The Twelve


Denver Police Dept.

Case File 193874

District 6

Transcript of Interview with Lila Beatrice Kyle

VIA: Det. Rita Chernow

3 May 4:17 A.M.

RC: Let the record show that the subject has been fully apprised of her rights and has declined to have an attorney present at this interview. Questioning conducted by Detective Rita Chernow, Denver PD, District Six. The time is four-seventeen A.M. Dr. Kyle, would you please state your full name?

LK: Lila Beatrice Kyle.

RC: And you’re an orthopedic surgeon at Denver General Hospital, is that correct?

LK: Yes.

RC: And do you know why you’re here?

LK: Something happened at the hospital. You wanted to ask me some questions. What is this room? I don’t know it.

RC: We’re in the police station, Dr. Kyle.

LK: Am I in trouble?

RC: We talked about this, remember? We’re just trying to figure out what happened in the ER tonight. I know you’re upset. I have just a few questions for you.

LK: There’s blood on me. Why is there blood on me?

RC: Do you recall what happened in the ER, Dr. Kyle?

LK: I’m so tired. Why am I so tired?

RC: Can we get you something? Coffee maybe?

LK: I can’t drink coffee. I’m pregnant.

RC: Water, then? How about some water?

LK: Okay.


RC: So let’s start at the beginning. You were working in the emergency room tonight, is that correct?

LK: No, I was upstairs.

RC: But you came down to the ER?

LK: Yes.

RC: At what time?

LK: I’m not sure. Sometime around one A.M. They paged me.

RC: Why did they page you?

LK: I was the orthopedist on call. They had a patient with a broken wrist.

RC: And was that patient Mr. Letourneau?

LK: I think so, yes.

RC: What else did they tell you about him?

LK: Before I went downstairs, you mean?

RC: Yes.

LK: He had some kind of animal bite.

RC: Like a dog bite?

LK: I suppose so. They didn’t say.

RC: Anything else?

LK: He had a high fever. He’d vomited.

RC: And that’s all they told you?

LK: Yes.

RC: And what did you see when you got to the ER?

LK: He was in the third bed. There were only a couple of other patients. Sunday’s usually quiet.

RC: What time would this be?

LK: One-fifteen, one-thirty.

RC: And did you examine Mr. Letourneau?

LK: No.

RC: Let me rephrase. Did you see the patient?


RC: Dr. Kyle?

LK: I’m sorry, what was the question?

RC: Did you see Mr. Letourneau tonight in the ER?

LK: Yes. Mark was there, too.

RC: Are you referring to Dr. Mark Shin?

LK: He was the attending. Have you talked to him?

RC: Dr. Shin is dead, Dr. Kyle. He was one of the victims.

LK: (inaudible)

RC: Could you speak up, please?

LK: I just … I don’t know. I’m sorry, what did you want to know?

RC: What can you tell me about Mr. Letourneau? How did he seem?

LK: Seem?

RC: Yes. Was he awake?

LK: He was awake.

RC: What else did you observe?

LK: He was disoriented. Agitated. His color was strange.

RC: How do you mean?


LK: I have to go to the bathroom.

RC: Let’s just get through some questions first. I know you’re tired. I promise I’ll get you out of here as quickly as I can.

LK: Do you have children, Detective Chernow?

RC: I’m sorry?

LK: Do you have any children? I was just curious.

RC: Yes, I have two boys.

LK: How old? If you don’t mind my asking.

RC: Five and seven. I have just a few more things to ask you. Do you think you’re up to that?

LK: But I bet you’re trying for the girl, aren’t you? Believe me, there’s nothing like having a baby girl of your own.

RC: Let’s focus on Mr. Letourneau for now, would that be okay? You said he was agitated. Can you elaborate on that?

LK: Elaborate?

RC: Yes. What did he do?

LK: He was making a funny noise.

RC: Can you describe it?

LK: A clicking sound, in his throat. He was moaning. He seemed to be in a great deal of pain.

RC: Had they given him anything for the pain?

LK: They’d given him Tramadol. I think it was Tramadol.

RC: Who else was there besides Dr. Shin?


RC: Dr. Kyle? Who else was there when you examined Mr. Letourneau?

LK: One of the nurses. She was trying to calm him down. He was very upset.

RC: Anyone else?

LK: I don’t remember. An orderly? No, two.

RC: What happened then?

LK: He started to seize.

RC: The patient had a seizure, you mean?

LK: Yes.

RC: What did you do then?

LK: Where’s my husband?

RC: He’s right outside. He came with you. Don’t you remember?

LK: Brad is here?

RC: I’m sorry. Who’s Brad?

LK: My husband. Brad Wolgast. He’s with the FBI. Maybe you know him?

RC: Dr. Kyle, I’m confused. The man who came with you is named David Centre. He’s not your husband?


RC: Dr. Kyle? Do you understand what I’m asking you?

LK: Of course David is my husband. What a strange thing for you to say. Where did all this blood come from? Was I in an accident?

RC: No, Dr. Kyle. You were at the hospital. That’s what we’re talking about. Three hours ago, nine people were killed in the ER. We’re trying to figure out how that happened.


LK: It looked at me. Why did it just look at me?

RC: What looked at you, Dr. Kyle?

LK: It was horrible.

RC: What was?

LK: It killed the nurse first. There was so much blood. Like an ocean.

RC: Are you speaking of Mr. Letourneau? He killed the nurse? I need you to be clear.

LK: I’m thirsty. Can I have some more water?

RC: In a minute. How did Mr. Letourneau kill the nurse?

LK: It happened so fast. How could anybody move that fast?

RC: I need you to focus, Dr. Kyle. What did Mr. Letourneau use to kill the nurse? Was there a weapon?

LK: A weapon? I don’t remember a weapon.

RC: How did he do it then?


RC: Dr. Kyle?

LK: I couldn’t move. It just … looked at me.

RC: Something looked at you? Was there somebody else in the room?

LK: He used his mouth. That was how he did it.

RC: Are you saying that Mr. Letourneau bit the nurse?


LK: I’m expecting, you know. I’m going to have a baby.

RC: I can see that, Dr. Kyle. I know this is very stressful.

LK: I need to rest. I want to go home.

RC: We’ll try to get you out of here as quickly as we can. Just to clarify, is it your statement that Mr. Letourneau bit the nurse?

LK: Is she all right?

RC: She was decapitated, Dr. Kyle. You were holding the body when we found you. Don’t you remember?

LK: (inaudible)

RC: Can you speak up, please?

LK: I don’t understand what you want. Why are you asking me these questions?

RC: Because you were there. You’re our only witness. You saw nine people die tonight. They were ripped apart, Dr. Kyle.

LK: (inaudible)

RC: Dr. Kyle?

LK: Those eyes. It was like looking into hell. Like falling forever into darkness. Do you believe in hell, Detective?

RC: Whose eyes?

LK: It wasn’t human. It couldn’t have been human.

RC: Are you still speaking of Mr. Letourneau?

LK: I can’t think about this. I have to think about the baby.

RC: What did you see? Tell me what you saw.

LK: I want to go home. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Don’t make me.

RC: What killed those people, Dr. Kyle?


RC: Dr. Kyle, are you all right?


RC: Dr. Kyle?


RC: Dr. Kyle?

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