Treasure Tides

Chapter FOUR “Damn. Late again,” Becki muttered as she zoomed into Kurt’s driveway.

She grabbed the grocery bag containing ice cream, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and nuts, slammed the car door, and headed for the back yard where everyone had gathered.

As she walked through the gate, she heard the inevitable goading. “Glad you could make it before we were finished this time,” Kurt called. He was sitting in a lawn chair with his feet propped up on a fivegallon bucket, drinking a beer and monitoring dinner which was currently boiling in a large stock pot over a propane burner.

“Wow, it’s still daylight and everything,” Landon felt compelled to add.

“Natie, was she late to school every day, too?” Jonah chimed in, though he already knew the answer to that one; he had been in her morning English class.

“You can all kiss my ass,” Becki answered with a grin and kept right on walking. “I need to get this in the freezer and say ‘hi’ to the girls. I’ll be right back. Nat, pour me a drink, and make it a strong one I need it!”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Natie replied, turning away to hide a grin playing at her lips.

If you only knew, she thought, as she added a liberal shot of alcohol to Becki’s glass.


“Hi girls,” Becki called to Clarissa, Leann, and Mandy. “What’s up?” she asked her cousins as she deposited the bag on the counter.

“Playing on the computer,” Mandy, piped up immediately. She was the youngest at 12 years old. Her Mamaw maintained that she had been vaccinated with a victrola needle as a baby.

Leann once told her, in all seriousness, “Mandy, you do love to talk.”

To which Mandy nodded her head in agreement and replied, “Ummhm, yes, I know.”

Becki had almost fallen off the couch laughing.

Leann, zoned into a game she was playing, absently answered, “Humm… What? Did you say something?” Finally, immerging from cyber fog, Leann noticed Becki standing in the kitchen.

“Oh, hi Becki,” she called and the next second returned her attention to the game.

Everyone laughed while Leann had tuned everything out at will.

Clarissa, who was chatting on mobile Facebook, walked into the kitchen, “Whatcadoin’?” she asked, thumbs flying over the buttons on her cell phone. Clarissa could text faster than most people could type.

“I’m just putting dessert in the freezer. Is anything interesting going on at school?” Becki asked.

“Nope, just the same old boring stuff. What’s for desert?” Clarissa asked as her phone vibrated with a new message.

“Ice Cream,” Becki answered, knowing the girls loved ice cream as much as she did. It was a genetic thing.

Looking at the new message on her phone, Clarissa exclaimed, “oops… gotta go. Talk later!”

She scooted out of the kitchen and disappeared up the stairs in the blink of an eye, as she headed toward the privacy of her bedroom.

“Ok, fine, don’t mind me,” Becki yelled up the steps. “I guess I’m chopped liver,” Becki muttered to herself with a grin.


Royce and Sean drove into the cul-de-sac in Royce’s new red Corvette 3ZR. After spending two years trapped in a box at the bottom of the ocean, he figured he deserved a little extravagance. His new baby would go from zero to sixty in 3.4 seconds and rode like a dream. Sean had been like a kid in a candy shop when they had walked into the dealership.

He parked carefully, blocking in Becki’s car as Sean had suggested. Just in case.

Natie bounced out of the garage as they walked up the driveway. Royce noticed that Sean seemed a little flushed, maybe even nervous.

“What’s up?” he asked Sean very quietly.

“Uh…nothing,” Sean answered, seemingly unable to take his eyes off the petite blond headed their way.

“Ahhh,” Royce said, “nothing. I understand.”

“Hi guys,” Natie said as she approached them. “Nice wheels you’ve got there.”

Sean seemed to have trouble swallowing at the moment. Royce sensed it might have something to do with the blue-eyed blond standing before them.

“Thanks,” Royce answered, “and thanks for the dinner invitation.” He handed Natie the smaller of two bouquets he carried with him.

Burying her nose in the blooms, she peaked up through her lashes and admitted, “Yea, about that-- Becki doesn’t exactly know you were invited.”

Royce smiled.

“Don’t you make me sorry I did this,” Natie warned, lifting her nose from the fragrant blooms.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Royce assured. “I promise you. Where is she?”

“She is in the house bugging the girls right now. Come on, I’ll get you both a cool beverage and introduce you to everyone.”

As Natie escorted Sean and Royce into the garage, Kurt and Landon immediately stood. Natie had explained that she had invited both men to join them for dinner.

