Touching Melody



The Truth Is Out

My pajama tank top smells like Kyle and I can’t help but inhale, enjoying his scent. I pull out my phone, wishing I could text him. It’s only been eight hours since I’ve seen him, but it feels like forever. He’s the last person I think about before I fall asleep and the first person I remember when I wake. If I had to choose to spend a lifetime with one person, it would be him. Without question. And it really hits me. I’m not in love with the boy Kyle was when we were eleven. I’m in love with the man he’s become. The man who could so easily have anyone, but chose me.

And I want to tell him. I want to call him up, ask him to meet me, and tell him face to face that I’m irreversibly, undeniably in love with him.

Which is crazy, right? I mean we’ve kissed. Had some serious make out sessions. But I’m still a virgin. Am I being naive?

I need to talk to Gina.

Quickly I text, I love Kyle.

Her response comes back: Bullshit. You can’t love someone you haven’t slept with. My recommendation: Lose your virginity. Kiss at least three more boys, and then get back to me.

I snort. Text: I don’t want to lose my virginity to anyone but Kyle. He’s the only person I ever think about… when I think about those kinds of things.

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You have those kinds of feelings? I thought your insides were all sunshine and rainbows.

Rude. And I’m not a prude. Occasionally there is a… storm. And it involves Kyle.

You’re weird. Whatever. You love him. But is it enough to forget about the past? What his father did?

That’s a very good question. One I don’t have the answer to. I decide to change the subject. How’s alone time with Collin?

Awesome. Getting ready to party. Want to talk more tomorrow?

K. Be safe.

You too.:)

I put in a CD and push play. My aunt and uncle are downstairs watching TV, but I still keep the music low. I sit on my bed, wrapping my arms around my waist. I’m already feeling antsy. Craving a party and the lovely, warm feelings that accompany a couple of drinks. Flopping back against my pillows, I try to get lost in the music. It’s Gina’s favorite band—Black Veil Brides. I’ve decided the lyrics aren’t horrible. In fact they’re kind of poetic. The lead singer’s voice is deep, low. I’m almost lulled to sleep when I feel my phone vibrate on my stomach.

Can I see you tonight?

I check the number. It’s from Kyle.

Um, probably not. It’s late. I would love to see him, but I don’t want to risk it. He told me he’s staying with Evan. If he were to leave that would mean Evan would know. I can’t take a chance.

I really miss you. And I didn’t get to give you a proper good-bye kiss. Please.

I sigh.

Aren’t you tired? I text back, laughing. It’s really sweet that he’s talking to me though. I was worried he might be mad.

Nah. Plus, I’m parked outside your house. Come down.

I jump off my bed and pull back the curtains. A large oak tree sits in the center of my window, but because it’s winter I can see Kyle’s Jeep through the leafless branches. It’s parked across the street beside a large snowdrift.

My aunt and uncle are still awake. I can’t. My heart is racing. I really do want to see him. The curtains fall back into place and I search the room, trying to think of an excuse to leave the house. Nothing is coming. My phone vibrates.

Are you five? Just tell them you’re going out with friends.

Holy crap. Duh. I should be afraid for Kyle. Because of what Evan said, threatened. But since he’s already here, there’s nothing I can do about it, right? And if he’s here then he’s safe. At least for now. Fine. I’ll be right down.

I run a quick brush through my hair. Pull on his sweatshirt, the one he let me borrow. Grab my black Uggs and slide them on. Then run downstairs.

“Hey, I’m going out with friends. I’ll be back later.” I open the front door.

“Hold up, darling.” Uncle John walks into the foyer. “Where ya heading?”

I shrug. “Just out.”

“With whom?” Aunt Eliza asks.

I can’t tell them it’s Kyle. They wouldn’t understand. “With some people from school.”

“People?” Uncle John deadpans.

“Fine. It’s a boy.”

Aunt Eliza steps forward, but I run down the steps. “I’ll be back in a while.”

“You have your phone?” Uncle John asks.

“Yep,” I say.

“Have fun. And remember the Titans,” Uncle John adds, tapping his nose.

“Um, okay. I will.”

Uncle John shuts the door.

I dash across the street. Kyle is wearing a hoodie and I can’t see his face. I hurry to my side, and open the door.

“Hi,” I whisper as I jump in.

“Hi yourself, Pudgy Mudgy.”

