The Fall - By Chana Keefer



Time and again, just as Glory came close enough to reach for the injured animal, it would dart away. It seemed eager for her to follow, trotting on its hind legs but never running fast enough to get out of sight, and even making frequent stops to ensure she still followed. But the animal’s fear was genuine. The only time she had beheld such panic was on Adam’s face as he had plummeted head-over-heels during a botched dive.

Her concern for the monkey was so great Glory did not even realize when she entered a part of the garden she had never visited before. And when the monkey dropped out of sight, she did not hesitate but boldly pushed aside bushes to reveal a wide, overgrown, stone path. As the monkey’s chatter echoed back, a glorious fragrance of flowers and spices—a scent that made her heart race and chills of excitement run through her body—assaulted her senses.

“What’s going on?” Adam asked. “Is it Lucifer?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Is she hurt?” The still developing young voice caught on a stifled sob.

With a wave of compassion, Rapha drew his attention from her trail. “I do not detect pain in her. It appears Glory is following an injured creature.” The relief that flooded Adam’s features smote the angel with guilt. He knew the girl’s path led toward far worse than physical peril. Taking a deep breath, he voiced his fears. “The creature Glory follows, apparently a young monkey, is terrified. Great power is required to bring terror to this place. And only great evil would desire it.”

The relief fled. “Go, go, go! Let’s find her!” The boy shoved ahead.

“Wait! I am better equipped to follow her trail. You could destroy the signs of her passage.”

Adam whipped around with an accusing glare, “It seems with an enemy such as this our teaching would have included such knowledge!”

A deep grief smote Rapha’s heart as he recognized the trademark of Lucifer’s handiwork. The discord hung between them like a stench as he said, “Come. We must hurry.”

Glory had never seen anything so… old. Walls of stone—stones that bore a dark sheen as if countless hands had stroked them—rose on either side and formed a lofty, vine-coated arc that was four, maybe five times higher than she could reach. She stumbled in the dim light and put out a palm to keep from falling. A shock of raw power almost threw her to the ground. Glory recalled the feeling of placing her hand in Adonai’s, sensing a controlled might that was far beyond her comprehension. That power had been dazzling, stupefying, and overwhelming yet… kind. The stones in this ancient place spoke of a power with no such safeguards. It was raw, dangerous—and thrilling, like the beast that daily beat against its stone prison in their lake.

The monkey’s voice echoed toward her, rising to a shriek. As Glory forged ahead a breath-like wind brushed her cheek and lifted the crimson flower from her hair. She did not even notice as it floated to the ground.

Rapha was at a dead end. Glory’s scent disappeared into thin air at the edge of a precipice. Unless she had sprouted wings, his angelic senses were fooling him. Again and again their efforts had been slowed by her elusive trail that had led over solid rock and through shallow streams.

This was taking too long! Hopelessness gripped his heart as he realized his connection to Glory’s thoughts had been cut. She must be deep in Lucifer’s web. Rapha was failing in every way. He had relaxed his guard and now, when the real test came, he could not even follow a trail that was quickly growing cold.

“What now?” Adam’s voice broke through Rapha’s mental flogging.

How could he admit he hadn’t a clue?

The enticing scent was growing stronger. Glory felt her senses relaxing, growing fuzzy and warm and… muddled. Why was she here? Oh yes! There was that monkey… the familiar little face peeked out from the next corner where sparkling, colorful light glimmered against another massive arched entryway. She had to get a closer look.

Rapha paced at the ravine’s edge, studying the air where Glory’s slight scent lingered as if willing it to divulge its secrets. It was so hard to focus his thoughts. The other angelic forces were still not responding to his summons. When he turned his thoughts to them he encountered a hodgepodge of distress. It would seem the young woman’s trail was not the only challenge in the garden this morning.

But another fact disturbed him even more. When he called to Adonai, he encountered silence. Was his guilt shutting off communication, or was his Master silent for a purpose?

As Glory rounded the corner, the dazzling lights softened to a caressing glow and she gazed around at the enormous courtyard that opened to the sky… and gasped. The feast of sights, sounds, smells, and delicious sensations overflowed her senses. The air caressed her skin as a musky, intoxicating scent compelled her forward, awakening her appetite and curiosity. Glory was excited and yet she wanted to shut her eyes and inhale the bliss. But her eyes were wide with wonder and her mouth gaped as she beheld immense birds with glorious plumage that strutted with other majestic animals she had never beheld, in a vibrant garden of gigantic flowers and fruits—all three and four times the size of those in the rest of the garden. Most of the animals were a combination of those she recognized, but some had a surprising feature or ability, such as the horse with a sharp horn protruding out of the center of its head or another with massive wings tucked along its body. There were others that sported wings. A monkey swooped, cackling, through the air while an enormous feathered creature as large as a horse yet possessing beak and claws, regarded her with unblinking eyes from a high ledge beside a mighty waterfall rushing over multi-hued stones that appeared to glow from within.