Kurt had spoken with Ryker Senior a few hours ago, and Ry had assured him that Royce was one of the best team leaders in the history of ART. The fact that his father was the highly respected and highly decorated Aaron St. John helped to smooth any remaining doubts Kurt might have had. From what Ryker said, Royce was following very closely in his father’s footsteps. Kurt had filled Landon in on the conversation just before Natie and Jonah arrived.

“Welcome,” Kurt said as he extended his hand in greeting.

Royce quickly transferred the large bouquet of flowers to his left hand and shook Kurt’s hand with a firm grip.

“I assume you talked with Ry?” Royce guessed.

“You bet. I look after what is mine,” Kurt said with a grin, and then turned to shake Sean’s hand as well.

“Kurt Rodgers,” he introduced himself to the younger man, “and this is my friend Landon Smith,” he continued nodding toward Landon who was standing a few feet away. “Grab a beer, and make yourselves at home.”

“Thank you, Sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sir” Sean said as he shook Kurt’s hand.

As Sean turned to greet Landon, his wrist meter began vibrating. He stiffened immediately as he turned to face Royce with wide eyes.

Shit! Kurt had forgotten about the hi-tech gadgetry ART had access to. That damn watch had picked up on Landon’s secret. He smoothly inserted himself between Sean and Landon fully aware that Natie and Jonah were watching with avid curiosity.

Making direct eye-contact with Royce, Kurt said, “Landon has been my best friend for more than twenty years. We have no secrets,” he continued, “and he protects my family as if it were his own.”

Kurt had effectively addressed any concerns Royce and Sean might have had while at the same time skillfully dancing around secrets that needed to be kept.

“Understood,” Royce said extending his hand to Landon. “Royce St. John, we met earlier today. Nice to see you again, Sir. Sorry about that,” he said softly, nodding toward Sean who was currently resetting his watch-gadget.

“No problem,” Landon said.

As he noticed the huge bouquet Royce was still clutching in his left hand, Landon raised an eyebrow.

“Pissed her off, huh?” he guessed.

Royce released a heavy sigh of regret and confirmed Landon’s suspicion, “Yes, Sir, in a big way.”

Natie danced over to Sean and handed him a beer.

“I love this song,” smiled Natie. “It’s a new local artist, and she is just as beautiful as she is talented.”

“You’re beautiful,” Sean said quietly; too quietly to be heard above the music filtering through the yard.

Unsure of how to respond, Natie sidestepped the issue by commenting, “What could Becki possibly be doing in there? I’m ready to get this show on the road.”

Flashing Sean a conspiring look she called, “Royce, why don’t you go let Becki know dinner is almost ready; if you go in through the back door, she should be right there in the kitchen.”

Sean grinned, and said softly, “She is going to kill you.”

“Nah,” Natie said, and then tipped her head back to drain her glass, “Becki’s bark is worse than her bite.”

Sean caught his breath when twin dimples broke out as Natie grinned up at him.


Becki was seated on the couch between Mandy and Leann as they played games on their respective laptops.

“Ohh, get that one, Mandy,” she suggested as she pointed to a funny looking creature floating across the computer screen.

“Good job!” She cheered, as “Welcome To Level 10” flashed on Mandy’s screen.

Becki gave the girls a hug before standing up to make her way to the kitchen.

“I’m so pumped about Frogmore Stew tonight! I think I’ll whip up some brownies to go with the ice cream.”

As she stretched to reach for the mixing bowl on the top shelf of the pantry, the back door opened.

“I’ll be right there, Natie. I’m just goanna throw in some brownies super quick. Believe me, I need a chocolate fix after the eff’ed up day I’ve had,” she confided.

Suddenly a large body sandwiched her against the pantry shelves from behind. An arm extended over her head to grasp the mixing bowl she had been reaching for.

“Let me help you with that,” a familiar voice whispered in her ear.

Becki let out a bloodcurdling scream as she spun around to face Royce.

Because of their height difference, her nose was buried in his chest, and OMG did he smell good. Becki closed her eyes, and could not stop herself from inhaling his masculine scent.

Never one to waste an opportunity, Royce dropped his lips to her ear and began nibbling.

She gasped and pushed against him, successfully dislodging his lips, but not his arms, which were currently wrapped around her waist.

