They Walk

Chapter Eighty Five

All around us there are people jumping out of their cars and braving it into the mass of the dead that are everywhere. They all fall to the ground before my eyes, and I swear that I can almost feel the teeth of the dead as they bite into the flesh of all the living they catch. The sky is filled with planes as they pass overhead, and I have a sense of urgency; that we’re running out of time.

It doesn’t feel very real though suddenly or maybe it’s just the throbbing of my temple as if it’s a living breathing thing, which makes me feel this way. As I look over the mass of bodies the dead and to the gigantic wall that is before us, I honestly can’t see an entrance anywhere in sight. That doesn’t seem very logical though, there has to be a door or something, right? We can’t just have a warning to flee, and then when we make it to the end, we get trapped.

The ones that sent us here, wouldn’t be trapping us would they?

My head is throbbing, so profusely now. It’s hard for me to really concentrate on anything. I’m about to ask the others in the car if they can see anything that I can’t. A rush of dizziness gives me a breathless pause. Feeling distant and almost outside myself, I hear Gabe tell my brother Dan to open the back hatch to the trunk, because they are going to need ammo. I want to tell them to stop, and to not get something we won’t need.

They have to see that there is no way out, don’t they?

I can’t be the only one so see we’re trapped here like animals sent to the slaughter. Even if there was a way through the wall, I really don’t see how we can make it through the dead. It seems like they are almost waiting for us to get out, and it’s not only our car they wait at. They are like frozen things, until one of the living jump out to run for the wall; then they come alive and hunt them down.

My ears begin to ring now, and I have the sensation of spinning even though I am sitting as still as I can possibly be. I wonder if maybe I’ll pass out and not even have to get out of the car. My prayers are almost answered as my vision narrows down on me. The voices of the others in car are dimming, and all I see are the dead that are waiting for us outside. As Dan passes ammo across the seat and into Gabe’s outstretched hands, there is movement out my window.

I quickly turn my head to it, which makes me instantly nauseas, but what I see makes me to not look away.

It’s a dark haired dead girl; and she looks almost like me.

She has long dark limp hair that flows down her back, and her eyes are lifeless hollow pits so dark, I can’t tell if they were once maybe brown. I can’t see a wound of any kind on her, she is close for me to spot one, but there isn’t a scratch on her. The only indication that she is one of the walking dead is that she shuffles along just like them; a ravenous shell left behind. I can feel goose bumps break out along my skin, at the sight of her, and it only gets worse when she lifts her head enough for our eyes to meet.

I feel like my stomach is bottoming out and I can’t quite catch my breath; because the girl at my window, is me. Right down to the angling of her nose and pursing of her lips; it’s me or me if I was one of the dead. She stares at me, as if she has a great secret that she wants to share, and I can almost see the corner of her lips quirking up into a smirk.

I’m literally moving to the car door, when in a blink, the girl that is me vanishes.

Left behind is just another dead girl that just is similar to me. My hands are outstretched to the door, and my entire is shaking like a leaf now. I sit back in my seat, and glance away from the dead girl, and back to the rest in the car. They are still obliviously going about loading up, as if they didn’t even notice my little mini freak out.

Even Gabe isn’t aware that I just about climbed out of the car on my own without a weapon. That seems weird to me. Shouldn’t they notice everything that is going on? It’s like they aren’t though, and even worse, they don’t see the living getting bombarded by those that are dead. I know we are outnumbered, but they act like it’s no big deal and that scares me more that the dead waiting.

The throbbing in my temple takes my breath away, and it leaves me feeling so nauseas and dizzy. I’m not entirely sure of what is up or down. I have to stop them before they get out, we aren’t going to make it, and they don’t it. I turn in my seat so that I’m facing Gabe completely, but he doesn’t even acknowledge me.

Alright, now I’m really getting pissed off, what is with them being all non-talky?

“Something doesn’t feel right, there are too many of the dead out there. You guys do see that there isn’t a way through the wall right?”

They continue packing up as if I didn’t even say anything to them, they heard me right? It’s not like I just thought it, I said it out loud; didn’t I? I’m about to scream at them to freaking listen to me and stop acting like the jackasses they all are, when a sharp pain through my head makes me cry out and close my eyes.

I lean back into the seat of the car, and bite my lip as waves and waves of pain course through my temple. It takes everything I have, which isn’t much at the moment, to open my eyes and glance at Gabe. It brings tears to my eyes to see him not even noticing what is happening to me. They must have heard me cry out?

My own ears are ringing from the sound echoing through the small space of the car.

That’s when my vision takes the opportunity to start going cloudy on me, and I have to struggle to keep breathing in and out. Which is harder than it looks, especially when nausea has come back for the party with the pain and dizziness; hell it’s one big shindig all in my head and body. All I want to do in this moment is to close my eyes and ride out the pain until it passes, but Gabe and the others have a change of plans.

They are reaching for the door handles now, as if there aren’t hundreds of the dead just centimeters away from the doors. I feel like I’m caught in a bad dream, Gabe was just telling me moments ago how much he wanted to live through this with me, is now ignoring me.

Maybe they are just working together to get me to stay in the car, since they can see how sick I’m feeling?

That seems like a logical solution, but wouldn’t they clue me in on it? I’d like to believe that they aren’t purposely ignoring me, but for the life of me, it feels like it’s something worse. Ever since I woke up at the Collisee in Gabe’s arms, something has felt off to me, and it’s just getting worse. Maybe it’s not them that is wrong, what if it’s me?

I don’t have time to ponder this though, because they are all climbing out without pause.

Amy Lunderman's books