Love 'N' Marriage

“Can you imagine what Tuesday’s going to be like?” Maureen asked. They all giggled, knowing nothing could outdo the events of this day.


From the cocktail lounge, the five went to dinner at a Mexican restaurant, and by the time Stephanie got home it was close to ten. She hoped Jonas hadn’t tried to get in touch with her, and felt a little guilty for staying out so late. As it was, her head was swimming, and she took a quick shower and hurried to bed.


The following morning she was at her desk bright and early, hoping Jonas would stop in on his way up to his floor. She didn’t know how she was going to be able to work when all she could think about was how much she loved Jonas and how eager she was to share his life.


Before George Potter arrived, Stephanie received a call from Jan. “Can you come to personnel?”


“Sure, what’s up? You don’t sound right.”


“Just get here.”


Stephanie couldn’t understand why her friend should sound so upset, and she hurried to the personnel office. She took one look at Jan’s red eyes and grew worried. Her friend reached for a tissue and loudly blew her nose.


“What’s wrong?” Stephanie asked, taking a chair. She’d never seen Jan cry. Her friend must be terribly upset.


“Mr. Lockwood contacted me first thing this morning.”




“You’ve been terminated.”


Alarm filled Stephanie for an instant, but then she sighed and offered Jan a reassuring grin. “Of course, I have. Jonas and I are getting married. I can’t very well continue to work here.” They hadn’t talked about it specifically, but Stephanie was sure that was it.


“I don’t think so,” Jan said. She reached for another tissue, blinking back fresh tears.


“You’re not making any sense. What else did Jonas say?”


He said...” She paused to wipe her eyes. “He said to mail you your check just the way I was instructed to do with Mr. Black, and... and he asked that you give me the engagement ring. He doesn’t want you on Lockwood property again. He was clear as glass on that subject.”


Stephanie felt as though someone had kicked her in the stomach. For a moment she couldn’t breathe. Her heart constricted with an intolerable pain.


“Steph, did you hear me?”


She nodded numbly. “Why?” The word came from deep within her throat, low and guttural.


“He...he didn’t say, but he was serious, Steph. Very serious. I’ve never heard him more angry. You’d better give me the ring.”






Chapter Ten



Stephanie’s right hand covered the large diamond engagement ring protectively. “I don’t understand it. Jonas isn’t making sense.”


“He was very precise when he contacted me.”


Pacing the carpet in front of Jan’s desk, Stephanie folded her arms around her waist and pondered her friend’s words. “Contact Barbara, Toni and Maureen, and ask them to come to personnel right away.”




“Just do it,” Stephanie snapped, impatient now. “And tell them to hurry.”


Momentarily dumbfounded, Jan hesitated, then reached for the phone. The contacts were made in a matter of minutes, and one by one her three co-workers rushed into the personnel office.


“What is it?” Maureen asked breathlessly, the first to arrive.


Toni followed on her heels. “Hey, what’s so important?”


Barbara sauntered in last, paused, glanced around and said, “All right, I’m here, what’s the big deal?”


Jan gestured toward Stephanie. “You called them here; you explain.”


“Apparently,” Stephanie began, swallowing the thickening in her throat, “Jonas wants to call off the engagement.”


“What?” Three discordant voices cried out in disbelief.


Barbara recovered first. “What happened?”


“I...don’t know,” Stephanie admitted honestly, her stomach churning as she considered the incredible situation. “I arrived at the office this morning, and Jan contacted me. She told me I had been terminated by Lockwood Industries, and I was to return the engagement ring to her.”


Simultaneously Barbara, Toni and Maureen turned accusing eyes on Jan.


“Hey,” Jan said, slapping her chest. “It wasn’t my fault. I’m as shocked as the rest of you.”


Stephanie twisted the diamond around and around on her finger, believing that she’d almost prefer to lose the appendage than surrender the ring that had been a token of Jonas’s love. “You four are the self-proclaimed experts on love. You’re the ones who convinced me that Jonas and I were meant for each other. I need your advice now more than ever.” Stephanie spoke quietly, doing her best to keep the emotion from her voice. “What can I do now?”


“Did he give any reason?”


“None,” Jan answered. “But he was so angry... worse than I can ever remember hearing him.”


Debbie MacOmber's books