away from the back of her neck and nip at the skin there while I reach back and grab the bottle of lube I bought the day before.
Placing it on the bed behind me, I slide my hand over the front of her thigh, grabbing her leg and pulling it back over my hip so she’s open to me. Her head is resting on her arm and I scoot closer, lifting myself up on my elbow so I can stare down at her body.
I slowly slide my hand up the inside of her thigh and ghost my fingers through her folds, pulling the wetness pooling there up with me to circle it around her *. She’s so wet that I’m not even sure I’ll need the lube for what I have in mind, but I’m still going to use it. I want this to be as pleasurable as possible for her.
Her hips shift back and she grinds her ass against my cock as it slips between her cheeks. I move myself against her, sliding my cock through her as my fingers continue playing with her *.
“I want to f*ck you here, baby,” I whisper in her ear, emphasizing what I mean by thrusting hard against her ass.
My fingers easily slide through her p-ssy as she gets even wetter at my words.
“Oh, God, yes,” she mumbles, her hips moving against my fingers as I push two of them deep inside of her, my thumb flicking over her *.
I pump my fingers in and out of her, moving my thumb faster until she’s gasping and moaning with need.
“F*ck, I’m going to come. Oh, my God,” she whispers.
I quickly pull my fingers out of her and move my thumb away from her *, smiling to myself when I hear her whimper.
“Not yet, baby. You’re not coming again until my cock is inside your ass.”
She groans and I move my hand back between her legs, just barely skimming my fingers over her *. She’s so swollen and wet that I know just the right amount of pressure will have her exploding against my fingers, but I want to prolong this. I want her shaking with need and ready to take every inch of me inside her.
Her hand moves over top of mine and she tries to add pressure to my fingers as I slide them around and around her *. I remove my fingers from her slit, grabbing her hand and bringing it up to rest on her breast.
“You can play with your nipples, baby, but this,” I tell her as I cup her sex in my hand, “is mine. Even when I’m taking your ass, Lee, it’ll still be my fingers f*cking your p-ssy. You don’t get to touch.”
I hear her sharp intake of breath as my fingers resume the light, teasing circles around her * and I watch in rapt fascination as she lightly tugs at her nipples. When her hips start moving faster and I know she’s seconds away from coming, I quickly move my hand down and thrust three fingers inside of her, holding them as deep as they’ll go as I feel her pulse around me and her orgasm slowly ebbs back down to a simmer.
Her thigh quivers around my hip and, as much as I want to continue torturing her, I can’t hold off any longer. I need to be inside of her. I need her to give me that last bit of trust so I can show her I would never hurt her, that everything I do is to bring her pleasure.
Pulling my fingers out of her, I reach behind me and grab the bottle of lube. As I move my cock away from her ass, I flip the lid on the tube and squirt a generous amount of the silky gel up and down my length. Tossing the tube to the side, I, spread the lube over my cock until it’s glistening.
“Get up on your knees.”
I palm my cock, stroking it as I watch Finnley roll to her stomach and push herself up on her hands and knees, her ass in the air waiting and ready for me. Getting up behind her, I grab the bottle of lube again and squeeze, letting it slide down the crack of her ass. Using the fingers of my left hand, I rub the slippery wetness around, pushing my fingers gently inside of her to spread the lube there, as well.
She shivers with a combination of excitement and shock at the cold feel of the lube sliding down her body and my fingers pushing inside her ass. I continue slowly pumping them in and out of her, readying her for my cock. When she starts pushing back against my fingers, I know it’s time. Sliding them out of her, I grab onto her hips and pull her towards me until the tip of my cock rubs against the spot my fingers just vacated.
“F*ck,” she mutters, dropping her head down between her shoulders.
I wrap my hand around the base of my cock, holding myself still as I push just the head inside of her. As much as I want to slide the rest of the way in with one hard thrust, I know I need to make sure she’s ready.
I move my right hand away from her hip and slide it around the front of her body, between her legs, finding her * and working it between my fingers.
Her hips start moving against my hand and I grit my teeth as the head of my cock moves in and out of her ass.
“You are way too big for this to work,” she mumbles through groans as my fingers continue to slide around and around her *.
“Do you trust me?” I whisper, sliding barely another centimeter inside of her as I move my fingers faster between her legs.