Before I have a chance to scream a cloth covers my mouth and nose, and I feel my body get hazy.


I open my eyes and sit up immediately. “Oh, shit.” My head is pounding and my stomach feels queasy. Like I have a hangover. I check my arm to see if there’s something there to prove Evan stabbed me with a needle. “Evan!” I shout, scanning the room. It’s sterile. Overly so. It doesn’t look like it belongs in the old warehouse I walked into. Four white walls. The cot I’m sitting on. A bright light overhead, a door, and an aluminum toilet in the corner. “Evan!” I twist the handle on the door. Shake it. Try to kick it in. It won’t budge. The sounds reverberate. Echo. “Evan!” I shout again, hoping the son-of-a-bitch shows his face so I can pound it. Several minutes pass. No one comes.

I sit back down on the cot. Put my head in my hands. All sorts of things run through my mind. Is this some sort of hazing prank? Did I do something—other than the normal shit—that’s made Evan mad? I’m clueless. This is so strange. I have no idea what’s going on.

Sure, Evan’s been weird lately. I figured it had to do with stress from school. I reach in my pocket to pull out my phone, but it’s gone. Evan must’ve taken it. And I’m suddenly worried. About what his stealing my phone might mean.

He wouldn’t hurt me.

There’s got to be an explanation.

We’re like brothers.

Thoughts run through my mind, but none of them make me feel any better. Because the fact is, Evan put me in here.

I lay back on the cot. Close my eyes. Try not to think about anything.

The sweet smell of Maddie’s hair fills my nose. I see her eyes light up right before I kiss her. Feel her warm skin against my fingers.

A rustling at the door brings me out of my memories. I stand, preparing myself for a fight. Two huge guys the size of concrete walls, enter. They look familiar. Friends of my dad’s.

And I’m relieved.

“You guys here to let me out?”

The one on the left is wearing a dark suit, white-buttoned shirt, and pinstriped tie. His hair is blond, pulled back in a ponytail. The other guy is in jeans and a pink golf shirt. His head is shaved and his ears are pierced, like Mr. Clean on steroids.

“Mr. Hadley would like you to sit tight and be cool. He says you’ll be out in no time.” They open the door. Baldy steps through.

“Wait. What’s this all about?” My fingers find the spot where I felt the needle go in. It’s slightly raised and feels extra warm.

Baldy and Ponytail exchange a look. Ponytail shrugs. “If Mr. Hadley hasn’t told you, we probably shouldn’t say.”

I walk up to Ponytail, anger burning my vision. “Serious. You need to let me out.” I shove my fingers into his shoulder. Faster than I believed such a big guy could move, he grabs my arm and pushes me onto the ground. My head slams against the floor. Stars dance in front of my eyes.

Ponytail says, “Stay put.” He pushes some stray hair from his face, walks out the door. I hear it being locked.

I shake the stars from my eyes and drag my sorry ass over to the cot. Blood drips from my nose, and I wipe at it. Something silver is on the white floor next to a smeared drop of blood . I fall to my knees and grab it.

It’s a key. Ponytail dropped a key. I can’t believe my luck.

I count to a thousand, hoping whoever they are, they’ve left. Then go to the door. The lock clicks. The handle turns, and I’m free.


When I come to it’s with the knowledge that I’m sitting up, but my hands are tied behind my back and to a hard wooden chair. My shoulders scream in pain. I open my eyes and scan the room. Dead animal heads are mounted on the wood-paneled walls. There’s an antelope, an elk, a bear… at least a dozen animals. Their glassy eyes seem to be giving me an accusatory glare. Like I somehow killed them, stuffed them, and hung half their bodies on display.

Completely out of place is a flat screen TV mounted between a mountain lion head and a deer head. The ceiling is low. Muted light fills the room. Beneath my feet is ugly flecked brown carpet. To the right is a bar, with dozens of bottles lined above a sink. A mirror is behind them. A pool table is directly in front of me. A card table to the left, next to a stained orange couch. The room smells musty.

From behind me I hear clomping, like someone coming down stairs, and a door opens.

I’m guessing I’m in the basement of a house.

“Oh, good, you’re awake.” Evan comes around and faces me. He’s carrying a laptop in his hands. A smug smile on his face. “We’re going to make this quick.”

I feel my eyes scrunch together. “What is going on?” I croak. My throat is dry. Fear tightens my gut and my knees are shaking.

