Lost With You (Cloverton #1)

“What an arrogant dick.”

“You have no idea.” Sloan narrowed his eyes. “That’s not the worst part. The kid’s dad came in and complained about how he was hearing Grace ask a lot of questions about Chris in town and how she’s accusing him of being abusive.”

Mitch froze. “Is he abusive? Did he hurt Grace?”

“If he did I would kill him.” He pointed his finger at Mitch. He was telling the honest truth.

“I’d help you hide the body.”

“The father has threatened a lawsuit against the police force and Grace if she doesn’t stop with her accusations.”

“Damn. What are you going to do?”

“I’ve got to go talk to her. I’ll head over there as soon as I get off work.”

Mitch reached for the doorknob. “Sloan, what made Grace think Chris was being abusive to Melanie?”

“Long sleeves and yoga pants in the middle of southern summer.”

“Do you find it a little odd that Grace knows what to look for in abuse?”

“Don’t, Mitch.”

“Look man, I like Grace just like the rest of the town. I think she’s good for you. But if you two aren’t honest with each other, there is no way in hell you’re going to make it as a couple.” Mitch closed the door behind him.

Sloan pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. The more he watched Chris, the more he was sure that Grace was right. He also knew in a southern town this size sports were a religion. One way or another, this whole thing was about to get messy.


Grace arrived at the football field in a bad mood. She’d spent last night arguing with Sloan. He’d told her about the threats that Chris’s father made and how the town was now in an uproar with her accusations. Although he seemed to believe her and said he would continue to watch Chris, he couldn’t do anything unless Melanie filed a police report.

Her heart sunk. She knew that Melanie was too scared to do that.

She’d even had some of the dance moms call her and tell her to stop stirring up false accusations against the quarterback. She wondered if any of the dancers were even going to show up for practice.

After an hour passed and no one was at the field she began to pack up her things. She’d gotten her answer. This was her only income and she’d managed to lose that too.


She turned at the sound of Melanie’s voice.

“Did no one show up?” Melanie wore shorts and a T-shirt.

Grace’s gaze swept the girl’s body, seeking the bruises, but she saw none. “I guess they didn’t feel like practicing.”

Melanie shook her head. “No, this is my fault. The girls wanted to come, but their moms made them stay home.”

“How is it your fault?” She gave Melanie her full attention.

“You’re doing this because of me.” She cleared her throat. “Please Grace, stop trying to help me. It’s just going to . . .”

“Make things worse.” Grace finished the sentence. The hair on the back of her neck stood at attention and she couldn’t suppress the shiver that crept across her spine. She crossed her arms and looked at the young girl. “Melanie, I know you’re afraid. I can help you.”

“No, you can’t. No one can.” A single tear slid down Melanie’s cheek.

“Melanie!” Chris strode across the football field quickly closing the distance between them.

“I’ve got to go. I told him I’d meet him fifteen minutes ago and I’m late.” Melanie started toward Chris.

Grace snagged her arm. She looked the girl in the eye. “Don’t do it, Melanie. Don’t go.”

Melanie’s lip trembled. “I have to.”

Grace tightened her grip on her arm. “Let me help you.”

“Well, well, well. What do we have here?” Chris smirked. “Are you still causing trouble, Grace?”

“Only my girls can call me Grace.” She whirled around and met his gaze. “I’m Miss Witherspoon to you.”

He barked out a laugh and shook his head. “Yeah, well, too bad you don’t have any girls to teach anymore. My dad made sure of that. And more.”

Grace narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean?”

“Oh, I thought you knew. You see my dad found out you were behind getting Sloan to follow me around. After that little stunt, your boyfriend won’t have a job much longer, I can promise you that.”

“You little shit.” The words spilled from her mouth as she clenched her fists. It was one thing to have the town shun her, but for the town to shun Sloan, one of their own, was unspeakable.

She stepped forward. “I see you for what you are. The other people are blinded by your daddy’s influence and wealth. I’m not fooled. I know you are nothing but a bully.”

Chris’s eyes lit with anger and he stepped toward Grace.

“No, Chris.” Melanie grabbed his arm. “Let’s go. Please.”

He snarled and looked at Melanie like she was trash. “Are you trying to fucking tell me what to do?”