“Yes, I trust you,” she moans immediately as I slide in a little further.
“This will work, I promise. If it doesn’t, you tell me right away and I’ll stop. If it doesn’t feel good, promise me you’ll tell me to stop, Lee.”
I silently beg her not to tell me to stop. Her ass is already gripping the hell out of the tip of my cock and I’m dying to push myself the rest of the way inside her.
“I promise. I trust you. F*ck, keep going,” she begs, pushing back against me until I slip deeper inside.
Sweat breaks out all over my body with the effort it takes to hold myself still behind her and not pound into her ass. She’s so tight and hot and, with every rock of her hips against my fingers, she brings me deeper inside her all on her own.
“F*ck-shit-oh, my God,” she whimpers incoherently as I add pressure with my fingers against her *.
As slowly as I can, I push myself a little further inside her ass, stopping when I feel her relax around my cock as her orgasm quickly bubbles back to the surface.
Wrapping my arm around her waist, I hold her tightly to me and slowly rock against her without going deeper. I want to pull my cock completely out and slam fully inside her, but I won’t do that her first time. I’m perfectly content letting her dictate how little or how much she can take this time.
“Jesus, Lee. You feel so f*cking perfect,” I groan as she pushes back against me.
Her ass grips me like a fist and I know I’m not going to be able to last much longer.
“Keep going. F*ck, keep going,” she begs loudly.
I hold my breath and squeeze my eyes closed as I slowly push forward until my hips are pressed tightly against her ass. I hear her panting and whimpering as I hold myself still.
“Say something, Lee. Tell me if this is okay,” I beg.
When she doesn’t immediately reply, I start to pull out of her, my concern for her greater than my need to experience this with her. Her hand flies back and grips my hip, holding me in place.
“It’s okay, I’m okay. It hurts, but it feels good at the same time. Just give me a second.”
Letting out the breath I was holding, I’m prepared to give her as much time as she needs even though all I want to do is move.
I start circling my fingers around her * again, slowly at first and then speeding up the movement. Within seconds, her back arches and she screams as her orgasm bursts out of her.
“I’m coming! Oh f*ck, I’m coming!”
Her * throbs beneath my fingers and her ass milks my cock with each pulse of her release until my own orgasm explodes out of me. I didn’t even need to move in and out of her, just having my cock sheathed inside her tight hole and feeling her squeeze around me is enough to drive me right to the edge and tumble over.
My come fills her ass and my fingers continue circling her * as another tremor wracks her body, this one smaller than the last but just as powerful going by her shouts of pleasure.
When we’re both sated and panting heavily, I pull my cock out of her and we collapse next to each other in a heap of exhaustion and sweat. With the last of my strength, I wrap my arms around her body and pull her back against my chest. The desire to tell her that I love her overwhelms me, but I bite my tongue and keep my thoughts to myself. I don’t want her to think I’m saying it because of what just happened.
With a kiss to the back of her head, I slide out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. I’ve never used the Jacuzzi tub in my master bath since I bought this house a month ago and now I know why. I was waiting for the right moment and it doesn’t get any more perfect than this. When the tub is filled with warm, soapy water, I head back into the bedroom to find Finnley asleep. I slide my arms under her naked body and pull her up to my chest as she yawns and opens her eyes. She leans up and kisses my chin as I walk towards the bathroom, the look on her face so sated and sexy that I feel my cock stirring below us. I step into the tub with her still in my arms, sinking down into the hot water as she sighs contentedly, twisting in my arms until she’s straddling my lap.
She cups handfuls of soapy water in her hands and pours them over my chest and shoulders, running her palms over my skin as she goes. Her wet hand skims over the tattoo on my right bicep, staring at it intently. “I’ve seen this before and I know it has a name. What’s it called?”
Removing my hands from the edge of the tub, I slide them into the water and glide them up her wet thighs until I’m gripping her hips.
“It’s called a Maltese Cross. I got it the day I graduated from the fire academy.”
With the tips of her fingers, she traces the design and, even with the heat of the water, I suddenly get a chill from her touch.
“Is there meaning behind it, or is it just the universal symbol for firefighters?”