“Here’s the thing.” He walks over to the bar, sets a small laptop on it. Pushes some buttons and then clicks on the TV.

My aunt and uncle are sitting in the living room, watching TV. My uncle’s arm is around my aunt. She’s patting his knee. They are wearing the clothes they had on when I left. They both laugh. Then my uncle looks toward the hallway, surprise evident on his face. Two men dressed in ski masks barge in. Uncle John tries to stand, but he’s knocked backward. And he grabs his chest. My aunt leans into him. There’s terror and tears on her face.

The men in ski masks both have guns, but I can’t bring myself comprehend the events taking place on the screen. “What just happened? Why did he fall like that? What are those—” The questions freeze on my lips as I see my aunt suddenly slump forward. One of the men pushes my aunt to the ground. Then my uncle. The other man comes over. Adjusts them so they’re lying on their sides, my aunt and uncle facing each other. Red is swelling and leaking from both of their bodies. It looks like my uncle is trying to talk. He reaches out to my aunt.

Tears cloud my eyes. I can’t breathe. My chest feels like someone is standing on it, crushing the life from me. And I want it. I want the release. Because this can’t be happening. Not again. “No. No. No,” I hear myself repeating.

My aunt’s lips are moving. I lean forward, desperate to know what she’s saying.

The screen goes black. I realize Evan has clicked off the screen.

“Soooooo, uncle-and-auntie-blackmail-pants are dead,” Evan says, setting the channel changer down on the counter. “Did you like the way I had them placed exactly like your parents?” He pauses a moment, then continues, “I thought it was romantic.”

My mouth opens and closes. I want to say things, do things to Evan, but I can’t. The ties have me bound to the chair, and my heart feels as though it’s exploded.

Evan shrugs. “Maybe you don’t see it that way.” He moves so his face in directly in front of mine, and I can smell his putrid breath. “Maybe you don’t remember. Let me show you.” He clicks the TV back on, and I’m transported back in time.

To my old house. My mom and dad are sitting at the table. Dad is holding a beer. Mom is doing a crossword puzzle. They are talking. My dad sets down his beer and stands. His hands come out in front of him and wave back and forth. I can read one word on his lips. “No.” He’s saying it over and over, just as I did a few moments ago. Then a man comes into the picture. It’s Evan’s uncle. Ryan. He’s holding a strange looking gun. Ryan shoots my dad. I see my mom scream and Ryan shoots her too. Then Kyle’s dad enters the room. He and Ryan are fighting, arguing. Kyle’s dad looks right at the camera. I flinch. If my heart was exploded before, it no longer exists. I didn’t think I could feel more pain. Hurt more. But I’m hurting so badly, my body goes numb. My mind blanks.

I watch the rest without feeling.

My dad struggles to reach my mother. He lies down beside her. Brushes some hair off her face. Places a hand on her hip.

A sob racks my body, breaking the silence. “Why?” I whisper.

Evan kneels down, pulls my forehead to his. “Because your mom and dad were cowards, that’s why.”

I spit in his face.

He falls back. “Bitch.” Behind the bar is a napkin, and he wipes his face. Then comes back over and slaps me so hard I see spots. “The simple answer is drugs. Your mom and dad were drug dealers, as were several officers and detectives in the police department. One of the IA pricks caught wind and started an investigation. Kyle’s dad was implicated and so was mine.” Evan slaps me again. “Your parents told them about Kyle’s dad. About my dad. They made a deal with the IA a*sholes. They intended to sing like the squawking canaries they were. My dad, Kyle’s dad couldn’t let that happen. So your parents were killed. The investigation was closed.”

“But my aunt and uncle? They never did anything.” I don’t believe a word he’s saying.

Evan slaps me again. This time my lip cracks and blood erupts from it. “The stupid f*ckers thought they could blackmail Kyle’s dad, my dad. Sure we allowed them to think they got away with it. But we were just biding our time. Now that you’re eighteen, you have access to a safety deposit box. Try as we might we haven’t been able to find the key. That’s where you come in. That’s why you’re still alive. Because we need that key, Pudgy Mudgy.”

I’m in shock. “A-A key?” I have no idea about the key he’s referring to. A shuddering breath torments my body. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Evan shakes his head. “I thought you might say that.” He presses some keys on his laptop, and the scene on the TV changes again. It’s no longer the dead bodies of my parents, but of a cot in a small room. Lying on the cot is Kyle.