“Shit, Royce! What are you doing here?” Becki sputtered.

“Language!” Leann reminded.

Becki rolled her eyes. Leann didn’t pay attention when you wanted her attention but never failed to hear every word of something you didn’t want her to hear.

“Yes! Language,” Mandy piped up adding her two-cents.

“Sorry,” Becki apologized to the girls.

“What are you doing here?” she asked again, taking care to watch her language and speak more softly this time.

“I needed to see you,” Royce answered honestly.

“Oh for God’s sake,” Becki responded angrily, rubbing one palm over her forehead, “I’m so over this. Really, I’m not having this conversation with you.”

“I needed to see you because--” Royce began.

“Suddenly you need to see me?” Becki interrupted with heavy sarcasm and a rapidly paling face.

Fury settled over her and she began tossing his own words, his own excuses, back in his face.

“You didn’t have any desire to see me earlier today!” she reminded.

“Do the words ‘hell no’ ring any bells for you? What about; ‘I can’t get involved.’ Do you remember saying that? ‘I can’t, get involved,’ you said. You gave me some bullshit about secrets, and treasure hunting, and danger. Remember? Do you remember all that? No? Well I remember,” she concluded.

Becki struggled to free herself from his embrace. She had become more and more upset as she hurled excuses at him as if they were daggers.

Mad did not even begin to cover the emotion she felt boiling over, the emotion currently threatening to spill from her tear-filled eyes. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself. She was absolutely not going to do this…not here, not now, not in this lifetime.

With one mighty push, she broke free.

“Leave me alone, Royce,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “Seriously, just go away and leave me alone.”

Assuming he would do as she asked and leave, she spun toward the refrigerator and began pulling out butter and eggs, only to slam them down on the cabinet.

“Becki, do I need to go get Dad?” Leann asked looking concerned. She stood poised ready to race out the back door for help.

Becki took a calming breath and turned to reassured her. “No, honey; I’m fine, just mad at this assho--, uh--, oaf right now,” she said looking directly at Royce for the first time.

“Royce, meet my cousin Leann. Her sisters Mandy and Clarissa are around here somewhere.”

Royce picked up the bouquet of flowers he had laid on the counter and immediately crouched down to Leann’s level.

“Becki is mad at me because I said some stupid things earlier today. I’m trying to talk her into forgiving me,” he said with sad eyes. “I brought flowers hoping that would help, but I don’t seem to be doing very well. Do you have any ideas?” he asked quietly.

“Good luck with that,” Leann said with brutal honesty. “When Becki gets mad, she stays mad for days. One time, her other boyfriend, the one who was not kid-friendly,” Leann felt compelled to clarify, “didn’t--”

“That’s enough, Leann,” Becki quickly interrupted, putting an end to what was sure to be an embarrassing recounting of one of the many times she had been disappointed in the past.

“Go find your sisters and tell them dinner is almost ready,” Becki instructed, hoping to distract both Leann and Royce. It was hard to predict where that conversation might have gone.

“Just sayin…” Leann shouted over her shoulder as she ran toward the stairs.

“Brat! Whose side are you on anyway?” Becki protested.

Royce chuckled as he stood.

“Hm,” he said, glancing in the direction of stairs Leann had taken, “I think I’ll follow up on that a little later.”

“Don’t even think about it,” Becki threatened with narrowed eyes.

He didn’t utter another word as he began moving slowly toward Becki.

As he advanced, she retreated in a futile attempt to keep him from getting closer to her, or worse yet, touching her. She couldn’t think when he touched her, and she needed to think. She needed to keep her guard firmly in place.

Bump. She felt the kitchen counter at her back. “Royce,” she managed to croak through her suddenly paralyzed vocal chords.

He did not hesitate or slow his advance one iota. He continued to move steadily toward her not stopping until his body was plastered against hers from head to toe.

“I’m so very sorry, Becki,” he whispered looking deeply into her dark chocolate eyes. “I’m sorrier than you know.”

“I don’t think this is a good idea, Royce. I don’t think I can--”

“I was wrong,” he interjected without giving her a chance to continue with that train of thought. “Please forgive me.”

Becki felt moisture collect in her eyes, and then to her great horror, it began to stream down her cheeks.

Royce caught a tear with his thumb as he continued, “Let’s have dinner with your family and just enjoy the evening, no pressure. We can work the rest out later, ok?”

