Poseidon's Arrow



Okay, Hiram, on my way.” Gunn hung up the phone and bolted from his office. Rather than wait for an elevator, he ran down a stairwell and emerged in the NUMA computer center seconds later.

Yaeger sat in his command chair in front of the massive video screen. It showed a freighter moving slowly into a narrow compartment.

What do you have?” Gunn looked at the screen.

Panama Canal. This is the Pedro Miguel Locks, viewed through one of the Canal Authority’s live video feeds. I’ve been monitoring their cameras while waiting to hear from Dirk and Summer about the raid.”

Yes, I’ve been waiting for their call.”

Check this out. I recorded it just a few minutes ago.”

Yaeger keyed up earlier footage of the same view, which showed a small boat come into one of the chambers. A few minutes later, an inflatable boat entered the parallel chamber and landed by the control house.

Gunn stared at the figures who stepped out of the boat. “That looks like Ann and Dirk.”

So that is Ann,” Yaeger said. “I wasn’t sure what she looked like. But I pegged Dirk.”

They watched the rest of the events unfold, including Pitt’s battle with Pablo and his watery ride out of the lock. The two could only stare in disbelief.

Could that be Bolcke in the boat?” Yaeger asked.

Yes,” Gunn said. “He must still have the plans or Pitt wouldn’t be after him.”

What do we do?”

Gunn shook his head with a dazed look.

Sandecker,” he said finally. “We better call Sandecker.”

Clive Cussler's books