Glory blinked and stared. In the deep pool below, large forms flitted among glimmering rocks and submerged flora. Suddenly she realized that wide, tilted eyes were regarding her from—was that a human face?

She stepped closer, peering through the sparkling water, mesmerized by the timid creature who cowered behind a spray of underwater foliage as if it too could not believe its eyes. Suddenly the creature shook its head and waved an arm as if shooing her away, in the process exposing the upper portion of its body—the smooth skin and breasts of a human female. Glory gasped and stumbled to her knees in shock, splashing the water’s surface and startling the creature that flashed out of sight, displaying the bottom half of its body—the grey, sleek tail of a large fish. With a swirl of shimmering hair, the creature flitted away through swaying seaweed and out of sight.

Rapha put a hand on a large tree trunk, bent his head to its bark and spoke in a quiet voice.

“Are you talking to the tree? Can it tell you what happened?”

With a sigh the angel pushed. Slowly the tree bent, giving way with surprising ease. Loud pops and groans echoed through the forest until, seemingly in slow motion, it fell with a mighty crash, massive roots exposed, forming a bridge across the chasm.

“Why did you do that? There’s no way she’s over there unless she flew.”

Without a word, Rapha walked across, sidestepping and swinging around large branches. Adam followed, casting wary glances toward the jagged rocks far below. “Are you sure about this?”

Rapha hopped off the trunk and scanned the ground. The scent was once again unmistakable. There it was. A bright patch of blood and several broken branches on a flowering bush showed evidence of a crash landing while, in the intertwining branches over their heads, he spied a thick vine.

The truth was evident to Adam as well. The creature had crossed on the thin treetop branches and Glory had followed, swinging over on an accommodating vine—a vine that just happened to be in the perfect place and of the perfect length and thickness. What were the odds?

Yes indeed, this plot was well planned, and by someone who knew Glory’s nature, that her daring was outweighed only by her compassion.

With the trail clear once again, Rapha began to run.

“But why should the tree suffer? You could have just flown us across.”

“If there is need for escape, the path will now be prepared.”

“Escape?” Glory was all that mattered.

She felt bereft at the mysterious creature’s disappearance. Glory would dearly have enjoyed another female to talk to… if it could talk.

All at once the aroma grew even stronger and she sighed, drinking in its richness as a flurry of bright, fluttering… somethings… rose around her like a colorful, living veil. She gasped with delight and spun in an attempt to study every glittering wing. She glimpsed tiny faces… and legs… and arms among the flurry and sparkle.

“I have never seen anything more beautiful.” A melodic voice settled around her like a caress.

She knew even before she looked. The one who had spoken was the will behind all the loveliness. Glory turned toward the center of the open expanse where an enormous tree towered up, higher than the gigantic walls of the courtyard. As she watched, draping vines that hung from the tree parted, revealing what appeared to be a blazing star. Its blinding brightness caused Glory to bring up a hand to shield her eyes.

“My apologies, dear one,” the melodious voice spoke again. “Please, take what I give you.”

Something flew toward her from the midst of the brightness—a winged fire that came to hover over her head. Once more Glory had the impression of a face among the wings and luminous eyes that peered back at her, mirroring her solemn fascination. As it swayed, dazzling her eyes, Glory’s mouth gaped open in wonder and a drop of flame fell on her tongue. Instead of burning, its sweetness flooded into her mouth and spread throughout her body until her entire being pulsed with its warmth. The brightness lost no intensity but her eyes changed, absorbing and reflecting the light in a new way. When she once more looked toward the brightness at the base of the tree she found herself gazing straight into the prismatic eyes of a being so marvelous Glory gasped with delight.

It was a woman with flowing, golden hair, her transparent garment clinging to her ample bosom and trailing onto the blossom-strewn grass. Glory felt lightheaded and her knees buckled as the woman’s brilliance came into focus like the glimmer of a perfect sun peeking over the world’s rim to set morning mists aflame.

The power of speech left her. This being, now at the center of undulating lights of every hue known to nature—and a few unknown—smiled. In that smile Glory saw the promise of fulfillment of her every dream. She had not realized she was unfulfilled before, but that would now be remedied as well; she could learn to desire what she truly deserved.