“Fine, dinner, that’s it; that’s all I’m willing to give right now,” Becki snapped, spinning away from him.

Royce watched her move away from him. Ok, this was not going to be easy, but it was probably more than he deserved. Three pairs of feet suddenly pounded down the stairs reminding him of a small cattle stampede. Leann had returned, and brought along reinforcements. Royce knew he had one shot to put the girls at ease and let them know that he was not a threat to Becki.

“Hi, Ladies,” he said, as he moved to take a seat at the table, strategically placing himself beside the flowers he had just put there. Flashing a sexy grin guaranteed to melt the heart of any woman or child, he said, “Sooo, tell me, what do you like to do for fun? “

Becki noticed his intentional staging and couldn’t help but admire his skill.

In no time at all, they were complimenting the beautiful flower arrangement he had brought with him, talking about his “awesome” car, and wrangling promises out of him to take them for a ride.

“Brownies are in the oven,” Becki said walking toward the group, “Let’s go out and see how dinner is moving along.”

Leann and Clarissa each put an arm around her, enveloping her in a group hug. Thankfully, she was feeling a little more calm and collected, but hugs were always good. Mandy had climbed on Royce’s lap and was currently explaining to him the typical body structure of a crustacean. Yes, she did love to talk!

Royce had won the girls over and in the process melted some of the frost around her heart. The girls were very important to her, like little sisters, and it was important for them to feel comfortable with whomever she would bring into their lives.

Mandy scooted off Royce’s lap and gave Becki a belated hug on her way to the door.

“Hot,” Clarissa whispered giving Becki the thumbs-up sign as she headed out the door.

“Let’s get this party staaarrrted,” they heard Leann say. As she closed the door behind her, Becki and Royce were left alone inside the house.

Royce looked at Becki in surprise, and suddenly they both began to laugh.

“All I can say is ‘the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree’ with that one,” Becki managed. Judging from stories she had heard of Kurt’s youthful escapades, he was in for a wild ride over the next few years.

Royce silently stretched his hand toward Becki.

“You don’t play fair,” she accused, as she placed her hand in his.

“Nope,” he admitted, pulling close enough to drop a butterfly kiss on the top of her head.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he led Becki outside to the party. As they joined the group, he caught Natie’s eye. “Thanks,” he mouthed with a wink.

Natie smiled, raised her glass, and winked right back.

Sean and Landon appeared to be deep in conversation about tides, ocean currents, maps, and legends. Kurt and Jonah had just dumped a large pot of potatoes, corn-on-the-cob, sausage, and shrimp on a picnic table covered in newspaper. Becki’s young cousins and Natie raced to the table each bragging that they would be the one to find the largest shrimp. Mandy had been the lucky winner last time. Since the rules stated that she had to wait until the other girls had chosen one shrimp each, she danced along the sidelines urging them to ‘Hurry up already!’

“A girl could starve here!” Mandy complained, anxious to join in the fun.

Family, laughter, music and food-- Royce suddenly missed home.

The wind did not seem to be blowing as hard as it had been earlier, but the tropical storm was expected to make landfall tonight.

Royce and Becki sat on the porch swing holding hands and watching the girls hunt for shrimp-treasure.

“It doesn’t get any better than this, does it?”

“I love spending time with my family,” Becki said resting her head on Royce’s shoulder.

“I know you do, and they love you.”

“I’m one lucky girl,” she agreed, “and, I’ve got the hottest date tonight, Clarissa said so.”

Royce chuckled, “Kurt is going to have his hands full with those girls in few years.”


As darkness fell and stomachs filled, a deep sense of contentment settled over Royce. He found himself wondering what it would feel like to be part of something like this on a permanent basis. It was evident that Landon’s secret was known only by Kurt, and also evident that he was as protective of this family, as he would be of his pack.

Landon was clearly an alpha. Royce couldn’t help but wonder where the rest of his pack was. No doubt they were within shouting-- or rather howling-- distance.

Landon and Sean had spent the evening working on tides, currents, calculations and projections. Since the Witches had dumped Royce into the ocean, it stood to reason they might have hidden the coin in the water as well.

Ironically, Witches could not touch the coin directly, but they could have used magic to move the coin. However, there were limitations imposed by Merlin there as well; if they had used magic to move the coin, it could only have been moved to a destination within their direct line of sight. This safeguard prevented a Witch from simply grabbing the coin and using her magic to disappear taking the coin with her.