“You wouldn’t,” I breathe, unable to believe what I’m seeing.

“Trust me, I don’t want to. I actually like the kid. But my father is desperate for that key. If you don’t tell me where it is, Kyle will die. And haven’t enough people already died?”

I stare at the screen. Kyle isn’t moving. He’s lying on his back. His chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. He’s alive. I’m so grateful my shoulders sag. My breath comes out in a big puff. I didn’t even realize I’d been holding it.

That still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know where the key is. I rack my brain, trying to remember conversations my aunt and uncle had with me over the years. Something that might have been important but I didn’t realize it at the time.

There is one thing my uncle says whenever our conversation turns serious. “Remember the Titans.” His catch phrase. Then he taps his nose. He’d done it right before I left the house tonight. At the realization that might’ve been the last time I see him or my aunt alive, my heart clenches. The phrase is something I thought was just one of his weird quirks—for two reasons. He owns a Titan truck, and “Remember the Titans” is his absolute favorite movie. At least that’s what he said. Now I wonder if maybe the key is in the DVD case or if it might be in his truck.

“So. What’s it going to be? Kyle’s death or the key?”

“You promise you won’t hurt Kyle if I give you that key?”

He makes a tsk-tsk sound with his mouth. Slaps my face again. “Of course, Pudgy Mudgy. I’ve no desire to kill my cousin. Right now he probably thinks this is all some kind of joke. But it’s going to turn ugly fast if you don’t give me what I want.”

I nod.

“Where is it?”

I clear my throat. “I don’t know exactly. But…”

Evan sighs heavily. “Why did I have a feeling you were going to say that?” He pulls a cell phone from his pocket, presses a button, and holds it to his ear. “Kill—” He gasps. Turns away. “Mother f*cker.” Evan kicks me and I cry out. “I’m on my way.” He grabs my hair. “Sit tight Pudgy. I’ll be back.” He walks behind me and I hear a door slam.

When I’m sure he’s gone, I twist my wrists, trying to get my hands free. They don’t budge. I know they’ve been zip tied.

No escape, I keep thinking. Trying to accept that fact, I close my eyes against the hot tears that won’t stop. I keep seeing my mom and dad get shot, and my aunt and uncle. It’s almost too much to take in. For so many years I wondered what happened. In two minutes I watched the events unfold. Kyle’s dad didn’t shoot them, but he was there. I struggle to believe it, to understand.

I start screaming. If I’m going to die like the rest of my family, then I’m going to die fighting.

I hear shouting outside the door.

“Evan, you sick a*shole. Come back here and fight like a man.”

This is it, I think.


I open the door and look into the hallway. It’s so different from the sterile room I’ve been in. It’s old, smells like a barn. There’s a sound like the repetitive dripping of water coming from somewhere in the building. But I don’t hear people—namely, Baldy and Ponytail.

Moving as quietly as I can, I walk down the hall and turn into a giant room, like an airplane hangar. There are airplane parts scattered all over, laying on the floor, hanging out of wooden crates, and piled in a stack.

Beyond the parts is a smell, one I’m quite familiar with. Marijuana. Pot. Ganja. The college drug, at least that’s what Evan always called it. Whatever. It was nice to light up once in a while.

I’m wondering if Evan is dealing drugs, if that’s why he’s being creepy. But I don’t have time to figure it out. I need to find Evan and kick his stupid f*cking ass.

The small door is off to the left, and I run toward it. Turn the handle and burst into the cold, night air.

My skin prickles. I’m immediately freezing.

I need a phone. The street is empty. No payphone in sight. I’m about to go back in the warehouse, hoping there’s a phone, when I see headlights.

“Yes,” I whisper, jumping down the stairs and moving to the middle of the street. I wave my hands over my head, hoping they’ll see me.

The car stops several feet away. It’s black. Kinda looks like a Beamer. At this point it could be a tractor and I’d be happy.

I run over. The driver’s side window goes down. “Hey—” I begin, and freeze. It’s Ms. Spears. The English professor I TA for at the college. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Get in,” she commands.

I’m freezing my balls off. It’d be stupid not to get into her car, but after what occurred between us, I’m not sure I should.

“Don’t be an a*shole.” She whips out a badge. I lean forward.

“FBI? Really? You expect me to buy that?” I can’t help the snort the leaves my throat.