As Glory watched, she felt her ambitions melt and transform. She could think of nothing more glorious than to be just like… her. This glowing being was much more than female; this was the epitome of feminine aspiration, the ultimate wisdom and beauty complete with luscious curves, flowing, lustrous hair, and… more. Here was a being who would make a devoted slave of all who beheld her and receive nothing but admiration and gratitude in return. Until Glory beheld this marvelous being, she had had no idea what the word “woman” meant. This was the ultimate female—a goddess for the ages.

A chatter at her feet reminded Glory of the reason she had entered here.

“Yes, my pet. Come,” the gorgeous being reached one graceful, tapered hand toward the monkey who ventured toward her, keeping its face averted as if the sight of her hurt him. A few paces from the raised, curtained platform where the woman lounged, the monkey began to hover above the ground. Its terrified shriek was silenced with a wave of her hand and a glazed expression replaced the terror in its eyes. It floated to the woman’s outstretched hand and she cupped it to her bosom with endearing tones before placing a kiss on its forehead. Immediately, the mangled paw straightened and, to Glory’s wondering eyes, all traces of the wound disappeared.

“There now little friend, be relieved of your pain.” With another wave, the monkey floated back to the ground. Its confusion vanished when it realized the source of its pain was gone, and it chattered and scampered about on all fours. Then the woman reached toward a feast-laden table Glory had previously overlooked. The woman tossed a tidbit to the monkey who grabbed the treat and ran.

Tinkling laughter filled the air and echoed back from the ancient walls, “Ah, there is gratitude for you. He will be back when he hungers once again.”

Then those eyes were once more turned her way, “And what is your desire, my pet?”

The only coherent thought in Glory’s mind was, “I will be happy to just look at you,” but the woman’s gaze probed deeper.

“Ah! The young man. Of course.” She leaned forward, sending forth another wave of intoxicating perfume. “I could teach you how to fascinate your Adam for all eternity!”

Glory’s eyes widened and her face grew hot as shocking images of being with Adam flooded her mind. Oh my! This was territory they had never covered with Rapha.

The voluptuous woman settled back into her silken cushions with a satisfied smile.

As Rapha followed Glory’s trail through trees and onto a stone pathway overrun with cascading vines, he carried on a muttered, one-sided conversation with his Maker. “No, Adonai! It is too soon. She is not ready!”

But could one ever be ready to face creation’s great deceiver? Lucifer was so adept at spinning beauty around his vile ambitions that many of the wisest of all creation had been seduced into serving him. What chance did the girl truly have?

The wave of darkness that enveloped him with that thought brought his swift-moving feet to an abrupt standstill so that Adam, breathlessly keeping pace with the angel’s long stride, bounced off Rapha’s broad back and landed in a surprised heap.

“What is it?” Adam hopped up to look where Rapha stared.

Despair, guilt and hopelessness were an impenetrable wall. Every defeat, every horror of his dealings with the fallen angel replayed in his mind with a new, hideous insistence. “As it was before, it shall be again. And this time your heart will never recover.”

An image flashed into his mind. Adam and Glory cowered in fear, their eyes feral, their bodies bloodied and mud-spattered. A cry of pain escaped his lips.

Adam’s hand shook his shoulder. “Rapha! Move! She is in danger.”

But Rapha mumbled. “He will wrap himself in her deepest desires.” His hands trembled and he gripped his head as if he could crush the horrors from his mind. “He will make her most noble ambitions her greatest weakness. He will take your love for each other and use it to torture….”

“There is no time for this! Go!” Adam gave Rapha a hard shove.

The boy’s action shook away despair’s hold. As Rapha stumbled forward he scanned their surroundings. Yes. There, high in the rocks, three malevolent pairs of eyes regarded them. He had been so intent upon pursuit he had stumbled into their sinister ambush.

Suddenly a coconut smacked the largest enemy directly on his nose and Adam, another coconut already in his hand, shouted in a commanding voice, “Be gone! All creation spews you from this place!”

And it happened just as he said. A fierce wind rose around them, the towering trees bent and grasped the fallen celestial beings, and leaves were stuffed in their mouths preventing a counter command as regal birds descended to grasp them in huge talons and remove them from the garden.

Rapha had to stare at the kingly young man beside him. The boy had grown in stature. Power hummed around him as he stood, eyes ablaze, hair flying about his body like a majestic robe. The holiness of Adonai shone, encased in the earthly body but burning fiercely through every pore and rising from the earth beneath their feet, eager to obey the master’s voice. Joy and hope coursed through the angel’s frame. Ah yes! Lucifer was not going to like this one bit.

The two continued on the ancient path as if their feet had sprouted wings.

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