Hopefully, when Joanna arrived, she would be able to channel enough energy to lift the cloaking spell long enough to let Sean lock in on the coordinates of the coin’s current location. At that point, it would be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

The winds were picking up again and rain would most likely begin to fall within the next thirty minutes, if not sooner.

“I had better head toward home,” Becki said standing up to stretch. “Bee doesn’t do so well in strong winds,” Becki said, referring to her little yellow car. “She kind of gets tossed around like a grain of sand.”

“I need to get back to the hotel and finish packing. I wish we didn’t have to go back home tomorrow,” Natie said, as she pulled a cell phone out of her pocket.

“I wish you didn’t have to go back at all,” Becki said. “I’ll run you back to the hotel.”

“I’m not going across the bridge in that toy car,” Natie said. “You’re crazy.”

“I wouldn’t either. That would be scaaarrryyy,” Mandy agreed, scraping the last bit of ice cream out of her bowl.

“I’ll call Jonah to pick me up,” Natie responded as she began dialing.

He had driven back to their hotel right after dinner using the excuse that he had a long drive tomorrow and needed to rest-up for it. Good riddance as far as everyone else was concerned.

Natie had enjoyed a carefree evening with her family and had also enjoyed the eye-candy on the scene. She had not had an opportunity to talk privately with Sean though, and she was somewhat bummed about that. She would never actually cheat on Jonah. She didn’t play those games; however, spending time with someone who treated her with respect and kindness had forced her to take a good hard look at her current situation with Jonah.

Their “relationship” was actually a “non-relationship”, very onesided…his side. Sure, he gave into her if she bitched long enough, but that was getting old. Yes, Jonah was in for a big surprise when he got back to Indiana; “stick-a-fork-in-her” she was done with his crap.

Natie smiled thinking that Becki would be soooo happy. She tried to hide it, but Becki seriously detested Jonah.

“We will follow you home, Becki,” Royce said as he finished picking up the folding chairs to secure them in the garage for the night. The winds might get strong enough to blow them around, so it was better to be safe than sorry. The weather reports ranged from predicting heavy rains and strong winds to light showers with a strong breeze. This particular storm was proving to be extremely unpredictable.

“Right, because your sports car is so much bigger and heavier than my Bee,” Becki said with a lot of sass and a flip of her hair. “I have managed to drive all over this city and beyond before you came along. I’m sure I can make it across the connector just fine all by myself.”

“That may be so, but we will follow you just the same,” Royce said with enough authority to end the discussion.

“Well that’s just great,” Natie said pressing the end call button. She had tried to call Jonah five times but could not get him to answer his phone.

Kurt had noticed the way Natie and Sean glanced at each other when they thought the other was not looking. He also noticed that Natie had relaxed tonight and spent most of the evening laughing, which was a rarity these days.

“Sean, why don’t you run Natie back across the bridge,” Kurt said. Feeling a little like cupid, he tossed Sean his keys. “Landon and I will meet you and Royce for breakfast in the morning; I can pick up my truck then.”

Sean caught the keys as they sailed toward him and quickly said, “Sure. I will be glad to. Are you ready to go, Natie?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Natie said tightly.

She said her goodbyes a little tearfully. It was always hard to leave. Natie had wanted to move closer to her family, but Jonah would never agree to it. Of course, that wouldn’t be an issue much longer.

“I love you all,” she called as she walked out through the gate and climbed into Kurt’s truck with Sean.

As they drove away, Sean glanced at her and asked, “Are you ok?”

Natie nodded, but a big fat tear gave her away as it rolled down her cheek and plopped onto her lap. She sniffed, and Sean could not stop himself from reaching over to drag her across the seat toward him. When she was satisfactorily settled at his side, he wrapped his arm around her and kept it there.

“We have a little time before the storm hits. Do you want to stop and get a latté, maybe decompress a little?” he asked.

When Natie looked at him, Sean was struck by her big blue eyes and spikey lashes.

“Yes, please,” she said in a quiet voice. He fell a little in love right then and there.

“We’ll cross the bridge and find a coffee shop downtown, ok?”

Natie nodded her head in agreement and wiped her tears away.

“That sounds great,” She said snuggling close to him. Just for a minute.