I’ve heard this story so many times you would think that I’d be tired of telling it, but something about explaining it to Finnley right now makes it feel like the first time. I’ll never forget that first day in class at the academy when our instructor put a picture of the cross up on the chalkboard and told us its history and the meaning behind it. The blood started pumping faster in my veins and I knew, right in that moment, that I was exactly where I was supposed to be.
“It dates back to somewhere in the eleventh century. According to legend, a band of crusaders known as the Knights of St. John were fighting the Saracens for possession of the Holy Land. As the Knights advanced on the walls of the city, the Saracens used a new weapon that no one had ever used in battle before—fire. They launched flaming glass bombs at the Knights, but the Knights never stopped moving forward. They were covered in fire but they kept going to save their brothers. They became the first firefighters in history.”
I look down at my arm and watch her fingers continue to trace around each piece of the intricate design.
“The Maltese Cross became a symbol of protection. It means that the firefighter who wears it is willing to lay down his life for you, just like the Knights of St. John. They say that the cross is a firefighter’s badge of honor, signifying that he works in courage—a ladder rung away from death.”
Her eyes meet mine and the intensity in them overwhelms me. “It’s perfect. It’s exactly the type of mark you should have on you. You were always the most courageous person I ever knew, Collin. The fact that you put your life on the line for strangers on a daily basis doesn’t come as a shock to me at all.”
Tell her you love her, a*shole. Tell her right now.
“I have always wanted a tub like this in my house,” Finnley tells me, quickly changing the subject like she knew I was one second away from making things even more serious.
She reaches for the bar of soap sitting on the edge by the wall and I watch as she dips her hand with the soap pressed against her palm under the water, finding my cock and sliding her hand gently up and down my quickly hardening length.
It takes me a minute to answer her as she continues to run her soap-filled hand up and down my cock. “Well, now you don’t need one. You can use mine anytime you want.”
She stares into my eyes as she pulls her hand away and drops the soap to the bottom of the tub, quickly bringing her hand back to me. I close my eyes and let my head drop to the edge of the tub, humming in approval as she tightens her fist around my cock and pumps her hand faster from base to tip.
She continues to work me over with her expert hand until I can’t take it anymore. Lifting my head up, I grab onto her hips and pull her up my thighs. She leans up on her knees and positions my cock right at her entrance, keeping her eyes locked tightly to mine as she slowly lowers herself onto me. We both groan as she moves her body down onto my cock until our thighs our touching.
I sit forward in the tub and wrap my arms around her body, pulling her flush against my chest as her palms move to my cheeks and she holds my face in her hands. I press my lips to hers as she begins rocking against me, my cock slowly sliding in and out of her. She glides her tongue across my bottom lip and I immediately part my lips, pulling her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues swirl lazily around each other while our bodies move with the same unhurried speed. I don’t think I’ve ever ‘made love’ before and I know for a fact I’ve never even thought those words in my head. I’ve always f*cked and I’ve f*cked hard. What we’re doing right now, this slow rocking against each other, is equally hot and filled with so much emotion, I can almost feel it burning a hole in my chest. Our kisses become deeper, our mouths moving faster even as our bodies continue the slow buildup. When I feel her start to clench around me and she moans into my mouth, I break our kiss, pulling back so that I can watch her. She’s f*cking gorgeous all the time, but I’ll never get over the way she looks when she comes. When I hear her sigh my name, my cock immediately swells and my own orgasm follows quickly behind.
She opens her eyes and stares down at me, running her hands through my hair over and over. She takes her time, slowly kissing my cheeks, my chin, my nose and my forehead until the water starts to grow cold around us.
I lift her up and out of the water, drying us both off in between more kisses. When I scoop her up into my arms and carry her back into the bedroom, she laughs and I know in that moment I’ve never heard a better sound. Sliding her under the covers and moving in behind her, I pull her tightly against my chest.
As her breathing slows and she drifts off to sleep in my arms, I know without a doubt that a part of me has always been in love with Finnley. Being with her these last two weeks has only amplified those feelings.
As my own eyelids grow heavy with sleep, I realize that I have plenty of time to tell her how I feel. Now that I’ve found her again, I have no intention of letting her go. We have nothing but time spreading out in front of us and I have no problem waiting until I know she’s ready to hear me say the words that are on the tip of my tongue.

Tara Sivec's books