
Chapter 10
Away from the heat of the closely packed bodies, the temperature dropped hard. But I barely noticed as I stalked through the parking lot. Methodically, I went from row to row in search of Lawton's vehicle, whichever one he might be driving tonight.
Near the restaurant, the crowd was already breaking up, with most of the gawkers straggling back into the diner, chattering to each other as they went. The few exceptions fanned out into the parking lot, where they got into their vehicles and drove off one by one.
As for me, I wasn't going anywhere. If Lawton was here, I'd sure as hell find him.
Finally, I spotted what I was looking for. In the very back row, there it was, Lawton's vintage muscle car. I was no car expert, but I'd recognize that thing anywhere.
Its bold, masculine lines screamed pure power -- just like its super-charged engine, and just like its owner.
The car was one-of-a-kind. From what Lawton told me, he had restored it himself, taking months to get every detail just perfect.
I still didn't get it. Why would he do such a thing? If I had that kind of money, I'd just buy something fantastic and be done with it.
But then again, I wasn't a car buff. And besides, I could barely check my oil.
I would've spotted the car sooner, except for a tight grouping of tall vehicles in the previous row. Was Lawton hoping to hide? If so, he was going about it all wrong. If he didn't want to be noticed, he should've driven a different car.
I stalked up to the car and rapped against the driver's side window. When it slid down, I felt my lips purse in annoyance.
It wasn't even Lawton. It was his dick of a brother.
He studied me with a marked lack of enthusiasm. "Can I help you?" he said.
I glared down at him. "Where's your brother?"
"Which one?"
"Oh, cut the crap," I said. "You know which one."
"My guess? He's out looking for you."
"Nice story," I said. "But I saw him earlier. And then he disappeared. So he sure as hell isn't looking for me."
"Yeah? You check your car lately?"
My car was in the back parking lot. Actually, I hadn't checked. But that was beside the point. I knew the brush-off when I saw it.
"You know what?" I said. "You two are a*sholes. You know that, right?"
He shrugged. "Pretty much."
"Those guys in the trunk? You brought them here, didn't you?"
"Well, they sure as hell didn't drive themselves, if that was your other theory."
"Why here?" I demanded.
"Hey, it wasn't my idea."
"You dick," I said. "I'm gonna lose my job over this."
He glanced briefly toward the restaurant. "Doubtful."
"Listen." My voice rose. "I don’t give a shit what you idiots think! I'll get fired just as soon as those guys tell the cops I was involved somehow. Word'll get back to the restaurant, and I'll be out on my ass before morning."
Bishop looked unimpressed. "Look," he said, "I admitted to being an a*shole. And possibly a dick –"
"Which you are," I said.
"Yeah. But idiot? Now you're just reaching. Here." He motioned me closer. "Lemme give you a hint."
I didn't budge.
He continued anyway. "If you wanna insult someone," he said, "you've gotta have an element of truth. Otherwise, it's just a waste. You end up looking stupid." He grinned. "So who's the idiot now?"
"Oh for God's sake!" I yelled. "Will you just stop already!"
"Hey!" An all-too-familiar voice sounded just behind me. "What the hell are you doing to her?"
I whirled around. And there he was, close enough to touch, close enough to kick.
Breathless, I stared up at him, trying to recall all the insults I'd been practicing in my head. But my brain was worse than empty. Instead of coherent thoughts, it contained a jumbled pile of nonsense, like someone had shredded a crossword puzzle and scattered it at my feet.
As my brain churned, I tried not to notice Lawton's absolute perfection, those stormy eyes, his chiseled jaw, a body to die for. But one thing about Lawton, he was impossible to ignore.

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