Royce had stowed the rest of the furniture in the garage, and Kurt was carrying the last load of left-overs into the house.

Becki had run inside to tell the girls she was leaving and happened to be exiting as Kurt was entering. She reached out to hug him as they passed each other in the doorway.

“Dinner was great, as always,” she complimented.

“Glad you could make it,” Kurt responded politely.

Becki rolled her eyes. He hadn’t given her much of a choice.

“Better ‘batten down the hatches’ mate,” she suggested as she moved from the porch.

“You, too,” Kurt instructed. “Be careful going home,” he added as he made eye contact with Royce.

Royce nodded slightly in response to Kurt’s unspoken inquiry. He would be following Becki home whether she liked it or not.

“You don’t have to follow me home Royce. It’s in the opposite direction of where you are going, and the storm is closing in on us,” Becki said, just as Kurt predicted.

“My red beast holds the road and goes fast,” Royce said with a grin. “A little wind won’t make any difference. I’m sure we’ll be fine…don’t you worry.”

“Whatever. Let’s go then, so you can get back downtown before the skies open up.”

Royce walked to Becki’s yellow Bee and held the door open for her. Of course, he collected a quick smacking kiss as payment for his efforts.

“Drive carefully, and slowly,” he instructed.

“Yes, Sir,” Becki returned with a saucy salute.

“I don’t suppose I could talk you into leaving her here and letting me drive you home?” he asked hopefully.

She shook her head, “Not a chance, I need to have my car tomorrow. I will be just fine, Royce.”

Royce sighed is resignation, “It was worth a try. I mean it, drive slowly and carefully.”

Trees rustled around them, and the atmosphere felt strange as the air pressure began to drop. The worst part of the storm was supposed to hit in the early hours of the morning. There was a possibility of sustained winds between 40 and 50 miles per hour. Becki was not a fan of storms, and she shivered a little at the thought of weathering it alone.

Tropical storm Betty was not expected to develop into a hurricane, but the news stations had warned that power outages were possible due to downed trees and power lines. Becki loved rain showers but hated storms. Lightning and strong winds were not her friends.

“I’m always careful,” Becki said as she started her car. “You don’t have to follow me all the way out to Isle of Palms; it’s out of your way. Seriously, I’ll be just fine.”

Royce gave her a this-conversation-is-over look. “I’ll be right behind you,” he promised and dropped a quick kiss on her lips.

She watched Royce, admiring the fit of his jeans, as he moved toward his beast. That car cost more than she would make in five years. Becki shook her head- boys and their toys.

“Drive slowly my ass,” She muttered and pressed the gas pedal to the floor as usual.

The drive home was uneventful if you didn’t count that one moment of unease when a gust of wind blasted her car; rocking it from side to side. She had gripped the steering wheel a little more tightly, and as soon as the gust passed, sped the rest of the way home.

Parking in front of her house, Becki breathed a sigh of relief and flashed her headlights at Royce. She assumed he would want to continue on his way as quickly as possible.

She jumped out of the car and ran toward the front door. Rain had just begun to fall on the island.

Royce parked and within seconds stood behind Becki as she struggled to unlock the front door.

“Was there some confusion regarding my request to drive slowly?” Royce growled.

Becki chose not to respond. Her hands were shaking, and she was busy trying to fit the key into the lock.

Strong arms suddenly encircled her from behind as Royce guided the key into the lock. As soon as the door opened, he followed her inside, kicking the door closed behind him.

Becki slipped off her shoes and started toward the living room. She had not even taken a full step in that direction when a hand snaked out to spin her around.

Royce took two steps forward, effectively pinning her between his body and the wall.

“Was there some confusion regarding my request to drive slowly?” Royce repeated, anger churning below the surface.

“I did drive slowly,” Becki defended. Well, except for the last few miles. However, she was not willing to admit to an infraction of any sort while he was radiating testosterone all over the place.

“Right, next time your ass is in the car with me. Understand?”

“Royce, I was perfec--”

“I’m not going through that ever again,” he muttered just before his lips captured hers.

Becki melted against Royce. She loved being surrounded by him, protected by him. Minutes ticked by as she and Royce became lost in the moment. Suddenly the entire house shook as thunder rolled over them.

Becki managed to free her lips long enough to say, “Royce, you had better get going.”

“Mmmmm,” Royce absently agreed, as he lowered his lips toward hers once again.