A guy leans across her and holds a badge out for me to see. “This isn’t a game, son. Get in the damn car.”

Shock zings through my body. “Serious?”

Bitchy shakes her head. “Yes, you idiot.”

I climb in behind her. Buckle up.

The car jolts forward and the guy with black hair turns to face me. “My name is agent Harris. I’ve been with the FBI for fifteen years, and am agent Smythe’s partner.”

“Agent Smythe?” I interrupt.

He points at Bitchy. She raises a hand, and waves. “Hellooooo.”

“So, tell me, Kyle. What do you know about your uncle and aunt?”

“Um.” I’m not sure what to say. They’re family. I care about them. I know my aunt is constantly hanging out with her friends at the country club. My uncle is constantly gone, dealing with his restaurant. They’re busy. But they’re all I have. “My uncle owns an Italian restaurant. My aunt likes to hang out at the country club.” I stop, clamp my mouth shut. What do they want me to say?

Agent Harris nods. “That’s true. To an extent. We believe your uncle is the leader of a mafia-style drug ring that has its tentacles in the Bellam Springs Police Department. We believe your father worked for him, and he did something to go against the family, which is why he was executed. We also believe that the girl you’ve been dating, Maddelena Martin?” He paused, as though waiting for me to confirm.

“Yes, I know her.”

“Her father came into information about your father and your uncle that would implicate them. But, as you know, he and her mother were killed. And the information wasn’t recovered.”

A bead of fear is forming in my gut, and is growing. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because Maddie is in trouble. We had eyes on her, but she’s gone and we aren’t sure where she is. We’ve been checking all of the known locations your uncle has used over the years, but we’ve come up empty handed.”

“She’s supposed to be staying with her aunt and uncle,” I say, trying to push down the terror building inside.

“We had a car there, but they were called away. It’s all very suspicious. We think they took your girlfriend. Any idea where Evan might have taken her?”

“This is bullshit. Evan wouldn’t do something like that. Let me call him.”

Agent Harris hands me a phone. “By all means.”

I quickly dial Evan’s number, but it goes to his voicemail. After the beep, I yell into the phone, “What the f*ck is going on?” I press End and hand the phone back.

“Any ideas?” Agent Smythe asks.

There’s a house Evan’s family owns that’s been sitting empty for years. Evan and I use it to party once in a while. It’s the only place I can think of. “I have one.”


There are gunshots and yelling somewhere above and behind me. I’m wondering who else Evan is hurting. Grateful that Kyle isn’t here.

The door behind me bursts open, whipping my hair in my face.



“Check the prisoner.”

“Maddie! Freckles! Let me get by.” A familiar voice.

A sob escapes my throat. It’s Kyle. I’m relieved, and frightened, and sad, and horrified, and just plain worn out. Because it feels like everything in my life has been leading up to this moment. I was a pawn in a very twisted, very real chess game, and luckily—or not so luckily—I didn’t die. But everyone else did. My mom and dad. My aunt and uncle.

Tears leak onto my face. Deep, heaving sobs escape my body. “Kyle. I-My…” I can’t find the words to tell him everything that’s happened. How my heart is broken. That I’m relieved he’s okay.


Seeing Maddie’s body tied to the chair, her face bruised and bloodied. It’s all I can do not to kill Evan. Once she’s untied, I lay her on the floor and rest her head in my lap. “She needs an ambulance,” I shout at no one in particular.

“We’ve called for one,” Agent Smythe says.

“Thank you.” I nod, and then return my focus to Maddie. “I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

She swallows; I can hear it. “It’s okay. I’m fine.”

I shake my head. Tears line my lashes, and I clear my throat. Forcing myself to be strong for her. “You aren’t fine. And it’s my fault. I should’ve known.” That’s what it boils down to. What could I be such a fool? How did I not know what was going on with my family? I consider myself a man of the world. It turns out I don’t know shit. Except that I’ll do whatever it takes to keep Maddie happy and safe.

My biggest concern? Did my father really kill her parents? And if he did, how could she ever love me? If the tables were turned, I might not be so understanding. “Can you ever forgive me?”

“Kyle, I love you.” She takes my face between her hands. “You. The man you are. Not your father. Not your family. But you.” Her voice is tender, and I can’t hold back the tears any longer.

“I love you too.”

RaShelle Workman's books