A Shade of Blood (A Shade of Vampire 2)


Breathless, Claudia and I rolled to our sides on her king-sized canopy bed. I pulled my arm from beneath her bare form, so I could sit over the edge of the bed and reach toward the table where I laid a pack of cigarettes. I propped myself up, leaning my back against the bed’s headboard before lighting up a cigarette.

I could feel Claudia’s eyes on me. She was often the girl I ran to whenever I needed a quick tumble in the bed. She served her purpose well. Of course, the entire time we were screwing each other, it wasn’t really Claudia on my mind. It was Sofia.

My brother’s slave managed to etch herself permanently on my subconscious from the very moment I first laid eyes on her and found myself wanting her – only to realize that she could never be mine. When I finally got a taste of her blood, I was a lost cause. I couldn’t get her out of my head. The fragile little twig.

“Word’s out that Derek has got Cameron out on a full-scale hunt for you. They’re hunting you as we speak.” Six-hundred-year-old Claudia rolled her seventeen-year-old body over the bed so that she was lying on her stomach. She grabbed the cigarette I just lit before I could start smoking it and took a good, long whiff.

I glared at her, noting the amusement in her eyes. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

She laughed. “You know I am. Can you blame me? You preying on Derek’s precious little pet… Derek hunting you down… You, prince of The Shade, the royal highness himself, hiding out with me, ready for my bed whenever I please.” She eyed me pointedly before saying with flair, “How the mighty have fallen.”

I scowled at her, but it wasn’t like I was in any position to dispute her delusions. Whether I liked it or not, I was at her mercy. I hated owing Claudia anything, but she was the only person among the Elite whose depravity and selfishness could equal – perhaps even exceed – mine. We’d had each other’s backs for centuries simply because we allowed each other to indulge our dark sides. Hell, I wasn’t even sure if Claudia had a side that wasn’t made of pure evil. What I was sure of was that she wouldn’t betray me by handing me over to Derek.

I lit another cigarette and pressed it to my lips.

“Do you really think Derek has it in him to kill you?” Claudia asked.

“He was going to. I could see it in his eyes. The human girl stopped him.”

“Oh, that’s rich. She saved you. Now, you owe her your life.”

“I don’t owe her anything.” I blew out smoke, annoyed by where the conversation was going. It was me who found Sofia. She was supposed to be mine. I had the right to do with her as I pleased.

“If you say so… Be that as it may, you can’t keep hiding here forever. What are you planning to do now you’re being hunted down?”

“I don’t know.”

“You could always escape…”

“Oh yeah? And go where?” I took another puff from my cigarette. Claudia had already thrown hers away.

“Well, there’s only one other coven who has it almost as good as we have.”

I scoffed at the implication. “No way.”

“Where else are you going to go? The Oasis is the only logical option.”

I shortly entertained the idea in my mind. I found the prospect appealing for two reasons: seeing the legendary Oasis, and finally meeting Borys’ right-hand woman, Ingrid. She was rumored to possess beauty unlike any other.

“Though the prospect of finally laying eyes on this mysterious pet Borys just added to his clan is not without its allure, you must’ve forgotten who I am, Claudia. I’m Lucas Novak. Novak. The Maslens will have my head the moment my feet hit Cairo.”

Claudia shrugged. “Well, it really isn’t my problem, is it? All I know is that you have to get out of here as soon as possible, because if they find out I’m aiding and abetting a criminal, I’m sure Derek won’t hesitate to rip my heart out.”

I gave her a wary glare. Claudia … such a sympathetic friend. I tossed my cigarette into a nearby ashtray and turned toward her. I pushed her back so that she was lying flat on the bed. “Sometimes, I wonder where your loyalties lie, Claudia.”

“That’s easy.” She smirked. “I’m loyal to me.”

“Of course you are.” I rolled my eyes. “I’ll be out of your hair in no time, Claudia, but for now…” I kissed her deeply. She tasted of blood and nicotine. I distracted myself with the pleasures she provided one more time. I knew I still had a couple of days to spare. The real danger was when the impetuous and insane blonde vampire writhing beneath me finally got bored of me. Until then, she would keep me safe. Until then, escape could wait.