“You may not be able to get across the bridges if you wait much longer,” she warned.

Lights flickered, and Becki pushed Royce back a step, but quickly softened the action by leaning in to kiss his cheek.

“Royce, it is going to get bad out there. You need to get moving.”

“Maybe I should stay here. What if the power goes off?” Royce suggested hopefully. Everyone knows girls are afraid of the dark.

“I’ll…light a candle?” Becki offered sarcastically.

“Who will keep the boogey man away?” Royce persevered with a smile.

Becki put her finger in the middle of his chest as she said, “Royce, the Boogey Man is a myth…along with the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Werewolves, Vampires, and Witches. I’ve not come to a steadfast conclusion yet about Aliens.”

“Oh, you never know,” he said mysteriously, as he wrapped his arms around her once again. “Are you sure you’ll be ok here by yourself?”

“Yes. I’m completely exhausted,” Becki answered with a yawn. “I’ll probably sleep through most of the storm anyway.” She could always hope.

The gods were conspiring against her, because at that moment a streak of lightning flashed accompanied by deafening thunder. Becki screamed and practically climbed inside Royce’s skin.

Royce chuckled, “Sleep through it, huh?”

Becki peeled herself off Royce. “You can sleep on the couch,” she conceded gracefully.

Thanking God for small favors, he agreed. “Ok, whatever you say.” He could always hope.


Royce had been lying awake for hours listening to the storm. Rain was pounding against the windows; lightning flashed intermittently, the wind was blowing, and the house creaked from time to time. Becki was on the other side of the door, but at least he knew she was safe. They had closed all of the storm shutters, filled up water jugs, and located her supply of candles. Eventually, Becki had shoved a stack of blankets at him, kissed his cheek and practically run to her room alone.

Becki had tossed and turned for the last several hours. She listened to the wind howl outside and thought about how thankful she was for Royce’s insistence that he stay with her tonight-- even if he was on the couch and she was wrapped up like a cocoon, all alone in her bed.

“Stop it,” she said aloud.

Counting sheep was rumored to help combat insomnia. However, she was now at 1,197 and not one bit closer to closing her eyes than she had been two hours ago. The bedside clock said 3:30 AM. The storm was weakening and the sun would soon be popping up over the horizon, which meant Royce would soon be leaving.

Becki was still not sure where things stood with them. Sure she was attracted to him, and she knew he was attracted to her; but honestly, where did things go from here? She was not interested in a fling. She had plenty of offers for temporary company. She was not interested in a hook-up, but was afraid to hope for something more with Royce. Her heart could not stand being broken yet again.

Suddenly, a loud crash sounded just outside her window! Becki screamed!

Royce heard the noise immediately followed by Becki’s scream. His feet hit the floor at a dead run with his heart in his throat. He burst into her room without bothering to knock.

There she sat, in the middle of her bed, wearing pink frilly pajamas with her hair pulled up high on her head, and her eyes as big as silver dollars. Judging by the dark circles under her wide eyes, she had not had any better luck sleeping than he.

“That sounded close! I hate storms,” Becki said with a shiver.

Gone was the “I’ll be fine” bravo of a few hours ago, replaced by the “scared shitless wimp” she really was when faced with lightning and thunder.

Royce didn’t need an engraved invitation. He stalked straight to the bed and climbed in beside Becki. He pulled her body up against his turning her to face away from him as he scooted down into the covers lining her head up with the soft pillow. Then he whispered, “Go to sleep, sweetheart. I’ve got you. I’ll take care of everything. Just close your eyes and go to sleep.”

“Ok,” she said, already half way there. She had not slept one minute during the long night. Between thinking of Royce lying on her couch, wondering what she could possibly have been thinking to insist he sleep all the way out there and being afraid of the storm, she was completely exhausted.

Snuggling more deeply into his arms, she closed her eyes and mumbled, “Goodnight Royce.” The words barely passed her lips before she promptly dozed off.

Royce pulled the covers over her bare shoulder and tightened his hold on her just the tiniest bit. Sleep did not come for Royce, but he was used to sleepless nights. In his line of work, all-night surveillance was not uncommon, and back-to-back twenty-four-hour shifts were more frequent than he cared to admit.

This was more enjoyable than pulling surveillance duty though, much more enjoyable, he thought with a smile.

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Deniece Greene's books